Alongside mole at LW. Outside 12 to 15 metres, inside 8 to 9 metres. W. South very strong from Sept. to May; "Northers" sometimes do great damage from May to Sept. The wharf or fiscal mole is provided with cranes of various sizes, and other apparatus, for lifting from 1 to 50 tons weight, worked by hydraulic pressure. Vessels mostly discharged by lighters, as the fiscal mole is very little used. Abundant accommodation in Valparaiso Bay. Two wooden floating docks. Charges. Since 1893 light and tonnage dues have been abolished, and vessels are now only liable for what is termed "Hospital Dues," namely, 10c per ton reg. once in each calendar year, i.e., from January 1 to December 31. For loading and unloading alongside mole for each vessel $60 per day. Hire of anchors and chain, 3/ (300 ton vessel) 0 25 (3,000 tons) per day, above 3,000 tons td per 100 tons. Pilotage. Vessels under 100 tons reg. $7. 101 to 200 tons $9, 201 to 300 tons $11, 301 to 400 tons $13, 401 to 500 tons $15, 501 tons and upwards 3c per ton, plus $12 (say, 18 gold) for each service. Towage. Towing from sea, by agreement; out, foreign vessels, £1 per 100 tons reg. Officials. Capt. of the Port, Capt. Francisco Sanchez; Assistant, Capt. Campbell; H. B.M.'s Consul-General, Sir Berry CusackSmith, K.C.M.G.; Vice-Consul, A. Rowley; Lloyd's Agents, Huth & Co. VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Lat. 49° 18′ N; long. 123° 7' W. Pop. 35,000. Tr.-I. Tinplates, iron, steel, cement, salt, and general. E. Gol, silver, lumber, copper ores, coal, salmon (tinned), sugar, fruits. Auth. Port Warden and Harb Mister (join position). Accn. D. at ent. 40ft, and protected harb D of W from 27ft to 30ft, close by C. P Ry. wharves over 5,000ft long. Terminus to railway. There is a ballast ground opposite the city, and a beach where vessels of any size may be scraped and painted. Several umber sawmills and warehouses, with wherves and depth of water for vesse s of any s ze. Quarantine station at William's Head; all vessels from Asiatic ports should report there. One dry dock 2,000 to s, and several smaller. Charges. Harb. dues $5 max, twice a year. Sick mariners dues 2c rez. ton, payable thrice a year. Stevedores' charges are: On lumber $1 to $115 1,000 ft B. M., general cargo discharging and loading 40c ton. Wharfage 50c on cargo per ton. Pilotage. Vessels bound inwards not spoken at or outside these lines shall be exempt from all pilotage duty, both in and out, unless the services of a pilot are actually employed. Dues: For vessels entering or clearing the port of Vancouver, the rates of pilotage shall beUnder sail, $4 per ft; in tow of steamer, $2 per ft; under steam, $150 per ft. From Cape Fiattery to Vancouver, $6 per ft ; Cullum Bay to Vancouver, $5; Beachy Head to Vancouver, $4: Race Rocks or Royal Roads to Vancouver, $3; and in steam, $3, $250, $2, and $t, re pectively; same under tow, except Race Rocks and Royal Roads, $14. The pilo age is compulsory within the limits of the port, viz., inside a line drawn from Point Atkinson to the red buoy on Spanish Bank from where the rate is: ve sels in to v, $2.00 pe ft, and teamers $150 per ft. Towage. By agree ment. Kound tow from Royal Roads and to sea, $600 See Harbour charges in Puget Sound under Tacoma. Officials. Master and Port Warden, M. McLeod; Broker, A. L. Russell. VARNA, Bulgaria. Lat. 43° 12′ 0′′ N; long. 27° 57′ 16′′ E. Pop. 37,000. Tr.-I. Manufactured goods, colonial produce, oil, pig-iron, coal, &c.; E. Grain, tallow, hides, cheese, dried beef, and wool. Accn. Anchorage in 4 to 5fms. Charges. Loa ing or di-charging, 81 to 9d per to 1, according to cargo; no port charges, but gratuities about 20. Official. H.B. M.'s ViceConsul, Lt.-Col. P. H. H. Massy. VELASCO, Texas. Lat. 28° 55′ 28′′; long. about 96° W. A the mouth of the Brazos river. Auth. This port is owned by the Brazos River Channel and Dock Co. (G W. Angle, receiver), and controlled by them under contract with the U.S. Government. Tr.