Sivut kuvina

rising generation,-is too nearly connected with all the best and strongest feelings of the human heart, both of a natural and spiritual origin, to permit its career to suffer the slightest check. It is with perfect confidence then that they appeal to all the friends and favourers of the heavenly doctrines of the New Jerusalem,-doctrines which, above all others, are so distinguished by the tender regard they breathe for children,-to assist in promoting its establishment, to co-operate in its heaven directed objects.

Among the many beautiful truths with which it has pleased the Lord to bless his New Jerusalem, is this; that the great happiness experienced in Heaven results from the communication of the felicity of each individual to all, and of all to each. Nor is this angelic affection circumscribed by, or confined to, the heavenly abodes, but, flowing thence, it affects the mind of man, prompting him to communicate to others, that which he himself esteems excellent, and feels to be delightful: and hence is derived that strong impulse felt by the receivers of the New Church verities, which prompts them to impart to others those perceptions of truth which to them constitute a source of delight far transcending all that can ever flow from the pleasures of the world. To such an influence, doubtles, this Institution owes its origin, and may we not ascribe the desire now so strongly manifested for the enlargement of its sphere of activity to a more extensive and a fuller reception of the heavinly doctrines, bringing down a more powerful influx of this celestial affection? This being the fact, what words, what conduct, are adequate to the full expression of our gratitude? the institutions of our church are in general in so incipient a state, that the world looks down upon them with contempt: but here is an Institution bursting from its obscure state of incipiency and rising into a respectability which will rival the world's own establishments. Are we the highly-favoured partakers in this advancement? The privileged instruments in its promotion? How then, it may again be asked, shall we evince that we fully appreciate the blessing that we duly value and acknowledge the honour thus conferred upon us? How, but by contributing all in our power to support this great undertaking? If we unitedly do this, we may rest assured that the exertion will not be made in vain. Not only will our Free-School be rendered permanent and flourishing, not only will invaluable benefits be conferred on considerable numbers of the rising generation: but the general promulgation in the Metropolis of our heavenly doctrines will ere long experience the powerful influence which will hence go forth, and, together with this important Institution, our Church herself will advance towards maturity.

[Ministers and Leaders are respectfully requested to promote the circulation of this Address, and also to forward its object by soliciting Contribubutions; and undertaking to transmit them from the Treasurer.]

To the above is added a list of subscriptions to the Building Fund amounting to £268 17s. 10d. Persons disposed to aid this Institution either by donation or subscription, are respectfully informed that,

Subscriptions and donations for the Building Fund are received by Mr. W. MALINS, Treasurer to the said Fund, 55, Newington Place, Kennington: And by the Collectors, viz.

Mr. A. AULSEBROOK, 6, Gloucester Place, Newington; or in the vestry of Waterloo Road Chapel.

Mr. C. ESSEX, 28, Gloucester Street, St, John's Street Road; or in the Vestry of Hanover Street Chapel.

Mr. J. GOLDING, 28, Great Charlotte Street, Black Friars Road; or in the Vestry Room of Friars Street Chapel.

Subscriptions and Donations to the General Fund of the Society, are also received by the Collectors as above, and by the Treasurer, Mr. W. THOMPSON, Upper North Place, Gray's Inn Lane.

The whole is concluded by an Address to parents and guardians of children admitted into the school, and rules to be observed by them, which seem well adapted to promote the objects of the Establishment. This School is likely to be extremely beneficial to the

interests of the New Church, and we warmly recommend it to the notice of all those who have the cause of the New Jerusalem at heart.


On Sunday, the 25th December, 1825, a chapel lately occupied by a Society of the Independent Methodists, and situated in High Street, Salisbury, was opened for public worship, agreeably to the Doctrines of the New Jerusalem. The opening of this chapel, it appears, has called forth opposition from some who have neither appetite or desire to taste the New Wine of the kingdom. This is apparent from what appeared in "The Dorset County Chronicle and Somersetshire Gazette, of January 12, 1826. From which we make the following extracts:

To the Editor of the Dorset County Chronicle and Somersetshire Gazette. Sir,-In the last number of your paper I observed, under the Salisbury news, a paragraph respecting the opinions of Swedenborg, written by your correspondent in this place. That such a crude budget of declamation is tobe attributed more to ignorance than to malice, I sincerely hope; although that can form no excuse for a writer who presents himself to the notice of the public as a censor of the works of men, distinguished alike for their piety and intellectual attainments. I hope that your candour for hearing both sides of the question, which has shown itself on other occasions, will admit this letter into your paper, to counteract that prejudice which might be excited in the minds of some individuals against the illustrious Swedenborg, through the paragraph inserted in your paper of last week. The writer designates that great author, Emanuel Swedenborg, with the appellation of "Mahomet the Second ;" and, respecting his writings, makes the following remark:

"That in the nineteenth century of the Christian era, the weakness of the human understanding should be so miserably sunk as to entertain and even sanction such a mass of hideous and disgusting incongruities, is almost enough to confirm an opinion, that in some cases "the march of the mind," is retrograde; that knowledge has no influence upon its capacity, and the beneficent and all-wise designs of the great Creator were only planned to be controverted."

