Laws of the State of New York1958 |
Kirjan sisältä
Tulokset 1 - 3 kokonaismäärästä 78
Sivu 349
... director 133. Duties of * director of public safety § 132. Department of public safety - functions and appoint- ment of director . There is hereby created a city department of public safety and the position of director of public ...
... director 133. Duties of * director of public safety § 132. Department of public safety - functions and appoint- ment of director . There is hereby created a city department of public safety and the position of director of public ...
Sivu 359
... director of public works and expanding the department of public works by including therein an engineering division ... director . 119. Power to require permanent sidewalks to be laid . 120. Director may require repairs to sidewalks ...
... director of public works and expanding the department of public works by including therein an engineering division ... director . 119. Power to require permanent sidewalks to be laid . 120. Director may require repairs to sidewalks ...
Sivu 368
... director . There is hereby created a city department of parks and recreation and the position of director of parks and recreation is hereby established . The department of parks and recreation shall be responsible for the operation and ...
... director . There is hereby created a city department of parks and recreation and the position of director of parks and recreation is hereby established . The department of parks and recreation shall be responsible for the operation and ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
administrative code amend the administrative amended to read amount annual application appointed approval assessment avenue Became a law board of estimate board of supervisors building certificate chamberlain chapter five hundred charter city clerk city manager city of Batavia city of Niagara city of Plattsburgh commissioner of public common council compensation conductors corporation council as follows county treasurer director dollars election employees enacted estimate and contract feet filed fusible plug hereby amended Home Rule Law installed lands law number law shall take law to amend laws of nineteen legislative body license local law number Long Island city mayor ment Niagara Falls nineteen hundred fifty-eight nineteen hundred fifty-seven operation ordinance paid parking person petition protesting police pursuant read as follows refrigerant salary section one hundred section two hundred southerly line street subdivision take effect immediately thence thereof thereto tion village York