The Double Dealer: A Comedy

J. Bell, 1797 - 120 sivua

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Sivu 11 - WELL then, the promised hour is come at last, The present age of wit obscures the past: Strong were our sires, and as they fought they writ, Conquering with force of arms and dint of wit: Theirs was the giant race before the flood ; And thus, when Charles return'd, our empire stood. Like Janus...
Sivu 11 - But what we gain'd in skill, we lost in strength. Our builders were with want of genius cursed; The second temple was not like the first: Till you, the best Vitruvius, come at length, Our beauties equal, but excel our strength.
Sivu 30 - O Gad, I hate your hideous fancy — you said that once before — if you must talk impertinently, for Heaven's sake let it be with variety; don't come always, like the devil, wrapt in flames. I'll not hear a sentence more, that begins with an 'I burn' — or an 'I beseech you, madam.
Sivu 65 - Then she's always ready to laugh when Sneer offers to speak, and sits in expectation of his no jest, with her gums bare, and her mouth open — Brisk. Like an oyster at low ebb, egad — Ha ! ha ! ha ! Cyn. [Aside.] Well, I find there are no fools so inconsiderable in themselves, but they can render other people contemptible by exposing their infirmities.
Sivu 85 - Ay, but by your own virtue and continency that matter of fact is all his own doing. I confess I had a great desire to have some honours conferred upon me, which lie all in your ladyship's breast, and he being a well-spoken man, I desired him to intercede for me.
Sivu 63 - No ; for the sun it won't, but it will do for the coachman ; for you know there's most occasion for a coach in wet weather. Brisk. Right, right ; that saves all. Lady F.
Sivu 100 - I'll bear the railings of a losing gamester. — But should he find me out before! 'tis dangerous to delay. — Let me think — should my lord proceed to treat openly of my marriage with Cynthia, all must be discovered, and Mellefont can be no longer blinded.
Sivu 36 - No, marriage is rather like a game at bowls: fortune indeed makes the match, and the two nearest, and sometimes the two farthest, are together, but the game depends entirely upon judgment. CYNT. Still it is a game, and consequently one of us must be a loser.
Sivu 43 - Well, you must know, then, that all my contrivances were but bubbles ; till at last I pretended to have been long secretly in love with Cynthia ; that did my business ; that convinced your aunt I might be trusted, since it was as much my interest as hers to break the match : then, she thought my jealousy might qualify me to assist her in her revenge; and, in short, in that belief, told me the secrets of her heart. At length we made this agreement, if I accomplish her designs (as I told you before)...
Sivu 22 - Undoubtedly he did, sir. Faith, Hannibal was a very pretty fellow. But, Sir Joseph, comparisons are odious. Hannibal was a very pretty fellow in those days, it must be granted. But alas! sir, were he alive now, he would be nothing, nothing in the earth.

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