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prominent Americans have favored the bill, which would have been passed if all the absentees had voted. A fresh bill, he said, would be discussed in December, and this bill, he declared, would pass.

based upon the old figures, and which calls for the consumption of 100 packs of this metal per day for the next three months, finds itself involved in a loss upon its contract figures of $75 a day for this period upon this item alone. The President The Secretary's proposal was adopted. of one of the largest subscription-book publishDuring the second day's session M. Chaumating-houses in the city states that upon a careful presented a resolution declaring that literary figuring of the advanced tariff rates, as applied to articles in newspapers and magazines should be his total business for the year ending September regarded as the property of the writer, while 30, the bill will increase his expenses by a mininews and other paragraphs should be open for mum of $25,000 during the coming year. On the reproduction. Count Keratry introduced a other hand, owing to the competition in the pubresolution thanking the American Copyright||lishing trade, it will be impossible, he says, to League for its efforts to promote international copyright. Both were adopted by a unanimous



On the 7th inst. about eighty delegates from eight States assembled in the hall of the Ancient Order of United Workmen at 510 Sixth Ave., N. Y. James G. McMurray was in the chair. The discussion largely turned on the subject of devising means whereby the power of the American News Company could be broken. The debate ended in the adoption of a resolution providing for the appointment of a committee of three, whose duty it should be to organize a stock company to compete with the American News Company, the stock to be offered to newsdealers for six months. If by that time sufficient money had not been subscribed, outside capital should be invited to invest. The committee consists of President McMurray, P. J. Henzel, of Albany, and editor Daly, of the Newsman, who offered the resolution. A resolution offered by E. J. Nieuwlander, of New York, instructing the Executive Committee to ask the Postmaster-General to establish a system in connection with the mails whereby newsdealers throughout the country could be supplied with their newspapers, books, and periodicals at the lowest possible rates, was also adopted. Editor Daly was appointed as the representative of the Association to appear before the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads on matters affecting the interests of the newsdealers.

The following officers were then elected: President, James G. McMurray; Vice-Presidents, C. B. Swift, Philadelphia, and Miss E. Denroche, Friendship, N. Y.; Secretaries, John L. Butman, Lincoln, R. I., B. F. Gordon, New York, and J M. Shawcross, Providence, R. I.; Treasurer, John R. Suter, Brooklyn; Executive Committee, P. J. Henzel, Albany, D. E. Sullivan, Providence, R. I., J. A. Roys, Detroit, Mich., P. J. McGrath, Brooklyn, and E. C. Rahne, Philadelphia.

add even I per cent. to the price of the books issued by the house. The firm must either stand the entire loss or seek to recoup itself in some proportion by reducing salaries and commissions."

From the Commercial Advertiser.

A FEELING of restlessness has taken hold of our famous fiction writers, and not a few of them will be found browsing_this winter in entirely new literary pastures. Frank Stockton, for example, tears asunder from the Century, and his next serial story will appear in the Atlantic Monthly. The Atlantic, if it gains Stockton, loses Charles Egbert Craddock, since that rather erratic little woman has sold her next novel to Harper's. Then, Harper's will lose Howells' next long novel, which has been bought by a syndicate of newspapers. Scribner's, which generally has the first call" on Robert Louis Stevenson's work, does not get the novelist's "South Sea Letters," the exclusive right to these having been bought by the New York Sun for $10,000. Sarah Orne Jewett makes her début this winter to a new constituency of readers in the Ladies' Home Journal, which periodical has also bought Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney's next novel. And thus the order for "all change has seemed to go along the literary line.


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The book publishers, especially those houses which do not issue a magazine, are not very much pleased at the growing tendency of fiction writers to give first publication to their novels in serial form. It is exceedingly rare nowadays to see a novel from a well-known pen appear first in book form. The reason is that the author is realizing more and more the double revenue and larger reputation to be had from double publication. Good novel-writers, who can add a famous name to a good piece of work, are undoubtedly scarce, and with the keen competition among magazines, the prices have increased. Whether serial publication helps or injures the sale of a book is an open question. Publishers differ on this point, and in its discussion the author nat

WESTERN PUBLISHERS ON THE NEW urally takes no part. If his work be popular he


can dictate to the publisher, and the latter must bow or lose the novel. The time has passed for referring to the "poor author;" it is the publisher who will deserve that appellation more in the near future. The shoe is, indeed, already pinch

