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Imports by articies and auties collected in 1890-Continued.

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Chapter VIII.


The New

The principal port on the north coast of Guatemala is Livingston, for which a steamer of the Macheca line leaves New Orleans every week, while from New York a steamer of the Honduras and Central American line sails once in three weeks. Orleans route is generally chosen, being the shortest. From that port there are two days' sailing on the Gulf, the third day a smooth and delightful run of two hours between the island of Cozumel and the coast of Yucatan; then a twenty-four hours' cruise on the Caribbean Sea, when the pretty little harbor of Belize is reached and the vessel drops her anchor for a day to discharge the European and American mail and cargo. After leaving Belize, a twelve hours' run down the coast brings the steamer into the harbor of Puerto Cortez, a seaport of Spanish Honduras, where connection may be made with the only railroad line in that Republic, going to San Pedro, a distance of 35 miles in the interior. From Puerto Cortez there is a six hours' run to Livingston, Guatemala, the most picturesque port on the Atlantic coast of Central America and the depot for European and American mails and merchandise bound for Guatemala city, the capital of the Republic.

On Wednesday of each week the New Orleans steamer arrives in Livingston, and on Thursday morning the small mail boat leaves on its six hours' trip up the Rio Dulce to Izabal, where the mail bags are transferred to muleback and begin their six days' journey to the capital. Travelers coming this way en route to


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Guatemala who are so fortunate as to have friends on the coast generally advise them of their coming, in order that they may procure from the interior the necessary mules and mozos for a quick and comfortable transit. But the unfortunate individual who comes unheralded and unknown must wait in Livingston or Izabal while a telegram is sent to Guatemala, Zácapa, or Gualan for the indispensable animals and Indians, possessing his soul in patience until they arrive. For some years the nearest telegraph

office to the coast was at Izabal, 50 miles in the interior; but a line is now being constructed to connect this with Livingston, and in the course of a few months Livingston will be in cable communication with Belize and the world, thus facilitating in a great degree the commercial interests of the Republic of Guatemala.

The route from Livingston to Izabal is by water up the Rio Dulce and half across Lake Izabal, a distance of about 50 miles in all. It is the same taken by Cortez on his first expedition to this country, and also by Mr. John Lloyd Stephens, that cultured and eminent American who went as special ambassador to that country in 1839, and who, in his interesting book of travels, has given, perhaps, the most graphic description of Guatemala known to literature. But from the Guatemala of 1839 has grown up a much more civilized and progressive Republic, which is especially appreciated by the traveler going over this same ground described by Mr. Stephens. Only the picturesque beauties of the route remain unchanged.

The trip from Izabal to Guatemala can be made in six days. Starting from Izabal in the morning Juiriqua is reached in good time in the afternoon, affording a few hours' rest before night or an opportunity for the archæologist to examine the famous ruins situated at a short distance from the pueblo. The practical and prosaic-minded traveler will probably prefer the rest and an early start the following morning for Gualan, his second days' destination. Gualan is a town of considerable size and importance, where

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