¶ Then, the Bishop sitting in his chair, the Sentence of Consecration is to be read by some person appointed by him, and then laid by him upon the Communion Table after which, the Bishop shall say, BLESSED be thy Name, O Lord, that it hath pleased thee to put it into the hearts of thy servants to appropriate and devote this house to thy honour and worship; and grant that all who shall enjoy the benefit of this pious work, may show forth their thankfulness, by making a right use of it, to the glory of thy blessed Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ¶ After this, the Minister appointed is to read the service for the day. Psalm lxxxiv. PROPER PSALMS. Psalm cxxii. Psalm cxxxii. PROPER LESSONS. FIRST. 1 Kings, chap. viii. verse 22 to verse 63. ¶ Morning Prayer being ended, there shall be sung from the Book of Psalms, in Metre, Psalm xxvi. verses 6, 7, 8, with the Gloria Patri. The Bishop shall then proceed to the Communion Service. The following shall be the Collect, Epistle, and Gospel, for the occasion. The Collect. MOST glorious Lord, we acknowledge that we are not worthy to offer unto thee any thing belonging unto us; yet we beseech thee, in thy great goodness, graciously to accept the Dedication of this place to thy service, and to prosper this our undertaking; receive the prayers and intercessions of all those thy servants who shall call upon thee in this house; and give them grace to prepare their hearts to serve thee with reverence and godly fear; affect them with an awful apprehension of thy Divine Majesty, and a deep sense of their own unworthiness; that so approaching thy sanctuary with lowliness and devotion, and coming before thee with clean thoughts and pure hearts, with bodies undefiled, and minds sanctified, they may always perform a service acceptable to thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Ε The Epistle. 2 Cor. vi. verse 14 to verse 17. BE ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? and what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? and what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. The Gospel. St. John ii. verse 13. AND the Jews' Passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem, and found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting: and when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables; and said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise. And his disciples remembered that it was written, The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up. ¶ Then shall be said or sung the Hundredth Psalm. ¶ Here shall follow the Sermon. ¶ The Sermon being ended, the Bishop shall proceed in the Service for the Communion, if it is to be administered at that time. After the Communion, or, if it is not administered at that time, after the Sermon, and immediately before the final Blessing, the Bishop shall say the following Prayer. B LESSED be thy Name, O Lord God, for that it hath pleased thee to have thy habitation among the sons of men, and to dwell in the midst of the assembly of the saints upon the earth; bless, we beseech thee, the religious performance of this day, and grant that in this place now set apart to thy service, thy holy Name may be worshipped in truth and purity through all generations; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. THE peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord: And the Blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be amongst you, and remain with you always. Amen. AN OFFICE OF INSTITUTION OF MINISTERS INTO PARISHES OR CHURCHES. PRESCRIBED BY THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; ESTABLISHED IN GENERAL CONVENTION OF THE BISHOPS, THE CLERGY, AND LAITY, 1804; AND SET FORTH WITH ALTERATIONS, IN GENERAL CONVENTION, 1808. The Bishop having received due Notice of the Election of a Minister into a Parish or Church, as prescribed by the Canon, "concerning the Election and Institution of Ministers," and being satisfied that the "person chosen is a qualified Minister of this Church," may transmit the following Letter of Institution, for the proposed Rector, Associated Rector, or Assistant Minister, to one of his Presbyters, whom he may appoint as the Institutor. ¶ In any State or Diocese, the concluding Paragraph in the Letter of Institution may be omitted, where it interferes with the Usages, Laws, or Charters of the Church in the same. To our well-beloved in Christ, A. B., Presbyter, Greeting. WE do by these Presents give and grant unto Sigillum. Signat. you, in whose Learning, Diligence, sound Doctrine, and Prudence, we do fully confide, our License and Authority to perform the Office of a Priest, in the Parish [or Church] of E. And also hereby do institute you into said Parish, [or Church,] possessed of full power to perform every Act of sacerdotal Function among the People of the same; you continuing in communion with us, and complying with the rubrics and canons of the Church, and with such lawful directions as you shall at any time receive from us. And as a canonically instituted Priest into the Office of Rector [Associated Rector or Assistant Minister, as the case