Bail-piece. III. 291. xxvi. Banishment. I. 137. IV. 377. 401. 9. mifbehaviour of it's officers. IV. 234. -, cognizance of. III. 428. Banneret, knight. I. 403. Bar of dower, II. 136. --, plea in. III. 306. IV. 335. 396. and feme. I. 433. Baronet. I. 403. Baronies. II. 62. 90. I. 156. Barretry. IV. 134. Barristers. I. 23. III. 26. Bafe fees. II. 109. fervices. II. 61. tenants. II. 148. Baftard. I. 454: administration to. II. 505. IV. 198. 358. Bawdy-houses. IV. 29. 64. 167. Behaviour, good, fecurity for. IV. Beheading. IV. 92. 377. Benefices. IV. 107. Benefit of clergy. IV. 333. 365.413- 429. 441. Benevolence, compulfive. I. 140. IV. -, part of England. I. 99. - -, how paffed. I. 181 of exceptions. III. 372. indictment. IV. 302. rights. I. 128. IV. 440. or note, forging. IV. 248, 249. Billa vera. 1V. 305. Bishop. I. 155. 377.401. " not electing or confecrating. IV. 115. right of, to try or be tried as Black Black act. III. 161. IV. 144. 208. Brehon law in Ireland. I. 100. IV. , keeping. IV. 29. 64. 168. Bubbles. IV. 117. Buggery. IV. 215. Bulles, papal. IV. 109, 110. Bond. II. 340. xiii. III. xxiv. IV. Burgage, tenure in. II. 82. IV. 419. tenants. II. 148. Bono et malo, writ de. IV. 270. Book of rates. I. 317. Book land. II. 90. Books and papers, production of. III. popifh, importing or felling them. IV. 115. courts. III. 80. English. I. 75. II. 83. Borrowing. II. 453. Borfholder, I. 115. 356. IV. 413. Bottomry. II. 457. III. 334- - Bracton. I, 72. IV. 425. Burgeffes in parliament, their elec Burglary. IV. 223 Burial charges. II. 508. of felo de fe. IV. 190. Burning in the cheek. IV. 99. 370. Callendar of prisoners. IV. 403. letters patent. III. 47, 48. Canonical obedience. IV. 106. 112. 204. - purgation. III. 342. IV.368. Canon law. I. 14. 19. 79. 82, 83. Centenarius. I. 116. Capita, diftribution per. II. 517. fucceffion per. II. 218.* Capital punishment. IV. 9. 18. 236*. 376. 413. 441. Capite, tenants in. II. 60. Caption of indictment. IV. 351. i. Captives. II. 402. Captures at fea. II. 401. Caput lupinum. IV. 320. Carnal knowledge of infants. IV. 212. Carrier, action against. III. 165. Cart-bote. II. 35. Cafe, action on. III. 52. 122. IV. 442. referved at nifi prius. III. 378. stated out of chancery. III. 453. Caftigatory for fcolds. IV. 169. Caftration. IV. 206. Cafu confimili, writ in. III. 51.' - provifo, writ of entry in. III. 183. Cafual ejector. III. 202. ix. owner anfwerable for. III. 153. 211. IV. 197. Caveat. III. 98. 246. Centeni. I. 116. III. 35. Cepi corpus. III. 288. xviii. xxii. xxiv. 320, 321. Ceffavit, writ of. III. 232. Chains, hanging in. IV. 202. Champions in trial by battel. III. 339. v. Chance. IV. 26. Chancellor, his name and office. III.47. lord. III. 38. 47. killing him. IV. 84. of a diocefe. I. 382. - the duchy of Lancaf ter. III. 78. exchequer. III. 44univerfity, his court. III. 83. Chance medley. IV. 184. Chancery, court of. III. 47. IV. 436. Chapters. I. 382.. Charge to grand jury. IV. 303. Charitable ufes. 11. 273. 376. commiffion of. III. 428. Charities, cognizance of. III. 427. informations for. III.427. Charter. II. 195. Caufa matrimonii praelocuti, writ of Charter of the king. II. 345. entry. III. 183. Caufe, challenge for. IV. 353. Causes of demurrer. III. 315. xxx. Charter-governments in America. I. Chafe. II. 38. 416. IV. 415. beals of. II. 38. 415. Cinque ports, courts of. III. 79. Chastity, homicide in defence of. IV, Circumftantial evidence. III. 371. Citation. III. 100. Citizens in parliament, their electors. I. 174. City. 1. 115. Civil corporations. I. 470. - death. II. 12). injuries. III. z. law. 1. 14. 19. 79. 81. 83. IV. I. 19, 20. benefit of. IV. 333. 365. 413. 429. 441. -, plea of. IV. 334. -, prayer of. IV. iv. orders. I. 388. IV. 367. Clients. III. 28. Clocks, when introduced. III. 410. rolls. II. 346. -writs. 11. 346. Cloth, ftealing, from the tenters. IV. Coal-mines, fetting fire to. IV. 246. Code |