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The Paris papers have been occupied by discussions on a projected law to restrain, or rather to crush, the liberty of the press. The measure is decidedly unpopular and impolitic. All the literati are arrayed against it, and three distinguished leaders of the French Academy, M. M. Michaud, Lacretelle, and Vileman, have been deprived of their readerships to the King, for supporting, at the Academy, a proposition describing the alarms of menaced literature. The first an editor of the Quotidienne.

A petition from M. de Montlosier against the Jesuists, presented to the Chamber of Peers, was met by a motion to proceed to the order of the day. This motion was defeated by a majority of one hundred and thirteen to seventy-three, and the petition was ordered to be referred to the branch of the ministry, to whose cognizance it belonged. This decision must be very disagreeable to the Court. The truth seems to be that the French Chamber consider the Jesuists too devoted to the Court of Rome to render their influence very desirable.

A singular difficulty agitates the new-made nobility of France. When the armies of Napoleon spread themselves over Europe, he took the liberty of granting titles to his Generals: some taken from the names of fields of battle, some from the towns and provinces of which he had temporary possession. The Austrian Court refuses to recognize those titles which are taken from towns or provinces of its own dominions; acknowledging, however, those which merely commemorate victories, as Wagram, Essling, and so forth. The Dukes of Dalmatia, Ragusa, Belluno, and some others are thus dis-titled by Austria, though their titles are confirmed by the restored Government of France.

A deplorable event happened on the 8th, at Rouen. Mr. Drake, an Englishman, 50 years of age, was on his way from London to Paris, with 3 rattle snakes and some young crocodiles. Notwithstanding the precautions he had taken to secure them against the cold, the finest of the three serpents was dead on his arrival. The two others, appearing very languid, were placed in their cage near the stove. Mr. Drake thinking that one of them seemed dead, was so imprudent as to take it and carry it to the window. Suddenly the creature revived, and bit him on the left hand in two places. He ran into the court-yard, and rubbed the wounds with ice, and bound a cord round the arm just above the wrist. Dr. Pihorel was immediately sent for, and at Drake's desire cauterized the wounds in a manner which made the spectators tremble. Drake

took half a glass of olive oil, and for a short time seemed easy, but fatal symptoms appeared, and he died in eight hours and three quarters after the accident. Dr. Pihorel will send a detailed account of the case to the Royal Academy of Medicine.


The arrangement with Spain, for the settlement of the British claims, was finally agreed to in Paris, on the 4th Feb. It will be effected by an issue of debentures for the sum of 3,000,000l. sterling, bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum, payable half yearly in London.

Letters from Madrid of the 25th of Jan. give the details of a battle in the province of Beira, between the insurgents under the Marquis de Chaves and the constitutionalists under the command of Count de Villa Flor. The former consisted of 11,000 men, and the latter of about 7,000. Victory was warmly disputed during the whole day, but the report of the landing of the English troops, with the addition, that they had immediately marched for Beira, caused a panic terror in the camp of the Marquis de Chaves. The officers and commanders themselves, except Count Canellas, were the first to take to flight. The soldiers followed, and a great number of them went over to the enemy.

When they reached Almeida, the fugitives were beginning to rally, when almost the whole corps of Magessi, hearing of the amnesty published by the Regent, went in a body to give themselves up to the Count de Villa Flor. The remainder were terrified, and fled to the Spanish tertitory, where, in a tumultuous assembly the Marquis de Chaves was deprived of the chief command, which was given to Viscount Montealegre, who was able to collect but little more than 1,000 men, with whom he is said to have re-entered Portugal by Tras-os-Montes. Another account states that the Marquis and Marchioness of Chaves, General Jordao, and the Governor of Almeida, escaped with 800 men, and re-entered Spain. Eight hundred men of the Spanish garrison of Ciudad Rodrigo marched to meet them, in order to disarm them, but gave them time to re-pass the Douro, and return into Portugal by the Province of Tras-os-Montes. Mr. Lamb, the English Ambassador, complained of this conduct to the Spanish Government, and in consequence General Longa, the Governor of Ciudad Rodrigo, and the Cominander of the detachment, have been suspended from their functions, and all three brought before a Court Martial.

