International Shipping & Shipbuilding Directory1905 |
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Tulokset 1 - 5 kokonaismäärästä 82
Sivu xxxiii
... Deck Cargoes , Certificates of Discharge and Character , Naturalisation , & c .; Customs regulations governing the Export ( Coal ) Duty Act , 1901 ; returns for the year ended December 31st , 1904 , of Vessels built and building for the ...
... Deck Cargoes , Certificates of Discharge and Character , Naturalisation , & c .; Customs regulations governing the Export ( Coal ) Duty Act , 1901 ; returns for the year ended December 31st , 1904 , of Vessels built and building for the ...
Sivu 42
... Deck to observe if any change or difference takes place between any or either of the Compasses , ie . , more than usual , if so , call the Master . Log to be hove every two hours , if Patent Log is towing it should be verified by common ...
... Deck to observe if any change or difference takes place between any or either of the Compasses , ie . , more than usual , if so , call the Master . Log to be hove every two hours , if Patent Log is towing it should be verified by common ...
Sivu 43
... deck . Deck never to be left without a look - out . Chief Officer has general charge , and will see that a proper account of Cargo and Stores is kept both in taking in and discharging , and also see that the Carpenter looks at limbers ...
... deck . Deck never to be left without a look - out . Chief Officer has general charge , and will see that a proper account of Cargo and Stores is kept both in taking in and discharging , and also see that the Carpenter looks at limbers ...
Sivu 44
... DECK AND SHELTER DECK VESSELS , ARE EMBODIED IN THE FOLLOWING PAGES . REPORT OF THE LOADLINE COMMITTEE EXTRACT . ] To His Grace the Duke of Richmond and Gordon , K.G. , & c . , President of the Board of Trade . MY LORD DUKE . The ...
... DECK AND SHELTER DECK VESSELS , ARE EMBODIED IN THE FOLLOWING PAGES . REPORT OF THE LOADLINE COMMITTEE EXTRACT . ] To His Grace the Duke of Richmond and Gordon , K.G. , & c . , President of the Board of Trade . MY LORD DUKE . The ...
Sivu 45
... decks , for awning deck steamers , and for flush - deck sailing vessels , are given in Tables A , C , and D for vessels of these classes and of various dimensions and proportions . The freeboards necessary for spar deck steamers are ...
... decks , for awning deck steamers , and for flush - deck sailing vessels , are given in Tables A , C , and D for vessels of these classes and of various dimensions and proportions . The freeboards necessary for spar deck steamers are ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
5fms Accn acres alongside anchorage Auth ballast basin berths Board of Trade boats British Buoy Canal Capt cargo channel Charges Charges.-Harb coal coasting Coll Consul cotton Cust Customs deck depth of water discharging docks dry at LW dry dock enter entrance fish foot foreign freeboard grain graving docks H.B.M.'s Vice-Consul Harb Harbour HWNT HWST hydraulic inwards Ioft iron Island jetty length light dues lighthouse Lloyd's Agent loading LWST manufactured Master miles Officials outwards passengers patent slip pier pilot Pilotage port prev quay quayage railway rates rise river Royal Naval Reserve sailing vessels salt Section sill station steam cranes steamers sugar tidal tide timber tonnage Tonnage dues tons reg Towage towed town United Kingdom unloading Vessels drawing vice versa wharf Wharfage wharves wine wood wool