A SPECIAL despatch to the New York Evening Post, dated Chicago, October 7, says: "The bookpublishing interest of this city, which represents an invested capital of many millions of dollars, is appalled at the prospect of the trade in the lighting on the other foot. of the new Tariff Bill. Outside of paper and type, everything entering into the manufacture of books has been materially advanced. The duty on Dutch metal, not one pound of which is made in this country, and which cannot consequently be called a protected industry, has been doubled, and consequently its price has advanced from 75 cents to $1.50 per pack. A single bookbinding firm, which some time ago accepted a contract

CLERICAL CONSISTENCY.-First Deacon: The minister preached a fiery sermon against novelreading last Sunday. I tell you it must have had an effect upon the young ladies of the congregation who read fiction. Second Deacon: Is that so? From where did he take his text? First Deacon: Oh, from one of the New Testament parables, I believe.-Puck.

[blocks in formation]

A-Agriculture, farm machinery and appliances, forestry and forest products.

B-Viticulture, horticulture and floriculture.
C-Live stock, domestic and wild animals.
D-Fish, fisheries, fish products and apparatus
for fishing.

E-Mines, mining and metallurgy.

ALPHONSE KARR, a celebrated and prolific French author who was probably better known forty years ago than now, died recently at San Rafaël, aged 82 years. In 1839 he was chief ediphanesque journal, "Les Guêpes," every number tor of the Figaro, for which he wrote an Aristoof which made a literary sensation. Seven years before the editor of Figaro had rejected his first clusively to the cultivation of flowers. The Karr manuscript. Since 1866 he devoted himself ex

dahlia was named after him.

JOHN H. HEWITT, the poet and musician, and known as the father of the American ballad, died at his home in Baltimore, on the 7th inst. He was born July 11, 1801, in New York City. At the beginning of his career he was engaged in business, and was afterward educated for the army. He then studied law, and was successivefather was Professor Hewitt, a leading musician of his time, who came from England in 1794. He married Eliza King, only daughter of Sir John King.

G-Transportation and intercommunication. H-Electricity and electrical appliances (electrical exhibits will also be found in other depart-ly a musician, editor and essayist. Mr. Hewitt's ments of the Exposition).


K-Fine arts: opictoral, plastic and decorative.

L-Music, education, literature, engineering, public works, sociology.

M-The progress of human labor and invention.


IT may be expected that books printed in foreign languages will hereafter be sold much cheaper than heretofore, as the duty has been taken from all books printed in other than the English language. The clauses of the tariff act which will interest booksellers and readers of foreign literature are the following under the free list clauses of the bill:


512. Books, engravings, photographs, bound or bound, etchings, maps and charts, which shall have been printed and bound, or manufactured more than twenty years at the date of importation.

513. Books and pamphlets printed exclusively in languages other than English; also books and music, in raised print, used exclusively by the blind.

514. Books, engravings, photographs, etchings, bound or unbound, maps and charts imported by authority, or for the use of the United States, or for the use of the Library of Congress.

515. Books, maps, lithographic prints and charts, especially imported, not more than two copies in any one invoice, in good faith, for the use of any society incorporated or established for educational, philosophical, literary or religious purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts (246), or by any college, academy, school or seminary of learning in the United States, in its own behalf or in behalf of any of its professors or teachers, subject to such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe.

516. Books or libraries, or parts of libraries, and other household effects of persons or families from foreign countries, if actually used abroad by them not less than one year, and not intended for any other person or persons, nor for sale.


THE REV. DR. GEORGE BARRELL CHEEVER died at Englewood, N. J., Oct. 1. He was born at Hallowell, Me., April 17, 1807. He was a classmate at Bowdoin College with Longfellow, Hawthorne and Jonathan Cilley. He was prominent in temperance reform and in the anti-slavery movement. From 1839 to 1870, when he retired from the ministry, he filled the pulpits of the Allen Street Presbyterian Church and the Church of the Puritans in New York City. Part of this time he was also the principal editor of the New York Evangelist. His writings were largely controversial and on religious subjects.


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THE article by Helen Gray Cone in the October Century on 'Women in Literature" is one of a series of original articles by representative American women which are to be issued immediately in a book on "Women's Work in America." The work has been inspired and edited by Mrs. Annie Nathan Meyer, a trustee of Barnard College, and will be published by Henry Holt & Co.

