Sivut kuvina


The large numerals denote the volumes; the ciphers the pages of the commentaries; and the fmall numerals the pages of the appendix.



Batement of freehold. III. 168.

III. 302.

indictment. IV. 334.
nufance. III. 5.
writ, count, or fuit,

plea in, III. 301. IV.

334. Abbey-lands. II. 32. IV. 115. molefting their poffef

fors, IV. 116.
Abbots. I. 155.
Abbreviations. III. 323.
Abdication. I. 212. IV. 78.
Abduction of child. III. 140,

heirefs. IV. 208.
ward. III. 141.

wife. III. 139.
women. I. 443.

or kidnapping. IV. 219.

Abearance, good, fecurity for. IV.

251. 256.

Abeyance. II. 107.

Abigei. IV. 239.

Abjuration, oath of. I. 368.

of the realm. IV. 56. 124.

332. 377.



of the crown. I. 250, property. II. 389.

rights and duties. I. 123. Abstract of a fine. II. 351. XV, Accedas ad curiam. III. 34. Acceptance of bills. II. 468. Acceffion, property by. II. 404. Acceffories. IV. 35.

after the fact. IV. 37:

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II. 503.
Adminiftrator. II. 496. IV. 428.
Admiralty causes. III. 106.

limited or fpecial. II.

court of. III. 69. IV. 268.

Admiffion of a clerk. I. 390.
Admittance to copyholds. II. 370.
Admittendum clericum, writ ad. III.

Ad quod damnum, writ of. II. 271.
Advertifing for ftolen goods. IV. 134.
Adultery. I. 441. III. 139. IV. 64,
65. 191.

Advocate. III. 26.
Advocatus fifci. III. 27.
Advowfon. II. 21. IV. 426.
Acquitas fequitur legem. II. 330. III.

[blocks in formation]

Age, of confent to marriage. I. 436.
perfons, how reckoned. I.

463. IV. 27.
Aggregate corporation. I. 469.
fund. I. 331.

Agiftment. II. 452.
Agnati. II. 235.
Agnus Dei, &c. IV. 115.
Agriculture, its original. II. 7.
Aid-prayer. III. 300.

Aids, feodal. II. 63. 86. IV. 411.
---, parliamentary. I. 308.
Air, right to. II. 14.
Albinatus jus. 372. 374.-
Alderman. I. 116.


[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

withdrawing from. IV.

Allodial property. II. 47.60.
Allodium. II. 105.
Allowance of franchife. III. 263.


pardons. IV. 401, 402.
writs of error. IV. 392.
to bankrupts. II. 483.

Alluvion. II. 261.
Almanac, its authority. III. 333.
Alteration of deeds. II. 308.
Amended bill in equity. III. 448.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

for lives. II. 461.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

113. II. 26.

Arbitration. III. 16.

Archbishop. I. 155--377-

Annulum et baculum, investiture per, I. Archdeacon. I. 383.


Annus luctus. I. 456.

Anfwer in chancery. III. 446.
upon oath. III. 100.

Antient demefne. I. 286. II. 99.
Apoftacy. IV. 43.
Apparel, excefs in. IV. 171.
Apparent heir. II. 208.

right of poffeffion. II. 196.
Appeal by approvers. IV. 330.
how differing from writ of

error. III. 55-

of arfon. IV. 314.

[ocr errors]

death. IV. 314. 424.
felony. IV. 314.

larciny. IV. 314.
mayhem. IV. 314.
rape. IV. 314.
treafon. IV. 314.
profecution by. IV. 312.424.
- to parliament. III. 454.

Rome. IV. 115. 421.
Appearance to actions. III. 290.
Appearance-day of the term, or re-
turn III. 278.
Appellee on approvement. IV. 330.
Appendant, advowfon. II. 22.

-, common. II. 233.
Appointment to charitable ufes. II.

Appraisement, commiffion of. III. 262.
Apprentice-fee, duty on. I. 324.

[ocr errors]

his court. III. 64.

Archdeaconry. I. 112.
Arches court. III. 64.
dean of. III. 65.

Areopagus, court of. III. 365. IV. 169.
Ariftocracy. I. 49.

Armed, being unusually. IV. 149.
Armies. I. 262.

-, ftanding. I. 414. IV. 419.
439. 441.
Armorial enfigns. II. 428. III. 105.
Armour, &c. embezzling the king's.
IV. 101.

ftatutes of. I. 411.

Arms and ammunition, exporting
them. I. 265.

right of having. I. 143.

Arraignment. IV. 322. iii.

incidents to. IV. 324.
Array, challenge to. III. 359. IV.

[ocr errors]

commiffion of. I. 411.
Arreft of judgment. III. 393. xiv. IV.

Arreft of judgment. III.


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Attachment in chancery, with proclamations. III. 444. Attachment, writ of. III. 280. xvi. Attachments, court of. III. 71. Attainder. II. 251. IV. 380. act of. IV. 259.

Attaint, grand jury in. III. 351. writ of. III. 402. IV. 361. Attainted perfons. II. 290. IV. 380. Attempt to rob. IV. 242. fteal fish. IV.

235. Atteftation of deeds. II. 307. i. iii, xii, xiii.

by defcent, or real. II. 244. Attorney at law. II. 25.

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devifes. II. 376.

-, action against. III.


information by. III.

Attorney-general. III. 27.

261. 427. IV. 308.

warrant of, to confess judg

ment. III. 397.

Attornment. II. 72. 288. 290.
Aubaine, droit de. I.


Audita querela, writ of. III. 405.
Auditors in account. III. 164.
Averium. II. 424.

Averment. III. 209. 313. IV. 340. Augmentation of vicarages and curacies. I. 388.

Aula regia, or regis. III. 38. IV. 416.

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