Sivut kuvina

these great characters to arrive and display their respective pretensions to superiority, we will undertake the humble office of their avant courier, and, sans ceremonie, give a true account of their claims to public favour, so that, our bucks, bloods, fashionables and would-be-fashionables, may be up-to-the-thing," "decide in a crack," and "whirl off" to their leaders.

It is hinted that another club was organizing, which, also, intends to honour us with a Plenipo; and, though we think his chance of success in this country is not great, yet we will not pretend to decide the question by the musty old rules of goodsense and propriety, but leave it to be determined by the allglorious uncertainty of whim, fashion and caprice. This third Club is called the Wheelbarrow Club. It prides itself on the supposed vulgarity of the appellation. It is true, the Wheelbarrow has, time immemorial, been considered only fit for the hands of porters, scavengers and malefactors; but, in this age of wonders, when old-fashioned prejudices are contemned, it is to be drawn by the finest Arabian coursers, guided by the Phaetons of the day, and graced by all the beauties of the metropolis. A correspondent informs, that the spirit of speculation in this onewheel-carriage is so great, that, every fish-woman, &c. &c. who owns one, considers the possession equal to a fortune. We cannot, however, place entire confidence in our correspondent's assertion that, "fat Moll" sold hers to his grace the Duke of for 1000 guineas; nor that "yellow Jack" exchanged his for the splendid, but now “untonnish” equipage of the charming countess of

Though we cannot, at present, decide whether the "Bora che," or the "Four-in-hand" Plenipos will be the 4'on" on this side of the Aantic, we will venture to suggest one great obstacle to the success of the Wheelbarrow envoy, particularly in Philadelphia. In this city, our untutored minds are very apt, by a natural association of ideas, when this subject is mentioned, to revert to the use to which a late law of the land doomed the oncedegraded vehicle, from which this club receives its name; and,

Some of the squeamish members, wishes it called by the French term for this carriage," La Brouette,” but a large majority voted in favour of the plain old English.

we think, that he must be a bold man if he attempt to introduce it. We, moreover, give him warning, whoever he may be, that he runs no small risk of being dubbed, through life, with the very honourable title of "The Wheel-barrow-man," or, as the French would say, "Le Brouettier."

But to the point. We have the highest authority for asserting that the style of the " Barouche Driving Club," is this. The principal affects the dress of a coachman; and his friend who attends him imitates the appearance of the mail guard, with a strap and a horn. The carriage is a resemblance of the mail, in colour and furniture, and the box has a sackcloth for a seat. The pole has chains to it, which the " queer-ones," in technical language call— "The music of the Bars."

The "Four-in-hand Club," at present opposes the " Barouche" in reins, whips and harness; and have appointed a grand committee of titled and untitled "Dashers" to devise a plan for a carriage that will take off the shine," from both the "Barouche" and the "Wheelbarrow." It is difficult to say which "kicks up the greatest dust;" but we hope, that, when all is arranged and their Plenipos arrive among us, we shall not stare with stupid amazement, as we were wont to do in former rusticated times, but be "up to the thing," "look knowing," "swear like gem'en," "quiz the simple-ones," "take the flats in," "be off in a tangent," and dn the hindmost.”

"Harnessed Gentlemen."

Tired of my pen, I laid it down, and took up a favourite novel. The first paragraph that presented itself contained the following tribute to Scotch Gallantry, which so greatly pleased me, that I could not resist the desire of transcribing it. If the Highland Laddies who are so fond of "drawing their mistresses on the ice" had sent a few Plenipos harnessed in their best style, to give us the "ton," they would have been "all the go." Indeed, so great would have been the "rage" among our fair fashionables for "harnessed beaus," that horses would have been thought "vulgar," and every man and boy in the community, put in a state of requisition.

It is a long-established custom when the neighbouring lakes of Edinburg are frozen, to have light elegant phaetons made, in

which the gentlemen display their gallantry, by drawing the ladies upon the ice. Miss Douglass, with two or three of her companions, mounted one of these vehicles, to which, with five other gentlemen, I had the honour to be harnessed.

"How delightful!" cried the girls.

"How absurd!" said the Vicar, "except indeed that it may serve to remind men of their affinity to asses."

"How like a triumphant entry!" exclaimed Miss Margaret, "I really did not imagine the Scotch possessed so much taste; they must certainly have borrowed it from the Romans. It was yes, I think it was Nero, who was drawn about by beautiful women."

