SCHERZER ROLLING LIFT BRIDGES Provide a WIDE and CLEAR CHANNEL for Navigation, no center-pier and protection pier being required, and PERMIT VESSELS TO PASS EASILY AND RAPIDLY through the open bridge. More than 60 SCHERZER ROLLING LIFT BRIDGES have already superseded and replaced swing bridges and other old types of movable bridges for Railroads, Electric Railways and Highways in the most progressive Cities and Harbours of America and other parts of the World. Modern Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge across Chicago River, Chicago, U.S.A., Replaced a Center-Pier Swing Bridge. Center-pier swing bridges form ARTIFICIAL OBSTRUCTIONS, Blocking Navigation and Commerce. They are Condemned, Removed and Replaced by Modern SCHERZER ROLLING LIFT BRIDGES wherever Manufactures, Commerce, Transportation, Railroads and Ships are valued, Protected and Advanced." Estimates. THE SCHERZER ROLLING LIFT BRIDGE COMPANY, Main Offices: MONADNOCK BLOCK, CHICAGO, U.S.A. UNION-CASTLE LINE. South African Royal Mail Service. London and Southampton to South and East Africa. The Royal Mail Steamships of the Union-Castle Mail Steamship Company, Limited, are despatched from Southampton every Saturday for the Cape of Good Hope and Natal, proceeding via Madeira. In addition, Intermediate Steamships, calling alternately at Las Palmas and Teneriffe, are despatched every week from London, via Southampton for the Cape Colony, Natal, and Delagoa Bay, taking passengers at lower rates than by the Mail Steamers. These Steamers call at St. Helena once a month. At regular intervals the Union-Castle Line despatches a Steamer from Southampton direct to the Cape Ports, Natal and Delagoa Bay, calling at Las Palmas or Teneriffe. These vessels proceed beyond Delagoa Bay, alternately, to Beira and Mauritius. Union-Castle Special Express Trains leave Waterloo for Southampton every Saturday. For Sailings Lists, Handbooks, and all information regarding Passages, &c., apply to DONALD CURRIE & CO., CO., Managers, 3 and 4, Fenchurch Street, LONDON, E.C. Admiralty Charts The Latest Editions of CAN BE OBTAINED FROM J. D. POTTER, Admiralty Agent (by Appointment), 145, MINORIES, LONDON, E. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF CHARTS (380 pages), 1s. An Abridged Catalogue of Charts and Nautical Books (free on application). Branch Establishment: 11, KING STREET, TOWER HILL, E. NOTICE. For the early information and convenience of Shipowners, Captains, and others, ALL NEW ADMIRALTY CHARTS that may be published from time to time are noted every Monday in the Shipping Gazette and Lloyd's List on page 7; in the Shipping Gazette and Lloyd's List Weekly Summary every Friday, on page 1; in the Lloyd's Weekly Shipping Index every Thursday, on page 3 of Cover, The new and corrected Admiralty Charts are also noted in the following Weekly and Monthly Journals: The Syren and Shipping, American Syren and Shipping, Shipping World, Merchant Service Review, Marine Review (Cleveland, O.), Transport, Journal of the Society of Arts, Fairplay, Board of Trade Journal, The Yachtsman, The Yachting World, The Nautical Magazine, The Geographical Journal, The Steamship, The Mariner, Army and Navy Chronicle, South African Exports, Navy League Journal. Copies of the Charts can be obtained by applying to J. D. POTTER. Catalogues posted on application. THE "Welin Quadrant" Davit HOPETOUN HOUSE, LLOYDS AVENUE, London, E.C. S.S. DUNLUCE CASTLE" (UNION-CASTLE LINE). "... The davits have worked most satisfactorily, the lowering has proved light and comfortable work, and this apparatus is to be regarded as the best boat lowering gear at present known." (Extract of a letter from Danish State Railways.) Names of some of the principal Steamship Co.'s who have already used "Welin Quadrant" DavitsAberdeen Line; Allan Line; Anchor Line; Austrian Lloyds; Belgian Government; Cie. Générale Transatlantique; Danish State Railways; Great Central Railway; Great Eastern Railway; Great Northern Telegraph Co., Copenhagen; Hamburg America Line; Huddart Parker & Co.; Imperial German Navy; James P. Corry & Co.; Koninklijke West-Indische Maildienst; Kosmos Line; Midland Railway; Nike Co., Gothenburg; North German Lloyds; Rotterdam Lloyd; Royal Dutch Navy; Swedish Lloyds; Union-Castle Mail Steamship Co., Ltd.; Union S.S. Co. of New Zealand, Ltd.; United S.S. Co. of Copenhagen; White Star Line; American Philippine Government. "CRESCENT" BM&CO BRAND. PURE ALKALI. Guaranteed 58 Degrees, EQUAL TO 98 PER CENT. OF CARBONATE OF SODA. The Strongest and Purest Form of the Article in the Market, and therefore the most Economical for the use of Printers, Bleachers, Scourers, Dyers, Glass, Paper, and Soap Makers. CAUSTIC SODA. Exceptionally Pure STRENGTHS: 76-77 per cent.; 70-72 per cent.; 60-62 per cent. BLEACHING POWDER. BICARBONATE OF SODA. Refined and Recrystalised. The Purest & Cheapest in the Market. CONCENTRATED CRYSTAL SODA (SESQUI CARBONATE), By far the PUREST & CHEAPEST Form of Washing Soda. 1 lb. of Concentrated Crystal Soda does the work of 2 lbs. of Washing Soda. SODA CRYSTALS of the Finest Quality. SALTCAKE. PURE ZINC. BENZOLE. SULPHATE OF AMMONIA. MURIATE OF AMMONIA and MURIATIC ACID. BRUNNER, MOND & CO., LTD. NORTHWICH, CHESHIRE. CHLOROS (Liquid Disinfectant). Chlorosene Powder. Chloride of Ammonium (Refined). Chloride of Calcium. CHLORIDE OF LIME. Do. (Sanitary). Chloride of Magnesium. CHLOROFORM. COPPER, B.S. & G.M.B.'s, &c. Copper Precipitate. Chromic Acid. Crystal Carbonate. CYANIDES. HYDROCHLORIC ACID, Com mon and Purified, also Commercially free from Arsenic & Vitriol. Hypochlorite of Soda. Hyposulphite of Soda. Ketone Oils. Laundry Bleach. MANGANATE OF SODA, Manganese Recovered). Monohydrate. MURIATE OF AMMONIA. PEARL DUST. PEST KILLER, Strawsonite, "CHARLOCK" Brand Sulphate of Copper. Purple Ore. Briquettes. Rectified Vitriol. SAL AMMONIAC. SALT, White in all qualities. Rock, Silicate of Soda. SODA CRYSTALS. SPRAYING MATERIALS. SULPHURIC ACID, Brown, Best Sulphate of Ammonia. SULPHATE OF COPPER. SULPHATE of SODA or SALT CAKE, in Bulk or Ground. Sulphide of Sodium. SOLVENT NAPHTHA. COMMON & PREPARED TAR. BLACK VARNISH. PITCH, &C. ULTRAMARINE. VITRIOL, all qualities and strengths. GRAND PRIX ST, LOUIS EXPOSITION, 1904. |