Parliamentary Papers, Nide 9H.M. Stationery Office, 1960 |
Kirjan sisältä
Tulokset 1 - 3 kokonaismäärästä 59
Sivu 68
... increase in the number of sound receivers , and the sustained growth of Communist output to the increasing world audience . The number of radio sets continues to increase . Last year the figure of radio sets in the world was given as ...
... increase in the number of sound receivers , and the sustained growth of Communist output to the increasing world audience . The number of radio sets continues to increase . Last year the figure of radio sets in the world was given as ...
Sivu 30
... increase of 12s . Od . a week for daywagemen , and corresponding increases for weekly paid industrial staff , who include assistant colliery engineers , colliery training and safety officers , surface foremen and rescue brigade staff ...
... increase of 12s . Od . a week for daywagemen , and corresponding increases for weekly paid industrial staff , who include assistant colliery engineers , colliery training and safety officers , surface foremen and rescue brigade staff ...
Sivu 124
... increase . Tax receipts of Pesos 854-4 million showed an increase of Pesos 97.4 million due to the substantial improvements in import duties , income taxes and licence and business taxes ; these improvements were in part due to increased ...
... increase . Tax receipts of Pesos 854-4 million showed an increase of Pesos 97.4 million due to the substantial improvements in import duties , income taxes and licence and business taxes ; these improvements were in part due to increased ...
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31st December 31st March agricultural amount annual assets Atomic Energy Authority Authority's average balance BBC's Board bone British Broadcasting caesium caesium 137 capital carbon 14 cent Chairman charity Clergy Pensions clerk coal coke collieries Colombo Plan Commissioners Committee continued contributions cost Council countries deposited dose dose-rate East Midlands effect estimated expenditure exports exposure external fall-out Farnham Castle Federation of Malaya Films fission products fuel elements Fund genetic Government Home Service House important improvement increase industrial investment Ionizing Radiations irradiation isotopes leukaemia loans London magnox materials maximum Midlands million tons National North Northern Ireland nuclear operation output Overseas payments pensionable service Pensions Measure period plant population programmes radiation Radio radioactive rads reactor Regional Reorganisation Report Research revenue scheme Scotland Scottish staff stations strontium 90 television tissue United Kingdom uranium Wales Windscale