A NEW monthly has been started by E. L. Kellogg & Co., of New York and Chicago, called Our Times. The plan of this paper is to give a clear idea of what is going on in the world from month to month. Though designed specially for teachers, it is of interest to all who wish to keep track of the current events of the world that contribute to its real progress. It gives all the important news of the month without the murders and scandals. A clear, comprehensive review of the contents is also given, with numerous suggestions as to teaching them.

the interests of working girls' societies, is to be Far and Near, a monthly journal devoted to started next month. The business management will be in the hands of the Critic Company, Lafayette Place, N. Y., and the editorial department under the control of the Auxiliary Society of the Association of Working Girls' Societies of New York. It is proposed to publish in this paper news of the various Working Girls' Societies in this country and England, and articles by the best talent that can be obtained on subjects of interest to all wage-earning women. It will also contain stories and poems, a summary of the important events of the month (in all parts of the world), and other departments of value and interest, including a series of short papers by club members, on topics chosen each month by the editors. Among those who have already promised to contribute articles are Grace H. Dodge, Clara Sidney Potter, Sarah Orne Jewett, Augustus Hoppin, Louise Chandler Moulton, Prof. George Harris, and Lucy Larcom. Far and Near will be edited by Maria Bowen Chapin, of New York, assisted by O. M. E. Rowe, of Boston, and Emily Morgan, of Hartford. The subscription price will be $1 per year, fifty cents to club members.



1852 and 1853, and were at once translated into English and French. The third volume will be

ALPHONSE DAUDET is reported to be seriously gin at the time of the declaration of independence of America.

"SHIRLEY DARE" is the pseudonym of Mrs. Susan C. Powers, a well-known newspaper writer. MME. MICHELET, the widow and collaborateur of the historian, is preparing a volume of his travels for the press.

GEN. BOULANGER, in reply to the "Coulisses du Boulangisme," will publish a book entitled "Les Vraies Coulisses."

MISS SADIE ELLIOT, daughter of the late Bishop of Georgia, according to the Boston Traveller, is the author of the novel, "Jerry," now appearing in Scribner's.

MAJOR VON WISSMANN'S large book on his second African expedition is to be published at Frankfort-on-the-Öder in November. F. KleinChavelier, the Dusseldorf artist, has drawn the illustrations for it.

GLEESON WHITE, the young Englishman who compiled a volume of " Ballades, Rondeaus," etc., now published by D. Appleton & Co., has come to America to assist Mr. Montague Marks in editing The Art Amatenr.

AFTER a lawsuit over the matter, E. H. House, who claims the authorship of the play, The Prince and Pauper," made an agreement with S. | L. Clemens and Abby Sage Richardson, whereby he was to receive one half the royalties paid for the play.

STEPNIAK, the famous Russian author, is coming to America in December. He will deliver a

few lectures in this country. His subjects will

be "Nihilism: its past history and prospects," Siberian Exile" and "Count Tolstoi, as novelist and social reformer.

A BUST of Sydney Lanier, the poet, was unveiled October 4 at Macon, Ga. It is of bronze, mounted on a marble pedestal, and was presented to the Macon Library Association by a New York admirer of the poet, and is similar in design to the one presented to the Johns Hopkins University.

A LETTER by Charles Dickens describing the death from influenza of Grip-ominous namethe famous raven of "Barnaby Rudge," dated June 15, 1841, has just been published in The Manchester City News, to which it was communicated by Mr. Arthur Hailstone, of Manchester. The raven's last words were Halloa, old girl!"

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FATHER WILLIAM P. NEVILLE, of the Birmingham Oratory, who was appointed by Cardinal Newman to be his literary executor, requests those who possess letters from the Cardinal to send them to him, in order that they may be made use of in publishing selections from his correspondence. He promises that all such letters sent to him shall be carefully returned to their


DR. H. SCHERER, the founder and former editor of the commercial journal Actionär, is said to be engaged on the completion of his "Allgemeine Geschichte des Welthandels," the first two volumes of which appeared as far back as the years

GEORGE BANCROFT, the historian, celebrated his ninetieth birthday October 3. But for a gradual inevitable loss of muscular energy, and a very gradual fading of his powers of memory, Mr. Bancroft might seem a score of years younger than he is. According to a correspondent of the Washington Post "he still is an untiring reader, and keeps remarkably well up with the advanced thought of the times."

PAUL LEICESTER FORD, 97 Clark Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., being engaged in the preparation of an edition of the writings of Thomas Jefferson, and desiring to make it as complete as possible, requests that any one possessing any of Jefferson's letters or manuscripts will communicate with him. Or if such persons will loan these to Mr. Ford for a few days, he will guarantee their safe return; or, if they will have them copied at his expense, and will enclose a bill, he will gladly pay for the copying, and give due credit for such assistance in the work.

