Iflands. II. 261. Iffuable terms. III. 353. Iffue at law. III. 313, 314. collateral. IV 396. v. -, feigned. III. 452 in criminal cafes. IV.339 iii. v. equity. III. 448. -, joinder of. III. 315. xiii. IV. 340. iii. tender of. III. 313. Iffues on a diftringas. II. 280. juftices. III. 59. IV. 422. Judges. I. 267. III: 25. IV. 440. -, affaulting them. IV. 125. -, how counfel for prifoners. IV. 355: -, killing them. IV. 84. their commiffions. I. 267. threatening or reproaching them. IV. 126. Judgment. II. xix. III. 395. vi. viii. xv. xxxi. xxxiii. VOL. IV. III. Edw. I. IV. 425, 426. 233. - plea to. III. 301. IV. Jurors, fining or imprisoning. IV. 361. Jury, trial by. III. 349. IV. 349. Lancafter, duchy of, it's courts. III. Law of parliament. J. 163. 232. -, appeal of. IV. 314. -, grand. IV. 229. mixed. IV. 239. fide of the chancery. III. 47. - exchequer. III. 45. ftatute. I. 85. unwritten. 1. 63. IV. 408. -, wager of. III. 341. IV. 414. 424. written. I. 85. Lawing of maftiffs. III. 72. inveftiture of bishops. I. 378. Lazarets, efcaping from. IV. 16z. Lead, ftealing. IV. 233. Leading interrogatories. III. 449. only of things perfonal. IV. Leap-year. II. 141. Leafe. II. 317. ii. and release. II. 339: ii. -, entry, and oufter, rule to confefs. III. 204. xi. Leet. IV. 273. 411. 424. Legacies. II. 512. fubtraction of. III. 98. Legal eftates for life. II. 124. 126. -, offences againft. Lex manifefta. III. 344. - nature. 1. 39* talionis. IV. 12. Libel, immoral or illegal. IV. 150. M m 2 Libel, Libel, in ecclefiaftical courts. III. Lineal defcent of the crown, I. 100. 125. malicious. III. Liberties or franchises. II. 37. IV. -, natural. J. 125. of the prefs. IV. 151. 218. perfonal, injuries to. III.127. Licence for marriage. I. 439. xiv. - to administer paths. III. 59. Licensed curate. I. 394. Liege. I. 367. Lieutenant, lord. I. 412. IV. 272. annuities. II. 461. ---, crimes against. IV. 177. - eftates for. II. 120. v. Ligan. I. 293. III. 106. Ligeance. I. 366. -, feodal. II. 53. Lords committees for courts of juf- houfe of, it's attendants. I. may kill the king's deer, I, fpiritual. I. 155. 259, Lotteries. IV. 168. 260. 449. Lunatics. I. 304. II. 291. IV. 24. Luxury. IV. 170. Madder M. Manftealing. IV. 219. Manufacturers, feducing them a- Madder roots, ftealing them. IV. Manufactures, encouragement of, IV. 428. Manumiffion of villeins. II. 94. 347. his courts. III. 68. Maritime caufes. III. 106. Mark, fubfcribed to deeds. II. fuits. I. 428. IV. Manor. II. 20. Manfion-house. IV. 224. cuf- Manflaughter. IV. 191. conviction of. IV. iv. |