THE PROLOGUE HE doubtful Title, Gentlemen, prefixt Upon the Argument we have in Hand, May breed fufpence, and wrongfully disturb The peaceful Quiet of your fetled Thoughts : To stop which Scruple, let this brief fuffice, It is no pamper'd Glutton we prefent, Nor aged Counsellor to youthful Sin ; But one, whofe Virtue fhone above the reft, A valiant Martyr, and a virtuous Peer, In whose true Faith and Loyalty expreft Unto his Sovereign, and his Country's weal: We strive to pay that Tribute of our Love Your Favours Merit; let fair Truth be grac'd, Since forg'd Invention former Time defac'd. Dramatis K' ING Henry the Fifth. Sir John Oldcastle, Lord Cobham. Harpool, Servant to the Lord Cobham. Lord Herbert, with Gough his Man. Lord Powis, with Owen, and Davy, his Men. The Mayor of Hereford, and Sheriff of Herefordfhire, with Bayliffs and Servants. Two Fudges of Affize. The Bishop of Rochester, and Clun his Sumner. Sir John the Parfon of Wrotham, and Doll his Concubine. The Duke of Suffolk. The Earl of Huntington. Lood Grey. Chartres the French Agent. Sir Roger Acton. Sir Richard Lee. Master Bourn, Master Beverley, Murley the Brewer of Dunstable, S Rebels. Mafter Butler, Gentleman of the Privy-Chamber. Lady Cobham. Lady Powis. Cromer, Sheriff of Kent. Lord Warden of the Cinque-Ports. Lieutenant of the Tower. The Mayor, Conftable, and Goaler of St. Albans. Soldiers and old Men begging. Dick and Tom, Servants to Murley. An Hoft, Hoftler; a Carrier and Kate. THE ACT I SCENE I. Enter Sheriff, Lord Herbert, Lord Powis, Owen, Bailiff, Gough, and Davy. M SHERIFF. Y Lords I charge ye in his Highnefs Name, to keep the Peace, you and your Follow ers. Her. Good Mafter Sheriff, look unto your felf. Pow. Do fo, for we have other Bufinefs. [Proffer to fight again. Sher. Will ye disturb the Judges, and the Affize? Hear the King's Proclamation, ye were beft. Pow. Hold then, let's hear it. Her. But be brief, ye were beft. Bail. O yes. Davy. Coffone, make fhorter O, or fhall mar your Yes. Bail. O yes. Owen. Owen. What, has her nothing to fay, but O yes? Davy: O nay, py cofs plut, down with her, down with her. A Powis, a Powis. Gough. A Herbert, a Herbert, and down with Powis. [Helter skelter again. Sher. Hold in the King's Name, hold, Owen. Down with a Kanaves Name, down. A [In this fight the Bailiff is knock'd down, and the Sheriff Her. Powis, I think thy Welsh and thou do fmart. Davy. A Powis, a Powis. As they are fighting, Enter the Mayor of Hereford, his May. My Lords, as you are Liegemen to the Crown, Commanded by the Judges of Affize, For keeping Peace at this Affembly. Her. Good Mafter Mayor of Hereford, be brief. May. Serjeant, without the Ceremonies of O yes, Pronounce aloud the Proclamation. Ser. The King's Juftices, perceiving what publick Mifchief may enfue this private Quarrel; in his Majesty's Name, do ftraitly charge and command all Perfons, of what Degree foever, to depart this, City of Hereford, except fuch as are bound to give attendance at this Affize, and that no Man prefume to wear any Weapon, especially Welsh-Hooks; Foreft Bills. Owen. Haw? No pill nor Wells hoog? ha? May. Peace, and hear the Proclamation. Ser. And that the Lord Powis do prefently difperfe and difcharge his Retinue, and depart the City in the King's Peace, he and his Followers, on pain of Imprisonment. Davy. Haw? pud her Lord Powis in Prifon? A Powis, a Powis Coffoon, her will live and tye with her Lord. Gough. A Herbert, a Herbert. |