MRS. OLIPHANT is now well advanced with her "Memoirs of the Life of Laurence Oliphant," which Messrs. Blackwood & Sons expect to publish at an early date. The work will be looked forward to with keen curiosity, says the London Athenæum, “ for Mrs. Oliphant has been fortunate enough to secure a mass of Laurence Oliphant's private correspondence, commencing with letters written in his boyhood, which may afford a key to open up that singular double character which contains at once the clever and brilliant man of

society and the studious and dreamy mystic. One side of Laurence Oliphant's character was so mysterious even to his friends that any light upon it coming from his internal revelations will be welcome, while the adventurous life of which he has afforded so many glimpses in his writings contains highly romantic elements. We understand that it is more especially to the religious and mystic side of his career that Mrs. Oliphant has devoted her attention."

MR. RUSKIN, says the St. James' Gazette," is to issue two volumes of poetry, with accompanying plates, early next year. Whether the contents be new or old, gleanings of the past years or the harvest of advanced age, has not been divulged. Few of Ruskin's admirers know, and fewer collectors possess, the very rare volume of poems privately printed by him in 1850, for which the bookworm may hunt the British Museum Catalogue in vain. It is post octavo, runs to 283 pages, and is one of the scarcest books of which we know. The copy lying before us at the moment is stamped across the back Poems, J. R., and on the side the symbolical lyre appearspossibly a binder's freak perpetrated without the author's sanction. All the poems contained in the volume were written between the ages of fourteen and twenty-six, each being carefully assigned its date. The Oxford prize poem, Salsette and Elephanta," written in 1839, takes up twelve of the pages, and an earlier poem "The Gipsies," runs to eighteen. It is in couplets, and was badly beaten in the Newdigate Competition of 1837, when Dean Stanley carried off the coveted honor.

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LITERARY AND TRADE NOTES. THE GROLIER CLUB is to give an exhibition of artistic posters in December. Mr. Samuel P. Avery will make the selections. STREET & SMITH will publish at once, in their Select Series, "The Illegal Marriage," a tale of Southern life, by Hon. Evelyn Ashby.

THOMAS WHITTAKER has just ready a second series of the "Handbook of Biblical Difficulties," treating the literary and scientific problems in Scripture.

THE publishers of Puck will shortly issue Brunner's delightful series of short stories that have appeared in recent issues of Puck, under the title of Short Sixes."

THE Senate voted to purchase, at a cost not exceeding $30,000, Thomas S. Townsend's extensive collection of data on the Civil War, known as his " Library of National Records," which was described in these columns some time ago.

HARPER & BROTHERS are to publish in this country Sir Walter Scott's "Journal," reproduced from the original at Abbotsford. It will be edited by David Douglas. The amount of matter is nearly double what Lockhart used in his biography of his father-in-law. There are two volumes. MISS KATHARINE PEARSON WOODS, of Baltimore, whose "Metzerott, Shoemaker" and "The Mark of the Beast" have attracted so much interest, has written a new story entitled "A Web of Gold," which will be published shortly by Messrs. T. Y. Crowell & Co. It deals with the relations of labor and capital, and contains many brilliant and dramatic scenes and well-drawn characters.

HARPER & BROTHERS have received notification from Reuben B. Davenport, editor of the New Haven Morning News, that Capt. Charles King's book, "Campaigning with Crook," contains libellous matter, and that he proposes to bring suit against the author and publisher. The Harpers have forwarded the document to Capt. King and will for the present stop filling orders for the book.

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W. M. GOLDTHWAITE, No. 107 Nassau Street, New York, announces a new Atlas of Westchester County," to be complete in one volume. Township plans and the outlines of districts are to be shown on a scale of from two to four inches to the mile, the closely built portions to be done on a larger scale. The maps are to show all block, lot and ward numbers and lot dimensions when obtainable. Locations of public buildings, manufactories and the larger private structures are to be indicated, materials of construction to be designated by colors, owners' names are to be given, also the lines of water service, sewers, farm boundaries, etc.

MACMILLAN & Co. will publish at once a cheap edition of Dilke's "Problems of Great Britain," in one volume.

SWAN SONNENSCHEIN & Co., London, will publish shortly, in their Social Science Series, a description of the New York State Reformatory at Elmira, by Mr. Alexander Winter. The book will describe the life at the reformatory, and the methods employed in this interesting sociological experiment, which endeavors to translate into practice the most advanced penological theories of the day. Mr. Havelock Ellis is writing a pref

ace to the book.