"We did not, however, continue to exercise our honourable employment for any length of time. A rumour circulated that the ice was cracked; and the gentlemen quickly disengaging themselves from their trappings, slid precipitately to the shore. Those who knew the falsity of the report laughed; those who thought it true trembled; but none ventured to our assistance. It might literally be said, that they resolved not to trust themselves on slippery ground. I ascribe not to myself any particular merit for not deserting my post; they would all, perhaps, have staid, had they been equally interested. The ladies screamed; Miss Douglass fainted with terror; I caught her in my arms; and, forgetting my situation, attempted to bear her from the carriage; but my feet slipped, and I received so violent a fall, that it deprived me of my senses, and effectually set love and gallantry at nought. On my recovering, I found myself in a house. My first inquiry was after my fair companions, whom I heard were in perfect safety; and the gentle accent of Miss Douglass's voice at that moment reaching my ears, I raised my eyes, and saw a tear of tenderness and pity stealing down her cheek. It was a balm of comfort to me, powerful enough to heal contusions much more severe than those I had received. The gentlemen rallied me on my Quixotism. "Gude troth," cried one," you was a foolish laddie, or you would not have staid. I promise you I should na have remained, if even assured of visiting Amphitrite's bower, and having an elegy and knell from Mermaids and Tritons."

We observe in one of our London papers, that, on the 29th of July dast, thirteen members of the "Four-in-hand Club” assembled in Audley square with their carriages and four-They started about two o'clock from thence ior Bedfort, to dine at the Black Dog Inn. Sir Henry Peyton led the way with his four handsome greys.


Our Sportsmen are fearful, that, on account of the great quantity of snow which has fallen, their favourites, the partridges, will be almost annihilated. They are purchasing these birds alive wherever they can be procured. Several of our friends have many hundreds, which they are endeavouring to preserve through the Winter, that they may have the sport of destroying them at a

more convenient season.

The intention of encircling Hyde-park with a row of elegant houses it appears is not approved by many of the citizens of London, who have aroused the Tutelary Genius of that "most useful of all useful spots." She urges her suit with respectful submission, but asserts her claims in so powerful and so "touchant" a manner that every son and daughter of the "mistress of cities" must allow the force of her arguments.

Petition of the Tutelary Genius of Hyde-park, to the surveyors of woods and forests;-Humbly showeth-That the domain, commonly called Hyde-park, including Rotten-row, the Serpentine, and thence extending to Kensington-gardens, and thence round to Oxford-road and eastward by Park-lane, has, from time immemorial, been deemed a free open park, with liberty of ingress and egress to all his Majesty's well-dressed and well-mounted liege subjects, male and female, of all ages and sexes, without discrimination, and that one half of the good citizens of London have no idea of woods, or forests, or lakes or rivers, but what they receive from their Sunday visits to said Park.

That it has been the favourite haunt of lovers, accustomed in all ages to unfold their passion, unheeded and unobserved by every eye but that of the sparrow that chirrups on the branches of the spreading oak, or the snow-white swan who glides majestic upon the bosom of the river.

That it has long been the seat where wounded honour has sought reparation, exhibiting deeds of courage worthy of the greatest heroes.

That the betrayed damsel, the dishonoured husband, the broken merchant, and the despairing lover, have been accustomed to seek in Hyde-park a quietus for all their cares, by suspension from a tree, or a plunge in the Serpentine.

That the Belles and Beaus of the metropolis here mix in sweet confusion; the city fair catching the airs of the west end of the town; while consumption, care, and loss of appetite, vanish before the breezes that play without restraint or limit over its verdant surface.

Your Suppliant further showeth, that a rumour prevails of an intention to erect a line of large houses round the said Park, by means whereof it will become a mere inclosure, differing only in extent from Leicester-fields or Golden-square, and that the benefits and advantages above stated, with many others, will thus cease and determine.

That a lady or gentleman can, in such event, no longer make love in Hyde-park, without being exposed to the malice of all the old maids in the row.

That the desperate and unfortunate cannot drown themselves but in sight of the public.

That the man of honour cannot be shot, or shoot his antagonist, in private; and Chalk Farm must possess a monopoly of duellists. That the air, now fresh as the breeze from the mountain, must lose its purity, and become mixed with the steam from the luxurious kitchens and fœtid offices of the surrounding edifices.

That Hyde-park, long a scene of health and recreation, will thus lose all its attractions, and with its attractions all its visitors and admirers.

Your Suppliant, therefore, humbly hopes, that said plan of Brick and Mortar may not be adopted. And your Suppliant will

ever pray.


A writer for the London newspapers at Brighton, in July last, thus announces the then coming races at that place :-" The Pavilion Stakes at Brighton Races will be one of the most

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