Digest of Decisions of the United States Courts, Board of General Appraisers and the Treasury Department: Under the Customs Revenue Laws, Together with the Tariff Acts from 1883 to 1913, and Certain Other Customs Revenue Statutes ...U.S. Government Printing Office, 1918 - 1879 sivua |
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15 cents 25 per centum 50 cents addition thereto affirmed alcohol alizarin alpaca Appls assessed beads buttons carpets cent ad cents per dozen cents per pound cents per square centum ad valorem chemical chemical compound chief value claimed dutiable classified under paragraph coal-tar colored commercially known component material composed wholly containing cotton cotton cloth Cust DECISIONS decorated dutiable as manufactures dutiable under paragraph exceeding fabrics factures flax followed.-T. D. foregoing free of duty glass graph hair held dutiable imitation imported invoiced iron or steel jewelry jute lithographic machine manufactures of metal material of chief merchandise nonenumerated one-half Order T. D. ornamented otherwise painted paper paragraph 193 plates printed properly dutiable provisions of paragraph rate of duty reversed sheets silk specially provided square yard sugar tariff act thereof threads toys U. S. Ct valorem under paragraph vegetable fiber warp wearing apparel wool woven yarns