Sivut kuvina

throwing of a Stone, the trip of a Foot,—the Scratch of a Nail,-the Wrenching off a bit of Skin, the over-cutting of a Corn, may destroy your Life:- such trifling Accidents have often done as sure Execution, as War, Pestilence, and Famine.

Sickness and Death are always within a Moment's March of us, ready at—God's— command to strike the blow. "Boast not thyself of to-Morrow, for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth;" therefore, so arrange all your Affairs, that when Sickness and Sorrow come, you may have nothing to do in this World, but to-compose your Soul for that which is to come.

WILLS AND CODICILS, whether of Freehold, Copyhold, Leasehold, or Personal Property, should be attested by Three Witnesses, or they are of no use. These must be entirely disinterested and respectable persons, who are well acquainted with Busi

ness, and who receive no benefit from the Will.

A Copy should be given to the person most interested, or to the Executors, the Solicitor, or Proctor; and it is extremely advisable to execute Two Copies.

See "The Pleasure of Making a Will," in THE ART OF INVIGORATING LIFE, by the Author of this Work.




IN Travelling, the change of Scene diverts and exhilarates the Mind, and the continual Motion contributes in an incredible degree to invigorate the Body.-Vital consumption may indeed be somewhat increased, but is more than counterbalanced by the increased restoration which is effected;-in regard to the Body, by digestion being improved; and in regard to the Mind, by the succession of agreeable impressions, and the forgetfulness of one's self:

"To cure the Mind's wrong bias, Spleen,
Some recommend the Bowling Green,

Some Hilly walks,-all, Exercise;

Fling but a Stone, the Giant dies."-Green.

Travelling is a recreation to be recommended, especially to those whose employments are sedentary, who are engaged in abstract Studies, whose Minds have been sunk in a State of morbid melancholy by Hypochondriasis; or, by what is worst of all, who have a lack of Domestic Felicity.

"Though Sluggards deem it but a foolish chase,
And marvel men should quit their easy chair,
The toilsome way, and long, long league to trace:
Oh! there is sweetness in the Mountain Air,
And Life, that bloated ease can never hope to share.”
Childe Harold,

However, Nature will not suffer any sudden transitions. It is therefore improper for people accustomed to a Sedentary Life, to undertake suddenly a Journey during which they will be exposed to long and violent Jolting. The case here is the same, as if one accustomed to drink Water, should all at once begin to drink Wine.

It is as impossible to lay down any rule by

which to regulate the number of Miles a Man may journey in a Day, as to prescribe the precise number of Ounces he ought to eat : however, Nature in this has given us a very excellent guide in a sense of Lassitude, which is as unerring in Exercise, as the sense of Satiety is in Eating.

When one begins to be Low-spirited and Dejected; to Yawn often, and be Drowsy; -when the Appetite is impaired ;-when the smallest movement occasions a fluttering of the Pulse; when the Mouth becomes dry, and is sensible of a bitter taste ;—seek Refreshment and Repose, if you wish to prevent Illness, already beginning to take place.

By raising the temperature of my Room to about 65, a Broth Diet, and taking a teaspoonful of Epsom Salt in half-a-pint of warm water, and repeating it every half-hour till it moves the Bowels twice or thrice, and

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