WILLIAM ANDREWS & Co., I Dock Street Hull, England, will issue in December "The Wordsworth Dictionary of Persons and Places," by J. R. Turin, who has also compiled "The Bibliography of Wordsworth." The new volume will give, besides the index and dictionary to persons and places, a collection of quotations from the poet's works, which will have an exhaustive index and a chronologically arranged list of the best of Wordsworth's poems. Besides the regular edition a large-paper edition of 250 copies will be printed and bound in similar style to Knight's Library Edition of Wordsworth."


"THE SAGA LIBRARY," edited by William J. Norris with the assistance of Eirikv Magnusson,

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and to be published by Bernard Quaritch, will comprise The Poetic Edda," "The Prose Edda,"" The Volsunga Saga," "Heimskringla, or, Chronicles of the Kings of Norway," Orkney Saga," The Sagas of Eric the Red and Thorfinn Karsefne (being the Tale of the Discovery of America in the Tenth Century)," Gunnlaug's Saga," "Frithiof's Saga," and "Saga of Viglund the Fair," "Story of Grettir the Strong," "Egil's Saga," Njal's Saga," Eyrbyggia Saga," "Saga of the Laxdalers," Hen Thorir's Saga," Saga of Howard the Halt," 'Saga of the Banded Men," and several others. The regular issue will be 55. per volume, the large-paper edition will be £1 11s. 6d.


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THE result of the inquiry made by the Society of Authors as to the extent to which pirated editions are introduced into the colonial book market, to the detriment of English holders of copyright, appears to be that in Australia and New Zealand present legislation is sufficient, and that in India the evil is but partial. But in Africa and other parts of the British dominions the 20 per cent. collected by the Custom-House on the published price of books registered at Stationers' Hall, even if carefully levied, appears, according to the current number of the Author, not to be a sufficient deterrent. The fact that the lists supplied to the Custom-House are often a year old or more, and that registration of books is frequently neglected too long, may partly account for the success of contraband enterprise. In any legislative attempts that may be made to correct the evil, the Society expresses itself confident of the co-operation of the Colonial Office. -Athenæum.

CORRECTION.-A representative of the firm of Sabiston & Murray, 916 Sixth Ave., New York City, has called upon us to deny the statement made in the circular of E. W. Dayton, manager of the estate of W. R. Jenkins, quoted in our last week's issue. The firm asserts that it does not claim, and never has claimed, to be the successor to W. R. Jenkins' business, and that it has made no purchases of any one on that representation.


Under the heading "Books Wanted," subscribers only are entitled to a free insertion of five lines for books out of print, exclusive of address (in any issue except special numbers), to an extent not exceeding 100 lines a year. If more than five lines are sent, the excess is at 10 cents per line, and amount should be enclosed. Bids for current books and such as may be easily had from the publishers, and repeated matter, as well as all advertisements from non-subscribers, must be paid for at the rate of 10 cents per line.

Under the heading "Books for Sale," the charge to subscribers and non-subscribers is 10 cents per line for each insertion. No deduction for repeated matter.

Under the heading “Situations Wanted," subscribers are entitled to one free insertion of five lines. For repeated matter and advertisements of non-subscribers the charge is 10 cents per line.

All other small advertisements will be charged at the uniform rate of 10 cents per line. Eight words may be reckoned to the line.

Parties with whom we have no accounts must pay in advance, otherwise no notice will be taken of their com munications.

Parties desiring to receive answers to their advertisements through this office must either call for them or enclose postage stamps with their orders for the insertion of such advertisements. In all cases we must have the full address of advertisers as a guarantee of good faith. Houses that are willing to deal only on a cash-on-delivery basis, will find it to their advantage to put after their firm name the word [Cash.]


In answering, please state edition, condition, and price, including postage or express charges.

CASINO BOOK Co., 1374 B'WAY, N. Y.

Cushing's Dictionary of Pseudonyms and Literary Disguises, 2d v.

Anything on the preservation of timber.

Encyclopædia Britannica, Stoddard ed., v. 22, 23, 24 and
Index, shp. bdg.

Bowen, Fs., Metaphysical and Ethical Science.
Junot, Memoirs of Napoleon, 2 v. N. Y., 1854.
Drake, Tragedies of the Wilderness. N. Y., 1846.
Huntington, J. V., Lady Alice. N. Y., 1850.
Leland, C. G., Sunshine in Thought. N. Y.

Opie, On Lying.

Geo. Balcombe, by Beverly Tucker.