It is herein invidiously asserted by your correspondent, that the writings of Swedenborg, form a mass of hideous and disgusting incongruities: and, in justice to their unwordable excellence, I do most fearlessly deny the charge. It is very true, that my denial of it, is no proof of its being groundless; and in like manner the assertion of your correspondent is no evidence of the fact; and I challenge him to produce one solitary proof of his rash and uncharitable remark. It is much easier for a writer, by a single dash of his pen, to call a wise man mad, than it is to encounter his superior wisdom; and I am willing to hope that, although your correspondent is evidently ignorant of the writings of Swedenborg, he cannot but know how mean and disingenuous such modes of attack are, and they are only resorted to by those who have no other weapons to wield. It is not my intention to enter into an elaborate defence of the character of this great and extraordinary man: his own works contain the best defence that can be offered in reply to the calumnies with which he has been assailed, in the feeble attempts that have been made to check the progress of those writings which is daily becoming more rapid, by echoing the old and often refuted charge of insanity.

I maintain, without fear of contradiction from any one who has read the works of Emanuel Swedenborg, that there is no writer extant, ancient or modern, who has given so consistent a view of the great and leading doc trines of the Word of God; who has so ably proved the supreme divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ; who has so satisfactorily explained the nature and end of his death as is done by this luminous author; who, moreover, while

he insists on the necessity of a life of holiness in those who profess Christianity, exhibits the mercy of God in the most overwhelming point of view, proving the necessity of absolute dependance on the Lord, and the total renunciation of self in every form. And if these things, together with the writings of numerous volumes on the most important and interesting subjects; volumes replete with the richest stores of Divine Truth, enforced with an accuracy and consistency of reasoning seldom equalled, and never surpassed; if the strictest propriety of action, the most scrupulous discharge of all the relative duties of life, the possession of the love and esteem of the great, the wise, and the good, both at home and abroad; if unexampled modesty and simplicity of manners, the sacrifices of wealth and bonor, and the most unreserved devotedness to the service of God, are reconcileable with the true definition of insanity, or a mass of hideous and disgusting incongruities, who shall henceforth presume to distinguish between wisdom and folly?

When your correspondent sets himself up again as a master in the house of Israel, it is to be hoped that he will be fed at least to examine the productions of those who may hereafter become the objects of his ridicule; for, as Bishop Horne observes, "Pertness and ignorance may ask a question, or condemn a writer, in three lines, which it will cost learning and ingenuity thirty pages to answer; and when this is done, the same question and condemnation may be started again the next year, as if nothing had ever been written on the subject; therefore, as people in general, for one reason or other, like short objections better than long answers, in this mode of disputation (if it can be called such) the odds must be ever against us, and we must be content with those of our friends who have honesty and erudition, candour and patience, to study both sides of the question." Before I conclude, I advise your correspondent to attend to the wholesome advice of Seneca :

"Nefas nocere vel malo fratri puta." And if he is still inclined to hold up to the view of the public one of the wisest and best of men as a fool, and writer of "hideous and disgusting incongruities," let him recollect that all wise men will ever keep in view the mighty difference between assertion and proof; and that his ridicule can only be acceptable to those whose laughter, will, most assuredly he turned into sorrow.

SALISBURY, Jan. 7th, 1826-70.

I am, Sir, yours, &c.

G. S.

To the Editor of the Dorset County Chronicle and Somersetshire Gazette. SIR,-You last week, under the head of "Salisbury," inserted a paragraph in reference to the Swedenborgians in this city. I am quite sure that your Agent could not have sent you that paragraph, for it is a compound of falsehood and ignorance. Allow me therefore, to state to you the real facts of the case.

The High Street chapel in this city,lately occupied by a societyof Independent Methodists, was re-opened on Sunday, Dec. 25th, by a missionary minister of the New Church, signified by the New Jerusalem in the Revelation, ch. xxi; on which occasion the anniversary of the Lord's Nativity was celcbrated by the performance of divine worship, agreeably to their rites and ceremonies; a lecture was afterwards delivered on their general principles of faith; the particulars of which may be known, by reading the various theological writings of the Hon. Emanuel Swedenborg, and numerous others in defence of them, written by the Rev. J. Clowes, M. A. rector of St. John's, Manchester. I subjoin the following, which is extracted from the handbill distributed on the occasion:

"The numerous individuals in this City, and its vicinity, who have for many years been receivers of the doctrine of the New Church, with much deference to the opinions of others, take this opportunity to observe, that, they have in the present undertaking nothing but the propagation of divine truth at heart; they labour only to show its real and essential

divinity; the real and comprehensible deity of the Lord Jesus Christ; the greatness of our redemption and salvation by Him; and the necessity of a strict conformity of life to every thing that is good and conducive to the wellbeing of society. Their peculiar characteristic is universal benevolence; for as much as they believe that all mankind, whether Jews, Mahometans, Pagans, or Christians of every denomination, will be saved, if they endeavour to live for mutual happiness, according to the best of their knowledge and understanding. With such principles the members of the New Church salute those who differ from them, and hope that they will allow them the like share of liberty in judging of religious matters, which they claim for themselves."