By intelligence of more recent date than the preceding, it appears that the rebels

had rallied, and penetrated to within 12 or 16 miles of Oporto; this unexpected movement, it seems, was made in consequence of Count Villa Flor being employed, with his forces, in covering Beira, but he having immediately moved down to cover the city, and re-inforce the garrison, all apprehensions had subsided as to the ultimate operations of the rebels.

The British army under the command of General Clinton, had marched from Lisbon for Coimbra, which was to be their headquarters, and where they were to arrive by the 16th. It was considered that by the 10th inst. there would not be a British soldier in Lisbon, except those in the depot, and in the hospitals. A Proclamation from the War Department, issued in the name of the Infanta Princess Regent, on the 6th, announces the departure of our brave fellows, and expresses the confident hope of the Princess that in every part of the interior where they may arrive, their "order and propriety" will renew the same ties of fraternity which, during the Peninsular war, united the Portuguese and English army into one. This Proclamation speaks also in high terms of the discipline and regularity of the British troops while they remained in the capital.

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About the 1st of October a battle took place between the Dutch forces, commanded by General Van Green (who is second in command, and next to General de Kock, the Lieutenant Governor and Commander-in Chief), and the insurgents, commanded by Djupo Nagoro, when the Dutch forces were

beaten and totally annihilated. The General only saved his life by hiding himself, and returned to Samarang without a single follower. The battle was fought between Solo and Samarang. When the account came away, every exertion was making for the removal of property. Palambang, on the coast of Sumatra, which caused the Dutch so much blood and treasure, is again in the hands of the natives. Unfortunately, of the two line of battle ships lately sent by the mother country with troops, one, the Wassæner, was totally wrecked, and the other so much injured as to be obliged to return.


The intelligence from Colombia is important. Bolivar entered Bogota, the capital, on the 14th November, and was received with enthusiasm. On his way from Peru, he had pacified the departments of the South, which had been the occasion of delaying his progress. The Chargés d'Affaires of Great Britain, Mexico, and the United States, were presented to him on the 14th, on which occasion he begged Col. Campbell "to make known to the British Government, the profound feelings of admiration he entertained for the great Monarch, and the great people, who employed the omnipotence of their arms in the promotion of freedom."-It appears, that on the 25th Bolivar left Bogota, for Venezuela, the only department where dissension then existed, aud where, there was every reason to hope, his presence and influence would succeed in the perfect restoration of tranquillity.



The annual meeting of the Irish Education Society took place in Kildare-Street, Dublin, on the 2d instant, the Earl of Longford in the Chair. From the report, which is a most gratifying and interesting document, it appears that education in Ireland is extending to a degree far beyond what is generally imagined. When the soIciety was formed, in 1811, there were in that country only 4,600 schools, with 200,000 scholars ;-in 1824 they had increased to 11,823 schools, and 560,000 scholars- -an augmentation in 13 years, not very far from three-fold. It seems that not only is education advancing, but also a desire for scriptural knowledge. Out of these 11,823 schools, the bible is read in no fewer than 6,058, of which 4179 are conducted by teachers (many of them Catholics) wholly unfettered, and dependant for support on the parents of their pupils, who

cannot therefore be opposed to such instruction. The Association has already conferred the most important benefits upon Ireland; and, it is to be hoped, as the calumnies of its opponents have been in a great measure silenced, will continue to diffuse, through that unfortunate country, the advantages of a religious and moral education.



The Provisional Committee for erecting a National Monument to the Duke of York, met on the 9th inst. at the rooms of the Royal Union Association, when letters from numerous distinguished Noblemen, eager to participate in the honor of promoting this national object, were read. It was determined that the work should be executed by British Artists, under the superintendence of a Committee appointed by the subscribers.

It was resolved unanimously, that Lord Carberry should be added to the Committee, and that Lieutenant-General John Slade, who had forwarded a subscription of 1004. should be requested to act with the other distinguished individuals, whose services were thus engaged. Arrangements were then made for a general invitation to the friends of the undertaking to hold meetings iu various places, particularly in Ireland, in aid of the subscription; and, with a view to render the measure truly national, it was finally resolved, that it was best consulting the feelings of the public to make the subscription unlimited, and to receive the smallest amounts tendered.

On the 26th inst. a public meeting was held at the Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen-street (the Duke of Wellington in the Chair), to take into consideration the hest means for promoting the above object. The meeting was numerously attended by military men of the highest rank, and a series of resolutions were adopted for forwarding the necessary subscriptions.

