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of use under good teaching it yields a very considerable insight and skill, and develops interest and real artistic feeling.

The course in plain sewing, for girls, begins in the fourth grade and runs, at two periods of thirty to fifty minutes a week, thru the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh grades. All pupils above the fourth grade, except those of one remote school, come to the manual-training building for this work. The usual course in plain sewing, in which each new exercise isolated for the purpose of teaching is followed more or less closely by application in a completed whole, is taught with much insistence on accuracy and neatness. This practice is accompanied by the presentation of much information matter about fabrics-their raw materials, manufacture, characteristics, and utilities. The seventh year is given almost wholly to garmentmaking.

The sewing work is interrupted at this stage in order that the eighthgrade year may be given to the introductory stage of a three-year course in cooking, serving, housekeeping, hygiene, and sanitation.

The aim of the instruction in this year is to give to all girls, especially to those who will not go on into the high school, the requisite knowledge of food-stuffs and food classes, of fundamental processes, and a degree of skill in their use, which will enable the successful preparation of the common foods.

For boys, the work in the grades consists of a course of bench-work based on the sloyd idea. This begins in the fifth grade with a series of exercises in whittling and the making of surface forms in thin wood. It passes on to the use, by gradual introduction, of all the usual tools, in the execution of a graded series of exercises as represented in models, involving form-work and joinery, in increasingly complicated, completed products.

The lay-out of the model to be made is placed before the pupil in blue-prints or blackboard sketches, and the work demonstrated when desirable. The reading and making of working drawings are taught in this connection, but little of the pupil's time is applied to the making of those which he actually uses. In addition to the standard series of models, which is not held to as a sine qua non, the boy is given large opportunity to make things in which he is himself interested, and to express himself in plan and style of work.

The time allotment of this course is two fifty-five minute periods per week thru the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grades.



The drawing courses.— - Drawing has thus far been taught in the several schoolrooms, substantially the same work being given to both boys and girls. When the high school is reached, mechanical drawing comes into. prominence as a separate subject, and claims the time of the boys, and

The girls as a rule continue

such of the girls as are specially interested. in the line of free-hand drawing and art study. All pupils henceforth come to the manual-training building for their exercises.

The general aim of the art work is to educate to an appreciation of the beautiful, to stimulate the artistic and inventive faculties, and to train the eye and hand to become the ready servants of the mind in the expression of ideas. These aims are sought to be realized by surrounding the pupil with an environment of beauty in the schoolrooms, and especially in the several rooms of the art department, by a study, in connection with practice, of the principles involved in the several forms of art essayed, and of examples in curios, pictures, and casts of historic and present-day art. Relatively speaking, the school is well provided for in these directions. A rich and varied, but well systematized, course is given, which cannot be adequately represented in a brief outline.

Mechanical drawing is taught as a mental discipline, as concrete mathematics, as training of eye and hand, as the language of construction, and as technical training. That the course may be more systematic and thoro, little attempt is made at correlations with the shop-work. Exercises to give command of the instruments, lettering, geometrical problems, projections, intersections, development of surface, mechanical perspective, line and wash shading, conventional colors, are each laid under contribution, and together give a fair degree of mastery of mechanical drawing as a method and means.

Two years having been thus occupied, the remaining two years are given to applications in either of the two lines, machine or architectural drawing, with a view to the acquirement of something like technical knowledge and skill. This course is held by graduates of the school to be a most valuable general discipline, apart from the use of the attainment in practical ways. Two fifty-five minute periods a week are given to this course for four years.

The work in domestic arts in the high school consists in the continuation of the course in cooking which was begun in the eighth grade, and a course in dressmaking. Three fifty-five minute periods per week are the allotment of time in each of these subjects.

In the first high-school year a review and extension of the study of food-stuffs, of their composition, dietetic values, and proper combination, are accompanied by practice in the preparation, cooking, and serving of all the usual foods. Marketing, housekeeping, and care of laundry are engaged in, both for training and in the service of the school.

What may be regarded the refinements of cooking receive attention in the second high-school year. In addition, study and practice in planning, marketing for, and serving of meals and lunches to invited. guests, and assistance in preparation of, and serving at, occasional banquets, afford attractive and valuable experience. Hygiene and home

sanitation, invalid cookery, and the care of the sick and injured receive a liberal allotment of time proportioned to their importance.

The course in dressmaking runs thru the third high-school year. In this instruction effort is made to base the work on principles, and to give a mastery of processes which will be available beyond the limited. amount of practice that can be had under the eye of the teacher. Planning, selecting of materials, measuring, the making and use of patterns, use of models, fitting, trimming, and other like means, receive careful teaching. Discussions of the characteristics and suitableness of materials for various uses, of comparative cost, of hygiene and good taste in dress, and other relevant topics, accompany the work as occasion requires.

The domestic-arts courses are well taught, are attractive to pupils, and command the confidence and cordial support of the mothers and all patrons of the school.

The mechanic-arts courses are, with the exception of one sloyd class, all taught in the manual-training building. Each has a time allotment of three fifty-five minute periods per week.

The boy having thru his lower-grade work been confined to one shop and to a series of processes upon wood, involving the use of comparatively few tools, now upon entering the high school has opened to him quite rapidly the range of the mechanic-arts shops. He is introduced to machinery, and is subjected to the necessity of bringing his own action into correspondence with the motion of the machine.

Wood-turning is the first machine process, and upon this he spends the first high-school year.

Pattern-making, molding, and casting, in a series of alternations, fill the second year, and give the boy a practical introduction to foundry work. Casting is done in iron and brass.

