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to undo many a heavy burden, and to break many a sinfastened yoke.

And in all these cases-wherever Christ healed an afflicted soul, or made a sure disciple, there the Baptist's work had been done beforehand: there a conviction of sin had been wrought: there, if I may so speak, the Lord's way had been made easy to Him-prepared before Him.

And what is the lesson for us to learn from this? Surely it is this great one-that the foundation of a religious life must be laid in repentance—that it is useless to preach Jesus as the Saviour, till men have been awakened to their need of such a Deliverer-that the first step in dealing with a careless soul, is to show it its danger, to convince the sinner of his sins.

Only when this has been brought about, will there be any earnestness in seeking Christ. Only when we see the water-flood of God's wrath because of sin, drowning us, and the stream going over our souls, only then shall we really desire to be rescued, and cry with any heartiness Jesus, Master, save us, we perish.

Do not wonder, then, if, in the discharge of our office as ministers of Christ, you hear from us again and again the same words. Do not wonder if, at this season, and at other times as well, we take up John the Baptist's cry, and say "Repent, turn from your evil ways, so iniquity shall not be your ruin."

But again—The preaching of repentance is but part of our message. It must ever be accompanied by the preaching of reconciliation. And so while we warn you against sin, while we declare that no man who nourishes

and cherishes one bosom sin, can hope to be saved, we must not keep back from any penitent soul among you— any really contrite heart-the great distinctive promise of the Gospel. We must point, and point continually, to Jesus Christ, as the Lamb of God that alone taketh away man's sin. We must bid you go to Him that you may have life. We must guard against the self-righteous spirit which is apt to spring up in a man who is leading an orderly life, and which asks What lack I yet? We must never leave it doubtful for a moment that God's mercy, and no righteousness of ours, is from first to last the effectual cause of our salvation. By grace ye are saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God.

For so it is, by joining together in our teaching these two-repentance, and forgiveness through the blood of Jesus, and keeping them both continually in view, we may hope to discharge our ministry, and to prepare our Lord's way before Him. So may we hope to speak words that will be wholesome for you to hear, good to your souls, such as shall help and not hinder you in running the race that is set before you. So when we come to stand in the latter day before our common Judge, may we not be confounded, not condemned for a partial dealing with our Master's message, not be found to have preached an imperfect Gospel, not to have kept back any vital portion of the counsel of God!

II. The subject before us has led me to speak of the office of a Christian minister, as a preparer of the Lord's way. And so far the lesson to be drawn

might seem to affect myself, and my fellow ministers only.

But I have yet a word to add which will, I trust, bring the lesson home to us all.

Surely, a very little thought will show that others beside the clergy are concerned in preparing Christ's way. Surely my friends, the work is yours almost as much as ours. Surely the Gospel has come to you in vain if it has not taught you, as a first principle of your faith, when thou art converted strengthen thy brethren. Surely, with the world around us lying in wickedness, with those who dwell with us in the same spot, our near neighbours, perhaps our kinsmen, leading the life that many of them do—a life without God, a life of provocation, a life unsoftened and unsanctified by the influence of the Gospel, we can ill afford, any of us, to be idle. Who must not feel, while his Lord's way is yet so unprepared, that he ought to lend his hand to the work, the work of the Forerunner, the work of turning the hearts of "the disobedient to the wisdom of the just," of bringing souls to Christ that they may live ?

It is not, believe me, an unthankful service, this of preparing the Lord's way, this of bringing souls to Christ, to which I would invite you. It carries with it its own exceeding great reward. Among the happy inmates of that home in heaven, for which we all hope and pray, none, I think, will be more justly glad than they who shall have helped a brother or a sister to enter with themselves into the same holy place.

And, brethren, if anything can cast a cloud of sorrow there, it will be the thought that some are missing

through our neglect. It will be the thought that all was not done that might have been done on earth for our brethren; that opportunities were lost for winning souls, that we worked out our own salvation all too selfishly, not caring enough for the weak and ignorant and those who were out of the way; not considering their claim upon us, but leaving them to walk in their own way, and, so far as any help from us went, to perish!


Mindful of this, let us all strive to do our duty now toward those with whom God has associated us together, whom we have to do with, whom we can influence in of the many ways in which one man touches another. Let us unite, all who love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity, with real heartiness of purpose, as fellowlabourers in a great cause, to prepare in this desert a highway for our God. And let us not leave unremoved any hindrance, any stone of offence, which it is in our power to take away; and which, while it remains, stops in some measure the coming of the Just One, and delays the setting up of His kingdom in the world.



PHILIP IV. 4, 5.

Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand."

WE have come again, brethren, to the Fourth Sunday in Advent—the Sunday next before Christmas. Already, no doubt, many of us are thinking of that blessed day, and preparing to spend it joyfully. Already, both in town and country, many signs that Christmas is at hand. are to be seen. The shops put on their gayest look. There is now more buying and selling-giving and receiving of gifts, than at any other time throughout the year. Children are at home from school. Friends and relatives who have been separated, by business or habitation, for perhaps a whole twelvemonth, are looking forward to the day when they shall meet once more, and wish one another the good old wish-" A merry Christmas and a happy new year."

Now our Church seeks to take advantage of this, and to turn it to a good end. And so, on this Fourth Sun

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