SALISBURY, Jan. 9, 1826.

1 am, Sir, your obedient servant,



Ir gives us great pleasure to be able to state to our readers, that the society of the New Church in Leeds, under the ministry of the Rev. Jonathan Gilbert, is in a happy and prosperous state; we give the following interesting extract from a letter sent to the Rev. T. Goyder, of London, and dated Leeds, 19th January, 1826. "We have it in contemplation to build a new chapel, in short we have purchased land for that purpose, and do hope to have it ready to open by next Conference. In our society we have peace, with gradual increase of members."



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temn not the divinely inspired pages; Treat not the learned contemptuously; Carry no tales of detraction ; Have no intercourse with gamblers; Reside not where there is no Temple; Utter not a lie, though death be near you; Associate not with mountebanks; Travel not by a solitary route."


A Toxicological Chart on two large sheets of paper, by W. Stowe, surgeon, has just been published by J. Anderson.-In four columns are exbibited, first, a particular poison, by name; second, the symptoms which follow its being taken; third, the best treatment for saving the life of the person; and fourth, the tests by which its nature may be ascertained. is also other useful information and advice exhibited in this performance, which may enable the uniformed to alleviate much distress, and even save the lives of fellow-creatures.



M. Mieg, the keeper of the royal collection of natural philosophy at Madrid, and who is a great amateur of music, has, it is said, after a great many experiments, been successful in communicating to the organ a quality which has hitherto been wanting to

its perfection, namely, the faculty of
gradually augmenting or diminishing the Mediterranean.
the strength of its tones.

ingly serviceable in the navigation of


This noble institution has for some time been disturbed in its operations, by the agitation of this question, "Whether the Apocrypha shall, or shall not, be circulated, with the canonical Scriptures." On this subject many things have been written both for and against, and for some time the controversy appeared to wear an ominous aspect.

To bring this question to an issue, a special meeting of the general committee took place at the Bible Society's house, Earl Street, on Monday, Nov. 21st, 1825, when the following resolution was adopted :

"That the funds of the society be applied to the printing and circulation of the canonical books of Scripture, to the exclusion of those books, and parts of books, which are usually termed Apocryphal; and that all copies printed, either entirely, or in part, at the expense of the society, and whether such copies consist of the whole, or of any one or more of such books, be invariably issued bound, no other books whatever being bound with them. And, further, that all money-grants to societies or individuals be made only in conformity with the principle of this regulation." This resolution, we hope, will set the question for ever at rest.


In the high Peak of this interesting county, a discovery has recently been made, of a series of caverns, which were not previously known to exist.


In both ancient and modern times, the Straits of Messina have occupied the attention of the lovers of geographical science. From the days of Homer to our own days, a number of writers have described partially, or in the whole, these celebrated straits; but mariners have long required a complete work upon this subject; more especially with reference to the anomalies which exist in the direction of the various currents. Such a work has lately been published at Naples, by M. Ribaud, formerly a French agent at Messina. It is the result of the observations of twenty years; and will, no doubt, be exceed

NEW FRENCH VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY. On the 12th of last November, the King of France, on the proposition of the Comte de Chabrol, the French minister of marine, gave orders for the preparation of a new expedition of discovery, with a view to the improvement of geography and the natural sciences. The command of it is to be intrusted to Captain J. Durville, an officer of great merit, known to the learned world by his voyage in the Black Sea, and by that which he made with Captain Duperry. Lieutenant Jacquinot, who was chargcd with the superintendance of the chronometers on board the Coquille, is to be second in command; and M. Gaimard, one of the authors of the zoology in Captain Freycinet's Voyage round the world, the chief naturalist. The particular object of the voyage is to explore more accurately several of the islands in the Pacific, and especially those, among the shoals of which it is presumed that the unfortunate Perouse perished.

The vessel destined for this interesting mission has received the name of the Astrolabe, which was that of one of the frigates of the celebrated man whose loss France and all civilized nations still deplore. The Astrolabe is fitting out at Toulon.

LITERARY NOVELTIES. Copenhagen.-A Society of Ancient Northern Literature has just been formed at Copenhagen. It intends to publish in the original language, but with a Latin translation, a number of very old Icelandic manuscripts, which it is expected will throw a great light on the ancient history of the North.

Mr. Firmin Didot is printing a French translation of the poems of Michael Angelo.


Klopstock's Messiah in verse, 10s. 6d. Boone's Book of Churches and Sects, 14s. Theology of the Puritans, 3s. 6d. Holden on the Christian Sabbath, 12s. Jones's Life of Bishop Hall, 14s. Suspirium Sanctorium; or, Holy Breathings, 8s. Schrevelius's Lexicon, Greek and English, 16s. 6d.

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