ALEXANDRA (Newport and South Wales) DOCKS & RAILWAY. CHAIRMAN GENERAL MANAGER THE RIGHT HON. LORD TREDEGAR. Alexandra & Town Docks, Blaina Wharf & River Jetties, Newport, Mon. SITUATION.-Newport is the geographical place of shipment for Monmouthshire coal, besides which it is the NATURAL PORT FOR THE MIDLANDS, being directly connected with the Great Western, London and North Western, and Midland Railways. The Company have also their own Railway to the MERTHYR, RHONDDA, and ABERDARE VALLEYS, thus enabling the Glamorganshire coal to be shipped at their Docks at the same rates as to Cardiff, plus lyd. Dock Railway toll. NEWPORT is the second port of South Wales, the shipment of coal in 1903 amounting to nearly 4,000,00j tons, practically all of which was dealt with at the Company's Docks. AREA.-The Deep Water Area of the North Dock (depth on sill, neap tides 25 ft., springs 35 ft.) is 284 acres, South Dock (same sill depths) 20 acres, and Town Dock (depth on sill, neap tides 20 ft., springs 31 ft.) 114 acres. The ENTRANCE LOCK of the South Dock is 504 ft. long and 72 ft. wide, that of the North Dock 350 by 65 ft., and of the Town Dock 220 by 61 ft. The extent of QUAYAGE of the Alexandra Docks (North and South) is some 10,000 ft., and of the Town Dock 4,215 ft. FACILITIES. For the Shipment of Coal (in which Newport holds records unsurpassed by any of her rivals) there are 17 hydraulic hoists, most of them having a 50-feet lift, and being capable of shipping at the rate of 400 tons per hour. All coal cargoes are weighed alongside ship. RE-TARING OF WAGONS IS DONE FREE OF CHARGE. Numerous CRANES (fixed and travelling), varying from 1 to 40 tons, are also available for general cargo work. TOWAGE. The Company have a powerful tug-boat, which is also fitted with the necessary pumps for acting as a fire-float and salvage steamer. WAREHOUSES, suitable for Storage of tin-plates and generai goods, are provided at both Docks,one of them possessing an overhead 30-cwt.travelling crane. There is ample Land Space also for the carrying on and development of business by Manufacturers and others. TIMBER TRADE.-A Timber Float, 10 acres in ex ent and 2,600 ft. long, connected with the North Dock by a canal, as well as PRACTICALLY UNLIMITED LAND SPACE for storage, afford excellent inducements for timber traders. IRON ORE, MANUFACTURED IRON, &c., can be stored on the extensive wharves and lands of the Company, free of charge for ninety days. RAILWAY AND SIDING ACCOMMODATION.-Besides that mentioned above, the Docks are surrounded by a network of sidings and main lines, extending to 50 miles. GRAVING DOCKS.-The Company own a Commercial Dry Dock, 523 ft. long and 74 ft. wide, directly connected with the North Dock by an entrance 50 ft. wide, with a depth of water on sill of 20 ft. ; owners can, therefore, choose their own marine engineers to carry out repairs. In the Port of Newport there are, besides, SIX PRIVATE DRY DOCKS, one of which is 708 ft. long with an entrance 65 ft wide. OCEAN LINERS.-Ocean Liners for India, China, South Africa and South America call regularly at the Alexandra Docks for cargoes of tin-plates, railway material, &c.,manufactured in the large works on the coalfield near Newport. GENERAL INFORMATION.-There is no extra charge for shipping Coal by night. No Locking Fees are charged to vessels changing from Alexandra Docks to Town Dock, or vice versa. Vessels may also leave the Docks for a Dry Dock within the Port and return without any additional fee for locking. PILOTAGE at Newport is not compulsory; and WARRANTS are issued FREE OF CHARGE. ALL INFORMATION on busines matters, railway rates and shipping charges, will be given on application by JOHN MACAULAY, GENERAL MANAGER AND DOCK MASTER. SWANSEA HARBOUR TRUST. The Docks consist of the Prince of Wales Dock, the North Dock, and the South Dock; each equipped with modern appliances for the rapid loading and unloading of vessels. The New Entrance to the North Dock Basin having a depth of water at Ordinary Spring Tides of 32 feet, and at Ordinary Neap Tides of 24 feet is now in use. The New Lock to the South Dock, 370 feet in length, is now open for traffic and has over the outer cill 34 feet of water at Ordinary Spring Tides and 26 feet at Ordinary Neap Tides. The Quays are 19,000 feet in length. The Warehouses contain a floor area of 280,720 square feet. The Railways of the Trust have direct connections with the Great Western, London and North Western, Midland and Rhondda and Swansea Bay Railways. There are 26 Coal Tips, and 80 Hydraulic, Steam & Hand Cranes. Swansea is the Centre of the Anthracite Coal district. There are more Patent Fuel Works in Swansea than at any other port in the Kingdom; and the Fuel is held in high repute in Continental and other markets. There is a Large Area of Land available for Fuel Works, Creosote Works, Saw Mills and other commercial purposes. Bunkering of Vessels.-Swansea is considered the best port in the Bristol Channel for bunkering purposes, and specially favourable terms are given to vessels arriving for the exclusive purpose of bunkering. Lines of Steamers run between Swansea and the following ports, viz.: New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Yokohama, Nagasaki, Hiogo, Java Ports, Rio de Janerio, Santos, Rosario, Mo tevideo, Buenos Ayres, Ports in Chili and Peru, St. Petersburg, Hamburg, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Treport, Rouen, Nantes, Bordeaux, Oporto, Lisbon, Setubal, Barcelona, Genoa, Leghorn, Venice, Trieste, Fiume, Ports in Greece, Constantinople and other Turkish Ports, Galatz, Ibrail, Odessa, Batoum, Alexandria, &c. Within the Harbour are Nine Graving Docks. The New Fish Market and Coaling Stage are now open for traffic. Pilotage. -The Trustees are the Pilotage Authority. Pilotage is noncompulsory, both inwards and outwards. Rates and Charges.