-I. Coal, salt, coffee, ale, earthenware, iron, lumber, and other general merchandise; E. Cotton, cotton seed, oil, oil cake, oak, black walnut, live oak timber, hides, wool, tallow, cattle, grain, bones. Accn. 17ft water on bar, and 17 to 20ft to wharves. Jetties about completed to outside of bar. There will soon be a depth of 20 to 24ft on bar. Charges. No port charges, nor wharfage on vessels. Custom duty 1/3 ton. Pilotage. C. 8/4 ft in; 8/4 out. If spoken, 1/2 ft. Towage. Rates not yet fixed, but from 2/1 to 42 per ft, steamers do without towage. There are two parallel jetties 5,400ft long, 560ft apart, similar to entrance of Mississippi river through jetties at south pass. VENICE, Italy. Lat. 45° 26' N; long. 12' 20' E. Pop. About 133,000. Tr.-I. Sugar, coffee, cotton, and woollen fabrics, cotton yarn and raw cotton, hardware goods, dye stuffs, salted fish, grain, and flour; E. Glasses, crystals, conterie, flour, rice, and transit goods. Accn. Vessels drawing 27ft can reach Venice, and vessels may reach Venice from Alberoni through a ship-canal 13 kilometers long, and from 45 to 100 metres broad, with a mean depth of 274ft. Dry dock, 525ft long by 59ft wide, depth 28ft 6in; another, 295ft long by 59ft wide, depth 19 ft. Cranes to 20 tons. Extensive new grain warchouses. Charges. 1.40 lire per reg ton. Pilotage. C. 1st section, 6c per reg. on, minimum 20 lire. maximum 108 lire; 2nd section, 45 millesimi for very ton up to 1,800 tons, and I centime for every ton exceeding 1,800, minimum 20 lire. Officials. H.B.M. Consul, E. de Zuccato; Captain of the Port, ; Lloyd's Agent, G. Serena. VERA CRUZ, Mexico. Lat. 19° 11′ 30′′ N ; long. 97° 8′ W. Pop. About 30,000. Tr.-I. Woven fabrics, wax, hardware, cutlery, paper, brandy, wines, metals, earthenware, and quicksilver; E. Bullion, cochineal, sugar, flour, drugs, indigo, pimento, provisions, sarsaparilla, leather, vanilla, logwood, coffee, tobacco, and mahogany. Accn. Average D. at En. 36ft; alongside quays and piers 28it, in channel and alongside deep water jetty 33ft. One 20-ton and one 10-ton crane and several smaller; 200 to 300 tons coal per hatchway per day di-charged; floating dock, capaci y about 1,500 tons. Charges. To nage dues: sail 15c, steam oc per ton gross; pratique $1 75 per ft df both in and out; also dock due o goods, paid by mer hints, 25c to $1 as per schedule. Pilotage. 8 ft in, same out Towage. 4/6 ft. Officials. H.B. M.'s Consul, F. P. Leay; Vice-Consul, L. J. Nunn. VESTMANHAVEN, W. of Stromoe (Faroe Isles). Accn. Good harb., and anchorage in 9 to 1ofms water. A slip for repairing vessels. Official. Sysselmand, N. C. Winther. (See Thorshaven.) VICTORIA HARBOUR (3 miles E. of Esquimalt), Brit. Col. Lat. 48° 30' N; long. 123° 25′ W. Pop. According to census taken in 1891, 23,153. It is pre-eminently a seaport town, and is the first and last port of call for oceangoing steamers plying to China, Australia, and other quarters. Tr. --I. Fine m nufactures, liquors, iron, steel, salt, tinplate, and general merchandise of every description; E. Gold, coal, lumber and spars, salmon, sealskins, dry furs, oil, mineral ores, lime, building stone, and other raw materials. Accn. There are two harbours, inner and outer. In the inner there are commodious wharves, now being dredged to 20 ft. The outer dock, on the other hand, can be approached at any state of the tide, as there is a clear channel with 301t depth at low water and the same depth alongside the wharves, which extend to 2,650ft. Extensive warehouses have been p ovided, with a capacity of 10,000 tons merchandise. Dry dock 451ft long, 65ft broad, 36ft dft; marine railway 360ft long, to lift 750 tons; three slipways, one for 3,000-ton vessels, 280 ft by 65 ft, with 16 ft of wate fwd, 20 ft aft. Charges. Wharfage. On cargo, 50c a ton; on vessels loading cargo, per day, $4 for the first 200 tons, and c for each ton above