The following anecdotes of the lamented Duke of York we have considered worth selecting from the many that have recently appeared in the public papers:

The first, is an illustration of the retentiveness of his memory, as well as the goodness of his heart. Some years ago, his Royal Highness being on a visit at the Earl of Westmoreland's seat, at Apethorpe, a basket of figs was sent by a gentleman at Oundle, who knew that the noble Earl had not any in his gardens. The messenger was a helper in the stables of the gentleman at Oundle, and had formerly been a dragoon in the army in France, commanded by the Duke of York. On his near approach to Apethorpe House, the Duke passed him in his carriage; his Royal Highness immediately recognised him, stopped his carriage, and said, "I know you, my man." "Yes," said the old soldier, "and I know your Royal Highness: I was your orderly when I was in the regiment, fighting under you in France." "Good fellow," added the Duke, "I remember you-call on me to-morrow." The last time his Royal Highness had seen him was a great many years before; the man had been wounded in several places, and when he had got home was discharged on a pension. The veteran, faithful to his appointment, called on the Duke next day at Apethorpe, and was at first refused by the footmen, who were astonished at his demand of seeing the Royal visitor; but he knew too well the value of obedience to orders, and at length succeeded in his object. The Commander-in-Chief received him with kindness as an old companion in arms, gave him three guineas, and by his condescending manner delighted poor Woodcock, who is still living in Oundle.

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About the year 1810, his Royal Highness was reviewing, in with his present company Majesty, the troops of the eastern district, on Lexden-heath, near Colchester, when an old soldier, mounted on an old hack, was observed by his Majesty, who requested to be informed who he was. The Commander-in-Chief replied-" Why, it is old Andrews, the oldest soldier in the service, having served in the reigns of George the First, Second, and Third, and now on halfpay." An Aide-de-Camp was immediately despatched for the veteran's attendance, and a long conversation ensued, of which the following forms part :-" How old are you, Andrews, and how long have you been in the service?" said the Duke. "Why, your Royal Highness, I am now ninety years old, and have been in the service about 70 years." But his Royal Highness, seeing he was dressed in an old suit of regimentals, asked how long he had them? "Why, your Highness, about forty years;" at which his Royal Highness took up the skirt of his coat for the purpose of feeling its texture, remarked that such cloth was not made nowa-days.-"No," replied the old veteran, "nor such men either." The reply so pleased his Royal Highness and His Majesty, that the old veteran was placed from that day on full pay, making the remainder of his days comfortable. He died at the advanced age of 97, and was buried in the church-yard of St. Mary's, Colchester.

A short time after the death of the Duchess of York, his Royal Highness arriving at the Palace, observed the house-keeper turn away a miserable-looking woman, without giving her any thing. He inquired who she


The house-keeper answered that she was "a beggar, a soldier's wife." "What," rejoined his Royal Highness, and what was your mistress but a soldier's wife?"

As a proof of the Duke's attention to the offspring of old officers-there is an officer now quartered at Chatham, who laid before his Royal Highness the commissions of his ancestors, signed by King Charles I. and II., King William III., Queen Anne, King George I. and II., and one given to his great-grandfather on the field at the battle of Aughrim, signed by General de Ginkell, dated 1691. His Royal Highness immediately appointed him to an Ensigney. This officer joined his regiment in Spain, and was severely wounded at the battles of the Pyrenees, and Toulouse.

A young and promising officer, named Drew, a native of the county of Clare, who had served during a great part of the Peninsular campaign, had the misfortune to lose his left arm in the memorable battle of Salamanca; for which he was invalided, with the half-pay of Lieutenant, and compensation for the loss of the limb. Mr. D. was not one of those who love " inglorious