-These are moderate. The Mumbles Lighthouse Signal Station is now worked by Lloyd's. Vessels calling for orders can communicate with their owners without lowering a boat-good and sheltered free anchorage being found under the Mumbles Head at any state of the tide. For information on any point connected with the Port and Harbour, apply to LAW, SWANSEA." General Manager, Telegraphic Address :— DEEPDOCK, HULL." HULL. Hull & Barnsley Railway Company's ALEXANDRA DOCKS, HULL. The Deepest and Best Equipped Docks on the East Coast. 53% acres water space. Six feet more Water on Sill than any other Dock in Hull. The Depth of Water on the Sill is so great that the largest Vessels can enter and leave the Dock on any Tide. The Two Large GRAVING DOCKS are 550 and 500 feet long respectively, and lead direct out of the Main Dock. Cranage power up to 100 tons. Excellent Storage for Timber, Deals, Battens, Boards, &c. Extensive Warehouse, Shed, and Cellar Storage. The Seven Hydraulic Coal Hoists are of the most modern and improved description, and are capable of Shipping 370 tons per hoist per hour. Regular Colliers load at these Docks. Railway Lines run all round the Docks, and are in connection with all the Leading Railways in the Kingdom. Lines of Steamers to New York, Boston, U.S., Kurachee, Bombay, and other Ports. Low Charges. Further information may be obtained from C. W. B. ANDERSON, Dock Superintendent, Alexandra Docks, Hull, or from HULL. WALTER H. WOOD, General Manager, Hull, Barnsley, and West Riding TYNE IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION. ALBERT EDWARD DOCK, The ALBERT EDWARD DOCK adapted for Vessels of the largest class, and possessing the best facilities for dealing with IMPORT and EXPORT Traffic of every description, is nearer the Harbour Entrance than any other Dock on the Tyne. A WAREHOUSE 200 feet long by 100 feet broad built for Grain and all kinds of General Merchandise, on the West Quay of the Dock, contains six floors, each fitted with hydraulic machinery, and all necessary appliances; and spacious cellars suitable for the storage of provisions, oils, tallow, and other goods. The Dock Quays are equipped with STEAM AND HYDRAULIC CRANES for unloading and loading vessels direct to and from Truck or Warehouse. The Dock contains a large COAL SHIPPING STAITH at which vessels can bunker and or load Coal, after discharging their inward cargoes. The NORWEGIAN ROYAL MAIL and PASSENGER STEAMERS sail every week-day between this Dock and Norway. Special trains convey passengers between the Commissioners' Station at the Dock and the Central Station of the North-Eastern Railway Company at Newcastle upon-Tyne. Water area of Dock, 24 acres; Tidal Basin, 24 acres ; Tidal Entrance, 80 feet wide; Lock, 350 feet long and 60 feet wide; Depth of Water on Sills at High Water Spring Tides, 30 feet; at High Water Neap Tides, 26 feet. The Outer Lock Sill is 6 feet deeper than Sill of Entrance, being 21 feet below Low Water Spring Tides, so that Vessels drawing 20 feet can be locked in at Low Water. Length of Quays inside Dock, 2,600 feet; of River Wall or Quay, 900 feet. The NORTHUMBERLAND DOCK, situated 1,200 yards west of the Albert Edward Dock Entrance, contains 11 Coal Shipping Staiths, and Jetties with a Wharf behind, 450 feet long by 100 feet broad. Powerful Steam Cranes, for landing and Shipping general Cargoes, and spacious Brick Warehouses for the Storage of merchandise are provided. Water Area of Dock, 55 acres; Tidal Basin, 21⁄2 acres; Tidal Entrance, 70 feet wide; Lock, 250 feet long and 52 feet wide; Depth of Water on Sills at High Water Spring Tides, 24 feet; at High Water Neap Tides, 20 feet. Outside of the Entrance to the Dock there is a RIVERSIDE QUAY, 1,100 feet long and 144 feet broad, having a depth of water alongside of 18 feet at Low Water Ordinary Spring Tides. At the Commissioners' RIVER COAL STAITHS (between Albert Edward and Northumberland Docks) Vessels of the largest class requiring to load Coal and Coke without entering the Docks, can take in full cargoes and proceed direct to Sea at all times of tide. These Staiths are fitted with Hydraulic Lifts for the accommodation of steamers of exceptional height. An additional River Staith, provided with a Hydraulic Lift, for the shipment of Coal and Coke, is at present under construction by the Commissioners. The above Docks and Staiths have direct railway communication with all parts of the Kingdom. They are within twelve minutes' walk from Percy Main and North Shields Stations, on the Tynemouth Branch of the North-Eastern Railway. The Tyne General Ferry Company's Steamers, running between Newcastle and Tynemouth, call every half hour at the Northumberland Dock Landing, close to the Dock Offices, and the Commissioners' Steam Ferry plies every quarter of an hour between Whitehill Point, situated between the two Docks and South Shields. The Shipments of Coal and Coke at these Docks and Staiths exceed 3 million tons annually. |