W. B. CLARKE & Co., BOSTON, MASS. Causerie, pub, by Roberts Bros. Gegenbauer's Elements of Comparative Anatomy, English trans, by Bell. Macmillan & Co. Sermons, by Rev. Geo. Putnam. Osgood & Co., Boston. Jack the Giant-Killer, by A. L. O. E. Ballad of Lord Lovell and His Lady Love. Edith Murray, by Joanna Mathews. Army Nurses, by Belva Lockwood. Songs and Singers of the Church, by Miller.


N. H. Session Laws, any vol. 1794 to 1800. Will buy any, years (if cheap) since then.


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Studies in Philosophy of Religion. Religious Thought and Life of To-Day. McClintock and Strong, v. 1o, cl.


Tillotson's Sermons, any ed.

He and She, by George Sand, Lovell's Library.
Whitfield's Sermons.

AMER. BAPTIST PUB. SOC., 122 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. Jeremy Taylor's Sermons.
Commentary on the Bible, by John Gill.

Scribner's Magazine, Jan., 1880.


Duyckinck's Plutarch."

Hayward's Faust.

Anderson's Royal Genealogies.

W. E. BENJAMIN, 6 ASTOR PL., N. Y. (Cash.) Irving's Life of Washington, large pap., 4°, v. 5. Putnam, 1857.

Prime's Pottery and Porcelain.

J. W. BOUTON, 8 W. 28TH ST., N. Y. Cheever's Voyage to Celestial Country, 12°,

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Doubt and Evidence, 12°. Randolph.

Windings of the River of the Water of Life, 12°. Pilgrim and the Shadow of the Alps, 12°. Wyckoff's Reminiscences, cl.

THE BOWEN-MERRILL Co., INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. Theodore Parker, Discourse on Matters Pertaining to Religion. Horace B. Fuller, Boston.

BOWERS & LOY, 111 NASSAU ST., N. Y. Israel Potter's 50 Years in Exile.

BRENTANO'S, 5 UNION SQUARE, N. Y. (Cash.) Encyclo. Brit, 25 v., 9th ed., hf. rus. Scribners. John of Barneveld, Harper's old 8° ed.

Von Duben's Microscopical Diagnosis.

Montague s Letters and Correspondence.

House that Jill Built.

[blocks in formation]

Any ed, with good print.

2 copies The Italian, by Mrs. Radcliffe, good print. Memorials of the Haines Family, pub. in Phila. Bayne's Book of Checkers.

Blaikie's Life of Livingstone, pub. by Harper.

The Dial, ed. by Emerson and others, bound vols. or single nos.

E. DARROW & Co., ROCHEster, N. Y. A Proletarian Family, tr. from Eugene Sue. Headly's History of the Rebellion, 2 v.

DE WOLFE, FISKE & Co., BOSTON, MASS. Game of Draughts with Diagrams, by Julian Darrogh Janvier.

M. H. DICKINSON & CO., KANSAS CITY, Mo Legends of Old Testament Characters, by S. BaringGould.

E. P. DUTTON & Co., 31 W. 23D ST., N. Y.
Scott's Bible, v. 1, 8°, from 5th London ed.
Petit. Lippincott.

Quincy, Lexicon.

Free Land and Free Trade, S. S. Cox.


10 Stanley's In Darkest Africa, cl.
Reynolds' Mysteries of the Court of London.
Duraudu's Symbolism. London, 1841.

A. E. FOOTE, 4116 ELM AVE., PHILA., PA. (Cash.) Conolly, Insane Asylums.

Esquirol, Insanity.

Jour. of Royal Micros. Soc.

Tryon, Marine Conchology.

Wharton and Stelle, Med. Jurisprudence.


Bell's New Tracks Across No. Am., 2 V.
Centenial Service of Song.

Calvary Selections for Church and Choir.

W. B. HARISON, 6 CLINTON PL., N. Y. 100 doz. Bartholomew's Freehand Drawing, no. 2, blue cover, pub. at $1.80 per dozen.

F. P. HARPER, 17 E. 16TH ST., N. Y.

V. 7 Jefferson's Works.

J. A. HILL & Co., 44 E. 14TH ST., N. Y. (Cash.) Blind Bartimeus, Hoge, pub. by Sheldon.

W. A. INGHAM, 138 SUPERIOR ST., CLEVELAND, O. Unfortunate Englishman. Sabine, no. 81 Shoe Lane, London.

Our Eternal Homes, by A Bible Student.
Johnson's Encyclopedia, 4 v.. second-hand.
Any engineering books, second-hand.

« EdellinenJatka »