that quantity; after 15 days half rates are charged. Other charges are: Harb. master's fee $5, and sick mariners' dues 2c per ton; these are, however, only charged on ent ring. Vessels are allowed to lie in Royal Roads waiting orders for any length of time, without having to enter at the Custom House. Stevedores' charges are: On general merchandise, 25c to 40c per ton; and on lumber $1.05 to $1.30 per 1,000ft b.m. Pilotage. Vessels bound inward, and not spoken outside the pil tage limits are free; if spoken, but service; declined, half fees are charged. When a pilot is employed the rates are, for steamers, $1.50 per ft; sailing vessels, in tow $2, under sail $3 per ft. Towage. See Tacoma for charges in Puget Sound. Officials. Harb. Master, Charles Clark; Lloyd's Agent, John G. Cox. VICTORIA HARBOUR, Labuan. Lat. 5° 16" N; long. 115° 15" E. Pop. 8,411. Tr.-I. Rice, provisions, coals, and piece goods; E. Coals in bunkers. Shipping port for jungle produce from North Borneo. Ocean-going steamers now call at the port for Labuan coal. Accn. D. of harb. 10 fms. to 3 fms. at head of harb. No bar. Four coaling wharves, of 15ft, 17ft, 19ft, and 27ft at low water spring. Fine anchorage in 5 to 6 fms. off the fish market. New coaling wharf with sheds to store 4,500 tons of coal, and 27ft at LW (springs), nearing completion. Will accommodate 2 vessels, but to be gradually extended. LV. H.M.S. Centurion, 10,500 tons, Ist class bat leship. Rly. to coal mines 10 miles N. of Victoria. Charges. Harb. dues 2c per reg. ton; regular traders 2c a ton; Sunday working charges (cargo) $50 per half day; ruling charges: Loading and discharging, $80 whole day. (Currency from 111 to 2/ per $1; it fluctuates, being on a silver basis.) Coal produced in colony 19/6 per ton, imported coal $7 to $9 per ton; water, $1 per ton; beef, 15c per lb.; other provisions at moderate prices. Pilotage. NC. on vessels over 200 tons: 8't dft and under, $10; over 8 and under 14ft, $20; every foot over 14ft, $2. There are licensed pilots now; port easy of approach. Official. Harb. Master, J. K. Webster. VICTORIA HARBOUR, W. Coast of Africa. Tr.-I. Piece goods, machinery, rice, birds' nests, and specie ; E. Sago, coal, timber, and cattle. Accn. Vessels drawing 14ft can lie alongside most of the small jetties which are private property. Pilotage. 5/ ft. VIGO (Bay). Lat. 42° 15′ N; long. 8° 50′ W. An inlet of the sea on the N. W. coast of Spain. Pop. 25,000. Auth. Harb. Board. Tr.-I. Colonial produce, coals, machinery, general merchandise. E. Bacon, cattle, maize, and wine. Accn. From the entrance to St. Simon's Lazarete it is 13 miles long, varies in breadth from 1 to 5 miles. The ship channel is generally over a mile broad, with a depth of from 5 to 15fms. It is easy of entrance, affords good shelter, and forms one of the finest natural harbours in the world. The area of anchorage for large ships in front of the town is about 2,000 acres, and for small boats about 600 additional acres. There are two jetties, one with a front of 60oft and 28ft at LWST., the other with 20ft at LWST.; provided with several steam cranes, the most powerful being one of 20 tons. Charges. Harb. dues on coal discharged 24d per ton, on other goods / per ton; on all goods loaded or discharged there is a special harb. due (obras del puerto) of 8/ per ton. This is independent of the harb. dues payable by the ship. Pilotage. In and out for vessels 100 to 200 tons, 16; 201 to 300 tons, 18/; 301 to 400, £1; 401 to 500, £1 48; 501 to 600, £1 8s; 601 to 800, I 12s; 801 to 1,000, 1 16s; 1,001 to 1,200, £2; 1,201 to 1,500, £2 2s; 1,500 anc more, £2 4s. The dues are payable on the gross reg. tons. Officials. Chief Harb. Engineer, Jemundo Ga Arenal; H. B. M.'s Vice-Consul, M. Barcena-y-Franco. VILLA REAL, ST. ANTONIO, Portugal. Lat. 37° 11′ 20′′ N; long. 7 25' W. Pop. 6,000. One mile from mouth of the Guadianna, right. Tr.