LEWIS & TYLOR, Ld. The St. Mary's Works, CARDIFF. Patentees & Sole Manufacturers OF SOLID WOVEN GRIPOLY BELTING With Indestructible Leather Edges. The only Textile Belt able to withstand the Asbestos and Metallic Joints. Indiarubber Valves. Asbestos and Metallic Tape. Indiarubber Washers. Asbestos and Metallic Cloth, Indiarubber Sheet. Asbestos and Metallic Packing. Indiarubber Insertion. GUARANTEED “OAK” LEATHER BELTING, and all classes of Mechanical Leather, Leather Hose for Ship's Use. Telegraphic Address-"BELTING, CARDIFF." Code "A B C," 5th Edition, Entered at Stationers' Hall, and Copyright in the United States. SCIENCE THE "SHIPPING WORLD" YEAR BOOK: A DESK MANUAL IN TRADE, COMMERCE, AND NAVIGATION. EDITED BY EVAN ROWLAND JONES, Author of Lincoln, Stanton and Grant: Historical Sketches," "Herces o, AND EDITOR OF THE "SHIPPING WORLD." With NEW MAP specially prepared by 1905. 'Infinite riches in a little room." C. MARLOWE. London: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED AT THE "SHIPPING WORLD" OFFICE EFFINGHAM HOUSE, ARUNDEL STREET, STRAND, W.C. 1905. Price: In the United Kingdom, 5s.; in Foreign Countries, 6s. To the Nineteenth Edition. THE ADDITIONS MADE IN THIS (1905) EDITION OF THE YEAR BOOK EMBRACE. The New Tariffs of Colombia and Panama; a new Summary of our Imports and Exports; the new Measurement Regulations of the Suez Canal Co.; the new Regulations under the Factory and Workshop Act governing loading, unloading, &c., at Docks, Wharves, Quays and Canals; the Enrolment of Engineers, Gas Stokers and others in the Royal Naval Reserve; and very many new Foreign Ports. In this NINETEENTH EDITION are also included: the new Admiralty Regulations for the training of Naval Officers; a list of the Customs Boarding Stations; New Board of Trade Rules governing Shelter-decked Steamers, Deck Cargoes, Certificates of Discharge and Character, Naturalisation, &c.; Customs regulations governing the Export (Coal) Duty Act, 1901; returns for the year ended December 31st, 1904, of Vessels built and building for the World's Navies, of the output of British, Colonial and Foreign merchantmen, of the World's Tonnage engaged in the Foreign and Coasting Trades, and of our Imports and Exports; together with the Board of Trade Regulations governing the loading of turret-deck vessels, and for Preventing Collisions at Sea; the new Departmental Orders governing the Surrender of Deserters Abroad, the Carriage of Grain Act, and all other important Regulations affecting Shipping, now operative. The new Map for 1905 shows, in distinguishing colours, the Routes of Steamers and Railways throughout the World, with the East Bound and West Bound "Lanes" across the Atlantic, and the Products, Ports, Coaling Stations, Coalfields, &c., of all Countries and Colonies. The inset maps show many of the great shipping centres and waterways of the world; and the British Empire is coloured red, so that it can be seen at a glance.. THE TARIFFS OF ALL NATIONS, AND OF THE COLONIES, have been revised up to the last available hour. A COMPLETE PORT AND HARBOUR DIRECTORY OF THE BRITISH ISLES, and A DIRECTORY OF ALL THE COMMERCIAL PORTS OF THE WORLD, arranged in Alphabetical Order, giving the particulars gathered from official sources, of the Accommodation, Charges, Tides, Trades, Pilotage, and Towage, have been revised up to the hour of printing. The book also contains, with other information :-Admiralty Notes, Agreements, Balance Sheet of Commerce, Board of Trade Rules and Regulations, Cattle Trade Order, Coaling Stations, a Table of Consular Fees, a DIGEST OF THE SHIPPING ACTS OF 1894, Documents required for Clearing Ships, Engineering Notes and Formulæ, Information regarding the Examination of Masters and Engineers, Foreign Moneys, Weights and Measures, Imports and Exports, Lloyd's Signal Stations, Load-Line Tables, Marks, Regulations and Illustrations, Measurement of Ships, Pilotage Laws, Removal of Wrecks, Sailing Rules, Shipping Terms (Commercial), the Suez Canal and the Petroleum Regulations, Tables of Distances, Trade Statistics of the most recent dates, scientific information, tables, and a copious Index. The Pilotage and Towage Rates are included in the Port Directory instead of under separate headings, thus enabling the reader to have at once before him all the information concerning each port. Neither labour nor cost has been, or will be, spared to keep the SHIPPING WORLD YEAR BOOK in the position it has long enjoyed at the head of its class. We have again to make acknowledgment to the Foreign Office, the officers and publications of the Board of Trade, of Lloyds, and Lloyds' Register, to many of our subscribers, to the various port authorities of the United Kingdom, the Colonies, and throughout the world, and especially to His Majesty's and the United States Consuls, for excellent and ungrudging service in supplying new facts, and making the necessary corrections for this Edition of 1905. SUGGESTIONS FROM SUBSCRIBERS OF FEATURES OR INFORMATION TO BE INCORPORATED IN THE SHIPPING WORLD YEAR BOOK OF 1906 WILL BE WELCOMED. Effingham House, Arundel Street, Strand, London, January 15th, 1905. THE EDITOR. 11: TO SHIPOWNERS & YACHTSMEN. Messrs. JOHN BROADWOOD & SONS, Limited, in their new up-to-date factory have made Special Arrangements for the Construction of Pianofortes suitable for Sea Travel under all possible changes in Climatic conditions. BROADWOOD PIANOFORTES have been supplied to the following, among other Nippon Yusen Kaisha, White Star, &c. BROADWOOD PIANOFORTES have been supplied for use on the Yachts of H.I.M. Emperor of Germany, H.I.M. Czar of Russia, H.I.M. Sultan of Turkey. ARCHITECTS' AND BUILDERS' OWN DESIGNS JOHN BROADWOOD & SONS, Ltd., Conduit Street, Bond Street, London, W. |