ease;" but, soon after his return to England, he made several ineffectual applications to be placed once more on active service. Chance unexpectedly brought him under the notice of the Duke of York, and eventually led to the accomplishment of his hopes. In his early life, Mr. Drew was remarkable for his skill in horsemanship, and that now constituted his chief amusement. Riding through the park one morning, he perceived the Commander-in-Chief coming towards him in the ride; though mounted on a mettlesome and rather unmanageable animal, Mr. Drew placed the reins in his mouth, took off his hat, and gracefully saluted his Royal Highness, who was so struck not only with the fine appearance of the "young veteran," but with the singularly elegant manner in which the action was performed, that he directed one of the officers to inquire the gentleman's name, &c. The card of Lieut. Drew, half-pay, was returned, and, by the Duke's desire, the young soldier was commanded to attend the next Military Levee at the Horse Guards. After a formal introduction, the Royal Duke entered familiarly into conversation with Mr. D., as to the nature and length of his service, and finally inquired whether he was satisfied with his then situation. Mr. Drew admitted that the remuneration was more than equal to his deserts, but at the same time modestly hinted, that he had yet an arm which could wield a sword in defence of his King and country, and that, if his appointment to active service was compatible with military etiquette, he would consider himself peculiarly favoured. The Commander-in-Chief made no comment on this address at the moment, but the appointment of Mr. Drew to a company in the 84th Foot appeared in the next Gazette.

The following circumstance was related by Mr. Lawless at a meeting of the Roman Catholic Association in Dublin. Mr. M'Dermott, a Roman Catholic of respectability, and who had been formerly in the army, had two sons who were very well educated. He wrote a letter to his Royal Highness, stating, that owing to adverse circumstances he had been reduced considerably in his fortune, and that his two sons were extremely anxious to get into the army. He referred the Noble Duke to respectable authorities, for a verification of his statement. He received, by return of post, a letter from the Duke's Secretary, stating that an inquiry should be made into the circumstances of the case. The inquiry was immediately instituted the facts were found to be as stated, and the two young gentlemen were forthwith appointed to Commissions.

When the 13th Regiment was quartered in York, the greater part of the men were Roman Catholics; and Mr. Rayment, the priest who officiates at the chapel in Little GENT. MAG. February, 1827.

Blake-street, waited on the Colonel to request that they might be allowed to attend chapel on the Sunday forenoon. This interfered with some arrangements of the regiment, and leave was politely refused; but the Colonel said they should attend in the afternoon. As, however, by attending only on that part of the day, the most important part of the service of the Roman church, high mass, could not be heard, Mr. Rayment wrote to the Commander-inChief, and the next Sunday every man was at chapel.

Among the many other institutions of public charity which his princely munificence patronised, in 1788 his Royal Highness became, by the usual qualification, a Governor of the Smallpox Hospital at Pancras ; and afterwards, upon the death of the late Duke of Leeds in 1799, acceeded to the solicitation of that Society, by becoming the President. He almost invariably took the Chair at the annual Festival, and presented at each of them, during seventeen successive years, his generous benefaction of 100 guineas. Whenever he presided at the General Courts, he never failed to close the details of those meetings by visiting the wards, where the writer of this clause has had the grateful satisfaction of witnessing at the bed-side the tenderness and humanity of his disposition.

His Royal Highness's skill as a sportsman is well known. In the season of 1823-4 he was in vigorous health, and extremely fortunate in all his shooting parties; particularly on Saturday, the 24th of January, 1824, at the seat of the Earl of Verulam, in Hertfordshire, when his Royal Highness killed 98 pheasants, besides other game. The Duke continued the pursuit of his sport till dark, as was his Royal Highness's custom, and afterwards dined with the Earl and Countess, stopped to an evening party, and left between one and two o'clock for London, where he arrived on Sunday morning about four o'clock, and attended divine service at the Chapel Royal, at twelve o'clock.

The appointment of the DUKE of WelLINGTON as Commander-in-Chief, was accompanied by the following General Order, which does the highest honour to the head and heart of the illustrious personage by whom it has been issued :

"Horse Guards, Tuesday Night, Jan. 23, 1827. "The last duties having been paid to the remains of his Royal Highness the DUKE OF YORK, the late Commander-in-Chief, the King deems it right to convey to the Army an expression of the melancholy satisfaction which His Majesty derives from the deep feeling of grief manifested by every class of the Military Profession, in common with his people at large, under the great calamity with which it has pleased the Almighty to

afflict the Nation and his MAJESTY-a calamity which has deprived the Crown of one of its most valuable and distinguished Servants, and his MAJESTY of a beloved and affectionate Brother.

