Parliamentary Papers, Nide 25H.M. Stationery Office, 1960 |
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Tulokset 1 - 3 kokonaismäärästä 78
Sivu 97
... RESPECT OF EXPENDITURE ON FIRE 1960-61 1959-60 SERVICES : * + £ £ Payment to fire authorities and joint fire committees of balances of grant due in respect of the provision of fire services in Scotland for 1958–59 and earlier years ...
... RESPECT OF EXPENDITURE ON FIRE 1960-61 1959-60 SERVICES : * + £ £ Payment to fire authorities and joint fire committees of balances of grant due in respect of the provision of fire services in Scotland for 1958–59 and earlier years ...
Sivu 56
... RESPECT OF PARENTAL CONTRIBU- TIONS : Payment , one year in arrears , to local authorities of an amount equal to one - half of the parental contributions , less the prescribed deductions for the cost of collection , in respect of ...
... RESPECT OF PARENTAL CONTRIBU- TIONS : Payment , one year in arrears , to local authorities of an amount equal to one - half of the parental contributions , less the prescribed deductions for the cost of collection , in respect of ...
Sivu 114
... RESPECT OF EDUCATION AUTHORITY APPROVED SCHOOLS : ESTIMATES 1960-61 1959-60 £ £ Grants towards the expenses of the managers , equivalent to one - half of the approved net expenditure in respect of children for whom the managing ...
... RESPECT OF EDUCATION AUTHORITY APPROVED SCHOOLS : ESTIMATES 1960-61 1959-60 £ £ Grants towards the expenses of the managers , equivalent to one - half of the approved net expenditure in respect of children for whom the managing ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
A.-SALARIES accounted Aid Subhead Air Traffic Control allowance amount required Appropriations in Aid Assistant Central Pay Settlement Chief Executive Officer Civil Defence CIVIL ESTIMATES Class VII Clerical Comptroller and Auditor contd cost Deduct Deputy Draughtsmen Eliz Employer's contributions ending 31 March Engineer England Wales estimated as follows ESTIMATES INCREASE DECREASE Exchequer and Audit Experimental Officers Fees Foreign Service Officers Government Grade II GRANT IN AID Higher Executive Officers Hospital Housing Housing Financial Provisions INCIDENTAL EXPENSES INCREASE DECREASE 1960-61 Information Officer Inspector London Maintenance Majesty's Government Ministry Miscellaneous National Health Service National Insurance Schemes Northern Ireland NUMBERS ESTIMATES 1959 Overseas part-time payable payments Pensions posts by 31 Principal Provision in Supplementary rates receipts in connection Repayment respect Revenue Departments Revote Scientific Officer Scotland Scottish Secretary Section Senior Executive Officers service are estimated Superannuation Superintendent Supplementary Estimate Technical Grade Teleprinter total expenditure total receipts United Kingdom Vote Z.-APPROPRIATIONS IN AID