may be] of parish, [or church,] you are faithfully to feed that portion of the flock of Christ which is now intrusted to you; not as a man-pleaser,, but as continually bearing in mind that you are accountable to us here, and to the Chief Bishop and Sovereign Judge of all, hereafter. And as the Lord hath ordained that they who serve at the altar should live of the things belonging to the altar; so we authorize you to claim and enjoy all the accustomed temporalities appertaining to your cure, until some urgent reason or reasons occasion a wish in you, or in the congregation committed to your charge, to bring about a separation, and dissolution of all sacerdotal relation, between you and them: of all which you will give us due notice: and in case of any difference between you and your congregation, as to a separation and dissolution of all sacerdotal connection between you and them, we, your Bishop, with the advice of our Presbyters, are to be the ultimate arbiter and judge. In witness whereof, we have hereunto affixed our episcopal seal and signature, at , this day of, A. D. and in the year of our consecration. In the case of a Minister to be instituted in a State or Diocese in which there is no Bishop, the Clerical Members of the Standing Committee shall send the following Letter of Institution, for the proposed Minister, to the Presbyter whom they may appoint as Institutor. To our well-beloved in Christ, A. B., Presbyter, Greeting. WE do by these Presents authorize and empower Sigillum. you to exercise the Office of a Priest in the Parish [or Church] of E. And by virtue of the power vested in us, do institute you into said Parish, [or Church,] possessed of full power to perform every Act of sacerdotal Function among the People of the same; you complying with the rubrics and canons of the Church. And as a canonically instituted Priest into the Office of Rector [Associated Rector or Assistant Minister, as the case may be] of Parish, [or Church,] you are to feed that portion of the flock of Christ which is now intrusted to you; not as a man-pleaser, but as continually bearing in mind that you are accountable to the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Church here, and to the Chief Bishop and Sovereign Judge of all hereafter. And as the Lord hath ordained that they who serve at the altar should live of the things belonging to the altar; so you have our authority to claim and enjoy all the accustomed temporalities appertaining to your cure, until some urgent reason or reasons occasion a wish in you, or in the congregation committed to your charge, to bring about a separation, and dissolution of all sacerdotal connection, between you and them of all which you will give us due notice and in case of any difference between you and your congregation, as to a separation, and dissolution of all sacerdotal connection between you and them, the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Church in this Diocese (taking the advice and aid of a Bishop) shall be the ultimate arbiter and judge. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals, this day of in the year The day being appointed for the new Incumbent's Institution, at the usual hour of Morning Prayer, the Institutor, attended by the new Incumbent, and one or more Presbyters appointed by the Bishop (or, where there is no Bishop, by the Clerical Members of the Standing Committee) for that purpose, shall enter the Church. Then, all the Clergy present standing without the rails of the Altar, except the officiating Priest, who shall go into the Desk; the Wardens (or, in case of their necessary absence, two members of the Vestry) standing on the right and left of the Altar, without the rails; the Senior Warden (or the member of the Vestry supplying his place) holding the keys of the Church in his hand, in open view, the officiating Priest shall read Morning Prayer. PROPER PSALMS. Psalm cxxii. Psalm cxxxii. PROPER LESSONS. Psalm cxxxiii. FIRST. Ezek. chap. xxxiii. verse 1 to verse 10. ¶ Morning Prayer ended, the Priest who acts as the Institutor, standing within the rails of the Altar, shall say, DEARLY beloved in the Lord, we have assembled for the purpose of instituting the Rev. A. B. into this Parish, [or Church,] as Priest and Rector [or Associated Rector, or Assistant Minister] of the same; and we are possessed of your Vote that he has been so elected; as also of the prescribed Letter of Institution. But if any of you can show just cause why he may not be instituted, we proceed no further, because we would not that an unworthy person should minister among you. ¶ If any objection be offered, the Priest who acts as the Institutor shall judge whether it afford just cause to suspend the Service. ¶ No objection being offered, or the Priest who acts as the Institutor choosing to go on with the Service, he shall next read the Letter of Institution. ¶ And then shall the Senior Warden (or the Member of the Vestry supplying his place) present the keys of the Church to the new Incumbent, saying, N the name and behalf of IN Parish [or Church] I do receive and acknowledge you, the Rev. A. B., as Priest |