The KING does not think it necessary to dwell upon the pre-eminent merits of the late DUKE OF YORK; His MAJESTY knows that these are impressed on the minds and engraven on the hearts of His MAJESTY'S Soldiers. His MAJESTY desires it may merely be observed that the able administration of the command held by his late Royal Highness for a long course of years, his assiduous attention to the welfare of the Soldier, his unremitting exertions to inculcate the two principles of order and discipline, his discernment in bringing merit to the notice of the Crown, and the just impartiality with which he upheld the honour of the service, have combined to produce results that identify the Army as a profession with the glory and prosperity of this great country, and which will cause his virtues and services to live in the grateful remembrance of the latest posterity.

The KING feels that, under the present afflicting circumstances, His MAJESTY Cannot more effectually supply the loss which the Nation and the Army have sustained, than by appointing to the Chief Command of His MAJESTY'S Forces, Field Marshal his Grace the DUKE OF WELLINGTON, the great and distinguished General who has so often led the armies of the Nation to victory and glory; and whose high military renown is blended with the history of Europe.

By His Majesty's Command,

HENRY TORRENS, Adj.-Gen." The Will of his late Royal Highness, dated Dec. 26, 1825, was proved on the 3d of February, when the personal estate was sworn under 180,000l. The document commences with a declaration, written in the Duke's own hand, that he most sincerely and confidently hoped that the produce of his real and personal property would supply a fund more than amply sufficient to pay his debts. He gives all his real and personal property to Sir HERBERT TAYLOR and CoLONEL STEPHENSON (his executors) in trust, to pay all his just debts, and the interest of such debts as carry interest, and pay over the residue to the PRINCESS SOPHIA.

His Majesty has presented to Sir Herbert Taylor the Collar of the Guelphic Order, worn by the Duke of York.

Lady Bathurst, the sister of the late Duke of Richmond, was not forgotten by the Duke of York in his last moments. The conduct of the Duke of York in refusing to fire when he met the Duke of Richmond, then Colonel Lennox, on the occasion of their dispute, excited the highest admiration of his Royal Highness's magnanimity in the mind of her Ladyship.. A strong friend

ship existed between the Duke of York and Lady Bathurst from that time to the period of his Royal Highness's death. At the in terview which took place between his Majesty and his Royal Brother, a few days before the Duke of York's death, his Royal Highness requested that his Majesty would, in the event of his disorder proving fatal, send a lock of his Royal Highness's hair to her Ladyship in token of his friendship and affection. His Majesty has forwarded the hair to Lady Bathurst at the Albion Hotel, at Brighton.

Feb. 5. The whole of the stud, &c. of his late Royal Highness, were brought to the hammer by Messrs. Tattersall. Amongst the numerous bidders, were the following noblemen and gentlemen:- - Duke of Richmond, Marquis of Graham, Earl of Mountcharles (who attended for the King), Lord Bruce, Earl of Chesterfield; Lords Southampton, Fitzroy, Orford, Harborough, Pembroke; Gen. Grosvenor ; Colonels Russell, Leigh, Udny; Messrs. Greville, Charlton, Payne, &c. The sale consisted of thirty-three thorough-bred horses, seven hacks, ten lots of carriages, gigs, and harness, &c. and twelve dogs. The following is a recapitulation of the whole amount of the lots: Racing Stock Hacks Carriages Dogs

7,230gs 787gs £274 6 0

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£111 17


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The wines, china, linen, and furniture of the Duke of York were sold by Mr. Christie, on Feb. 21, and three following days. The rooms were crowded by fashionable company, and great competition was evinced. The Plate is announced for sale by Mr. Christie, March 19, and three following days.

The Baton which was carried at the funeral of the Commander-in-Chief, was his real official one, not one formed, like the Coronet, for the occasion. As the Baton should have been left, with the Coronet, on the coffin, this circumstance occasioned a little difficulty at the solemnity, which the newspapers unwarrantably magnified into a dispute between the Clergy and the Executors. The symbol in question is thus described : -The staff is covered with crimson velvet studded with golden lions; the lower end has a large ferrule, or termination, of chased gold, bearing an inscription of its being a gift of his Majesty's; and the upper end has a like termination of chased gold, surmounted by an equestrian figure of St. George, also of gold.

The Caledonian United Service Club (as well as that in London, as before noticed in p. 81), have resolved to place a marble bust of the Duke in one of their rooms at Edinburgh.

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