The Old Testament NarrativeAlfred Dwight Sheffield Houghton Mifflin Company, 1910 - 510 sivua |
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Sivu viii
... David Anointed by Samuel - David as Saul's Harper - David and Goliath - Saul's Jealousy of David - David and Jonathan David a Fugitive - Saul's Re- venge on the Priests of Nob - David Spares Saul's Life - David and Abigail - David among the ...
... David Anointed by Samuel - David as Saul's Harper - David and Goliath - Saul's Jealousy of David - David and Jonathan David a Fugitive - Saul's Re- venge on the Priests of Nob - David Spares Saul's Life - David and Abigail - David among the ...
Sivu ix
... David's Wars of Conquest - David and Bath- sheba Absalom Revenges Tamar The Pardon of Absalom - Absalom's Rebellion David's Return - Sheba's Revolt - Adonijah's Intrigue for the Succession Death of David . 3. Solomon . The Removal of ...
... David's Wars of Conquest - David and Bath- sheba Absalom Revenges Tamar The Pardon of Absalom - Absalom's Rebellion David's Return - Sheba's Revolt - Adonijah's Intrigue for the Succession Death of David . 3. Solomon . The Removal of ...
Sivu xiv
... David had won the leadership of Judah . On succeeding to the kingship of all Israel he took steps to con- solidate and extend his realm . He captured the ancient Canaan- ite fortress of Jerusalem , which till then had separated Judah ...
... David had won the leadership of Judah . On succeeding to the kingship of all Israel he took steps to con- solidate and extend his realm . He captured the ancient Canaan- ite fortress of Jerusalem , which till then had separated Judah ...
Sivu xvi
... David's dynasty con- tinued on the throne . The reform movement that Elijah had set afoot took effect in Judah in a palace revolution , by which the priest Jehoiada deposed Jezebel's daughter Athaliah , who had usurped the government ...
... David's dynasty con- tinued on the throne . The reform movement that Elijah had set afoot took effect in Judah in a palace revolution , by which the priest Jehoiada deposed Jezebel's daughter Athaliah , who had usurped the government ...
Sivu 214
... David ( p . 273 ) . The priest's ephod may have been a developed form of the loin - cloth , viz . an apron , described in Ex . xxviii . as having shoulder - straps fastened by brooches to the robe . It is more popularly understood ...
... David ( p . 273 ) . The priest's ephod may have been a developed form of the loin - cloth , viz . an apron , described in Ex . xxviii . as having shoulder - straps fastened by brooches to the robe . It is more popularly understood ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
Aaron Abimelech Abner Abraham Abram Absalom Achish Ahab Ahaziah altar Amorites answered asherah Baal Balaam behold Ben-hadad blessed bread brethren brother brought called Canaan chariots children of Israel commanded covenant daughter David delivered dwelt earth Edom Egypt Egyptians Elijah Elisha ephod Esau evil fled heard hearkened Hittites host Isaac Jacob Jehoshaphat Jehovah Jehu Jeroboam Jerubbaal Jerusalem Joab Jonathan Jordan Joseph Joshua Keilah king of Israel king of Judah king's land of Egypt Lord hath Lord said unto Midian Moab Moses pass Pharaoh Philistines pray thee priest prophet reigned saith the Lord Samaria Samuel Saul say unto sent Shechem shew slew smote Solomon sons spake unto stood sword Syria thereof thine hand thing thou hast thou shalt thy father thy servant told took unto Moses unto the king unto the Lord unto thee Wherefore wife wilderness woman word