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"Cyn. Within reach; for example, give me your "hand: you have looked through the wrong end of the perspective all this while; for nothing has been be"tween us but our fears.

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“Mel. I don't know why we should not steal out of "the house this very moment, and marry one another "without consideration, or the fear of repentance. Pox "o'fortune, portion, settlements, and jointures.

"Cyn. Ay, ay, what have we to do with them; you "know we marry for love.

“ Mel. Love, love, downright very villanous love. "Cyn. And he that cannot live upon love deserves to "die in a ditch.-Here then, I give you my promise, in spite of duty, any temptation of wealth, your in"constancy, or my own inclination to change"Mel. To run most wilfully and unreasonably away "with me this moment, and be married.

"Cyn. Hold-Never to marry any body else. "Mel. That's but a kind of negative consent-Why, " you won't baulk the frolic?

"Cyn. If you had not been so assured of your own "conduct I would not- -But 'tis but reasonable that "since I consent to like a man without the vile con"sideration of money, he should give me a very evi"vident demonstration of his wit: therefore, let me "see you undermine my Lady Touchwood, as you "boasted, and force her to give her consent, and then→→ "Mel. I'll do it.

"Cyn. And I'll do it.

"Mel. This very next ensuing hour of eight o'clock,

"is the last minute of her reign, unless the devil assist

" her in propria persona.

"Cyn. Well, if the devil should assist her, and your "plot miscarry.—

"Mel. Ay, what am I to trust to then?

"Cyn. Why, if you give me very clear demonstration "that it was the devil, I will allow for irresistible odds. "But if I find it to be only chance, or destiny, or un"lucky stars, or any thing but the very devil, I am "inexorable: only still I'll keep my word, and live a "maid for your sake.

"Mel. And you won't die one for your own, so still "there's hope.

"Cyn. Here is my mother-in-law, and your friend "Careless, I would not have them see us together yet. “[Exeunt.”


Lady P. I swear, Mr. Careless, you are very alluring -and say so many fine things, and nothing is so moving to me as a fine thing. Well, I must do you this justice, and declare in the face of the world, never any body gained so far upon me as yourself; with blushes I must own it, you have shaken, as may say, the very foundation of my honour-Well, sure if I escape your importunities, I shall value myself as long as I live, I swear. Care. And despise me. [Sighing.

Lady P. The last of any man in the world, by my purity; now you make me swear-O, gratitude forbid that I should ever be wanting in a respectful acknow

ledgment of an entire resignation of all my best wishes for the person and parts of so accomplished a person, whose merit challenges much more, I am sure, than my illiterate praises can description,

Care. [In a whining tone.] Ah, Heavens, madam, you ruin me with kindness; your charming tongue pursues the victory of your eyes, while at your feet your poor

adorer dies.

Lady P. Ah! very fine.

Care. [Still whining.] Ah, why are you so fair, so bewitching fair? O, let me grow to the ground here, and feast upon that hand; O, let me press it to my heart, my trembling heart, the nimble movement shall instruct your pulse, and teach it to alarm desire.-Zoons I am almost at the end of my cant, if she does not yield quickly.


Lady P. O that's so passionate and fine, I cannot hear it-I am not safe if I stay, and must leave you.

Care. And must you leave me! Rather let me languish out a wretched life, and breathe my soul beneath your feet-I must say the same thing over again,

and cannot help it.


Lady P. I swear I am ready to languish too-O my honour! Whither is it going? I protest you have given me the palpitation of the heart.

Care. Can you be so cruel?

Lady P. O rise, I beseech you, say no more 'till you rise-Why did you kneel so long? I swear I was so transported I did not see it--Well, to shew you how far you have gained upon me, I assure you, if Sir Paul

should die, of all mankin there's none I'd sooner make

my second choice.

Care. O Heaven! I cannot out-live this night without your favour—I feel my spirits faint, a general dampness over-spreads my face, a cold deadly dew already vents through all my pores, and will to-morrow wash me for ever from your sight, and drown me in my tomb.

Lady P. O, you have conquered, sweet, melting, moving sir, you have conquered-What heart of marble can refrain to weep, and yield to such sad sayings.—

[Cries. Care. I thank Heaven, they are the saddest that I ever said-Oh!" I shall never contain laughter.”

[Aside. Lady P. Oh, I yield myself all up to your uncontroulable embraces-Say, thou dear dying man, when, where, and how?Ah, there's Sir Paul."

Care. 'Slife, yonder's Sir Paul; but if he were not come, I am so transported I cannot speak

note will inform you.


[Gives her a note, and Exit.

Enter Sir PAUL and CYNTHIA.

Sir Paul. Thou art my tender lambkin, and shalt do what thou wilt-But endeavour to forget this Mellefont.

Cyn. I would obey you to my power, sir; but if I have not him, I have sworn never to marry.

Sir P. Never to marry! Heavens forbid !—Must I neither have sons nor grandsons? Must the family of

the Plyants be utterly extinct for want of issue male. Oh, impiety!—But did you swear? Did that sweet creature swear! ha?-How durst you swear without my consent, ah? Gads-bud, who am I?

Cyn. Pray don't be angry, sir; when I swore I had your consent, and therefore I swore.

Sir P. Why, then the revoking my consent does annul, or make of none effect your oath; so you may unswear it again—the law will allow it.

Cyn. Aye, but my conscience never will.

Sir P. Gads-bud, no matter for that; conscience and law never go together; you must not expect that. Lady P. Ay, but Sir Paul, I conceive if she has sworn, d'ye mark me; if she has once sworn, it is most unchristian, inhuman, and obscene, that she should break it. I'll make up the match again, because Mr. Careless said it would oblige him.


Sir P. Does your ladyship conceive so?-Why, I was of that opinion once too-Nay, if your ladyship conceives so, I am of that opinion again; but I can neither find my lord nor my lady, to know what they intend.

Lady P. I am satisfied that my cousin Mellefont has been much wronged.

Cyn. [Aside.] I am amazed to find her of our side, for I am sure she loved him.

Lady P. I know my Lady Touchwood has no kindness for him; and, besides, I have been informed by Mr. Careless, that Mellefont had never any thing more than a profound respect-That he has owned

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