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both hear and do-who receive the word of life gladly, in an honest and good heart, and bring forth fruit with patience.

In such a state of things—and surely it is no fancied picture that I am drawing; surely, it is but too often realized there creeps over the minister's heart, a feeling of despondency. He begins to think that his labour is lost labour; that he has spent his strength, and best days in vain―were it not wiser to cease to care for those, who seem to care so little for themselves? why continue to cast the net, when he has so often drawn it up empty?

That, I say, is a very natural feeling-and one which all who have had to do for any long time with the minister's or teacher's task, must have experienced.

That it is not a feeling to be indulged, but rather to be conquered and kept under, the Gospel of to-day would suffice to shew. And the way to conquer it is, to remember that success in the ministerial work, as in any other, is not of man, but of God. Paul may plant, Apollos may water, but God alone giveth the


We, indeed, must not be slack or weary; we must not cease, after St. Paul's example, to warn every one night and day with tears. We must not forbear to speak our Lord's message, or to issue His invitation-no-though the one be coldly received, and the other altogether declined. Christ has His own time, and when He wills, He can turn the hearts of the indifferent-He can give such force to the words of His servants, when spoken in

dependence on His grace, as shall compel attention, and silence the rising excuse, and send conviction into a soul that has long stood out against Him. His word to His ministers, sad at heart at their unrequited toil— tired with their seeming ill success-is not, leave off, but go on-Cast the net on the right side of the ship and ye shall find! And so, brethren, we persevere; we lift up the hands that hang down, and the feeble knees. We go about our Lord's work, not in our own strength, but in His. We have His promise to support us; His example to cheer us-In due season we shall reap, if we faint not!

And the same applies to other work. All true success must come of God. We too much forget this in actual life. We lay our plans, and set about our business as if the issue was entirely in our own power-and then, when things turn out ill, we are discouraged. Surely it would be better did we first seek God's blessing on what we undertake. Surely we should be less troubled at our failures after so doing—we should feel that whatever happened then was for the best. At the same time, let us bear in mind, that, to expect God's blessing on any work, we must also use all diligence ourselves. There is nothing in the miraculous draught of fishes, nothing in any part of our Lord's teaching, to warrant a man in being idle; in folding his hands, and doing nothing-the lesson there is, as we have seen, rather this-persevere-labour on -give not up the appointed task-be not weary in well doing!

I pass over, lest I should detain you too long, the fear

and awe that fell on Peter, at the sudden success which was granted to his efforts-When he saw it he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord! Neither can I more than mention how the Lord removed that fear-Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not, from henceforth thou shalt catch men !

Much as there is for us to learn in this; much as it must interest us to find thus early the Apostle's work shaped out for him, to be a chief fisher of men-pleasant to compare his success in his old occupation, with that great catch of human souls which crowned his first labour as a Christian preacher-when, after his words, on the day of Pentecost, there were added unto the Church above three thousand souls

Interesting as this is, I must not dwell upon it nowI would only, before I conclude, consider shortly what is told us in the last verses of this day's Gospel-When they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all and followed Him.

They forsook all. Some have sought to lessen this act on the part of the Apostles, by asking what their all was- -a few fishing nets and a boat or two!

But, brethren, remember that, if it seems little to us, it was all they had in the world. Besides, it was not only that they gave up certain worldly goods to wait on Jesus-they gave up the life which was pleasant to them, in which they had been brought up: round which all their associations clung. They gave it up, too, at once —and with no repining—and cast in their lot with One Who was poor and despised, Who had no riches to offer

them, no pleasures, no home-nothing but crosses and persecution on this side the grave.

And what, brethren, may we learn from this? Why, that we, too, must give up much—many a lust, many an unruly desire, many a questionable pursuit and pleasure, if we would do, as we are all pledged-follow Jesus!

True, we are not called upon, as were the Apostles, to forsake our calling, or to part with all our worldly goods, in order to be Christ's disciples-but we are called upon, as much as ever they were, to give up worldliness, to part with those affections and lusts which are opposed to, and stand in the way of His righteous service. As St. Peter reminds us in his first Epistle-we, who are Christians, are under a bond, no longer to live the rest of our time in the flesh, in the lusts of men, but to the will of God!

Do think of it, brethren--do ask yourselves, this day, whether you have forsaken any of the practices which are contrary to your profession as followers of Jesus Christ. Do consider it as a test of your sincerity, of your being really His people, that you are able uncomplainingly to give up something for Christ--to part with money or pleasure-or self-will-or worldly comfortsthat you may walk in the same path with Him.

He for us gave up infinitely more-He gave up heaven, and the glory He had there with His Father! He for us made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men and being formed in fashion as a man, He humbled Him

self and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross! Is it much? is it not the least that we can do, if we now give up ourselves, those bodies, souls, and spirits, which He has redeemed, to be a reasonable, holy, and lively sacrifice unto Him?

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