-I. Coal, iron, &c.; E. Copper ore, sardines, almonds, fish, &c. LV. Pecine, 3,500 tons. D. on bar 13ft 6in NT., 16ft 6in OST Vessels drawing 11ft can proceed Pomeron at any time, reporting at Villa Real. Officials. Captain of the Port, Lieut. M. Souza Br. Vice-Consul F. J. L. Tavares. VLADIVOSTOK, Port May. Lat. 43° 7' N ; long. 131° 4' E Russian naval station in Siberia. Accn. Depth of water 30ft. min. to any depth. Icebreaker keeps port open in winter. Floating dock, 300ft long, 744ft wide, 26ft. on sill. Graving dock, 550ft long, 90ft wide 30ft on sill. Floating crane to 100 tons. Charges. Tonnag: 20cop. per reg. ton; loading and unloading 30cop. summer, 40cop. winter. Wharfage: vessels up to 300 tons, R.40 per week; every further 50 toas or faction thereof, R.7 more. Pilotage. None. Officials. Harb. Master, Lt. Col. Egermann. Lloyd's Agents, Kunst & Albers; Br. Commercial Agent, vacant. (Business stopped by Russo-Japanese war.) Pop. VOLO, Greece. Lat. 39° 21' N; long. 22° 58' E. 23,000. Tr.-I. Iron, tin, coffee, refined sugar, spice, rice, leather, hides and skins, cotton and woollen goods, earthen and glass ware, and cutlery; E. Wheat, rye, barley, Indian corn, sesame seed, wool, silk, tobacco, cotton, &c. Accn. The harb. is safe and well sheltered, with anchorage in 5 to 12fms. D. at entrance, 7 to 5fms. Vessels discharge by means of lighters. Charges. Harb. dues and charges vary according to circumstances, the ordinary amount being about 3d per ton reg. Official. H.B.M.'s Consul, A. A. C. E. Merlin. VOLTA (Adda), West Coast of Africa. Lat. 5° 45' N.; long. o° 40′ E. Tr.-I. Manufactured cotton goods, spirits, beads, &c.; E. Produce, palm oil, ground nuts, &c. Accn. Bar 11ft. Charges. Trifling. Pilotage. None. Town of Adda six miles up the river. WAKAMATSU, Japan, Newly opened port, about 15 miles WSW of Moji, and nearest port to most of the mines. Breakwater protects anchorage; 21ft min. in harbour at low tide; dredging proceeding. WALDEMARSVIK, Sweden. Lat. 58° 12' N; long, 16° 37′ E. Tr.-E. Oats, pit props, timber, and pig-iron. Accn. Safe harb. for vessels of 14ft dft. Charges. On a 273 ton vessel, dft say 12ft, about £19 5s. Pilotage. On a steamer of 273 reg. tons, ballast in and cargo out, 9ft dft in, 13ft out:-In, 1 18s 7d; out, £2 8s 10ld. WALLAROO, South Australia. Lat. 33° 55′ 49′′ S; long. 137° 37′ 30′′ E. Pop. 2,000. Tr.-I. Coal, general merchandise, timber, &c.; E. Wheat, copper ore, copper, flour, &c. Accn. Vessels of 23ft dft. can ride in the bay in perfect safety, 12ft at inner berth. There is a jetty 2,105ft long, with berthing accommodation for six vessels, and with a greatest LWST. depth from 11ft to 244ft. Hydraulic cranes on wharf. Rys. connect Wallaroo with Adelaide. Through trains to Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane. D. Up to 5 fms in bay, and from 12 to 23ft alongside jetty, LWST. Forming the entrance is an open bay, with shoal off Riley Point to N., marked by two buoys. LV. Anglo Chilian, 2,442 tons, and drawing 23ft 6in. OT. Rise and fall, about 4ft 8in. THW. f. & c. 5.45 p.m. W. Summer months W. and S.; winter months N. Charges. Moorings, £2; light dues, 3d, per reg. ton, in and out, but no vessel shall pay more than 6d. per ton light dues in any six months; jetty dues. Pilotage. C. Inwards only. Up to 500 tons, 1 in and out; 1,000 tons, 30/- in and out; over 1,000 tons, £2 in and out. Towage. No steam-tugs stationed or required. Officials. Port Authority, Marine Board; Harb Master and SubColl. of Cust., J. J. M. White; Lloyd's Agents, J. Darling & Son. WANGANUI, New Zealand. Lat. 39° 57' S; long. 175° E. Tr.-E. Grain, hides, tallow, wool, and frozen meat. Accn. The bar, about to mile from entrance, shifts considerably during the year, according to weather, &c. D. ST. 12 to 14ft. R, and F. 6 to 8ft. HW. f and c. 10h. 15m. Vessels drawing 1oft can load at Town Wharf. Vessels over 10ft dft load Cranage by arrangement at Head's wharf, 4 miles from the town. |