The third year is passed in the blacksmith shop, where an especially well-planned course in the common processes of forging, welding, and tool construction is taught. No course in the series is more attractive to the boys or more effective as training than this.

The machine shop, into which the pupil passes for the work of the fourth year, is a model in its completeness, and in the grade of the machine tools and the thoroness of their installment. The meager time which pupils in the regular courses can give to the work of this shop prevents full realization of the opportunities here afforded.

A period of bench-work in chipping and filing is followed by the systematic working of a series of exercises in iron and steel, involving use of the engine lathe, the speed lathe, the drill press, and the shaper. Incidentally, knowledge of the utilities and insight into the working of several other more special and complicated machines are acquired, but practice with these is left to an advanced course after high-school graduation.

The foregoing review of courses is necessarily incomplete, but it errs

on the side of omission rather than overstatement. Classes are now fully differentiated, and all the lines of work enumerated are in actual operation.

A committee of the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education is now investigating the assigned subject, "American Industrial Education-What Shall it Be?" The preliminary report of this committee, presented in New York last July, having mentioned by name the school which is the subject of this paper, makes this strong statement: "Both the appliances and the instruction in this school are of the highest order, and the results are well calculated to astonish anyone who has never seen this system of public instruction in successful operation from the kindergarten through the high school."


PRESIDENT F. W. PARKER, Chicago Institute.-In 1883, in a basement of the Cook County Normal School, with a few rude benches and a good teacher, we introduced manual training. That was probably the first attempt to put manual training into elementary schools in this country. Manual training is not for external uses, but for internal development. In its earlier history it was begun in the high schools. Things nearly always begin at the wrong end. It is better and will be better for the children when the youngest of them can have the benefit of the right kind of manual training.

It has not been so very long since this subject was not very favorably considered by an educational body. Manual training was demolished by a number of educational gentlemen in Washington in 1884, but since that demolition nothing has flourished like manual training.

I never saw a child that did not like manual training. Boys and girls love it alike. The fundamental error (Dr. G. Stanley Hall suggested this a number of years ago, and I saw it) lies in logical sequence. This is the fundamental error in all education. What we have learned is that the child is full of activity. When children go into the shops and find that they have to do something themselves, delight seizes their souls. They take the school home with them. When education penetrates the home and when home penetrates the school, then things move on.

MR. J. H. STOUT, Menomonie, Wis.- We are not facing the conditions of today in our school work. We are looking too much to the past. We need to look to the conditions that are confronting us now in providing measures and methods in education. Among the adjuncts of the public schools there is one especially valuable, and that is the library. The traveling-library plan is an excellent one. Wisconsin has spent a million and a quarter dollars for libraries in the last year or two.

MR. BEVANS, Aurora, Ill.—I wish to speak in favor of employing useful objects in manual-training work. The boy's interest in manual training is increased if the object which he makes has a use to which he may wish to put it.

In Aurora a boy failed on a simple piece involving a principle given him by his teacher. The same boy wanted to make a bookcase. His teacher let him try, and he turned out a creditable product.

SUPERINTENDENT JOSEPH CARTER, Champaign, Ill.-There is danger now in our smaller towns, after the experience at Menomonie, of the prevalence of the feeling that, unless some rich man will do something toward manual training, one cannot do anything.

It has been my fortune to serve as superintendent in the schools of two towns, neither of which could be said to be especially well-to-do. In both of these towns something in the way of manual training was undertaken. We would teach the use of a few common tools of the saw and the needle — and this without very much cost. I honor rich men who make manual training in the schools possible. I honor more a community which says that it ought to do these things for the children and proceeds to do them.

PROFESSOR C. M. WOODWARD, St. Louis, Mo.-I experience a deep feeling of satisfaction that the department is in such excellent temper as I find it in today. It has not always been so well disposed toward manual training. Some years ago there was a good deal of opposition to it, but now all are looking one way.

There is much more in manual training than in making carpenters and blacksmiths. It develops capability in more than one direction. Manual training has brought in a good deal. It has grown down until it meets the young children and answers their needs. One of the bugbears, as to expense, has been done away with. In St. Louis it costs I cent per day per pupil. Domestic science has taken on a systematic educational method, so that there is a chance of its blossoming into something of a larger shape.

I wish to testify to the interest of the children in domestic economy. In a certain colored school in St. Louis, where this subject is taught, it costs pupils 10 cents a day to get there, but the attendance in that school is the best in the city. It is easy in any community to establish manual training, if you have faith in yourself, faith in your cause, and faith in the community.

SUPERINTENDENT GEORGE GRIFFITH, Utica, N. Y.-I have thought that some figures as to the expense of conducting manual training might be interesting. For the instruction of 2,800 pupils the cost is as follows:

For five teachers

For supplies

For additional equipment




Making a total cost of $1.73 per pupil. The original and total cost of equipment is as follows: for two kitchens, one manual-training room, and equipment in each of fourteen ward schools, in fifth and sixth grades, $1,744.

PROFESSOR J. H. TRYBOM, Detroit, Mich.- Both sewing and cooking may be made to serve the ends of manual training-sewing in particular. Altho the same variety of tools and materials as in wood construction, for instance, may not be possible, it can not be said by any means that the girls have not the advantages of manual training. In regarding the value of manual training, the economic side is worth some consideration. With due emphasis upon the educational side in teaching sewing, with careful progression of the exercises, and with models suitable to the age of the pupils, the aims of manual training can well be realized thru this subject.


I have been asked by our president to give some observations upon my work at Elmira, N. Y., covering five years as director of manual training at the New York State Reformatory, and I have consented to do so, altho my relations with that institution terminated over a year ago.

The characteristics of manual training at the reformatory, as compared

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