EXPORTS—Continued. Table showing the value of exports during 1890-'91 and 1891-'98. From Grey Town.... To Spanish America, from San Juan del Sur.. To countries other than the United States, from Cabo Gracios á Dios. *From April 1 to September 30, 1892. There were exported from Grey Town also to Italy and Colombia in 1892 goods to the value of $2,336. Bull. 51-7 WILLIAM NEWELL. Consul. Chapter XII. POSTAL AND TELEGRAPH SERVICE. Nicaragua is a member of the Universal Postal Union. The mail service between the Republic and the United States is as follows: TO SAN JUAN DEL SUR AND CORINTO. From New York, by Pacific Mail steamers, via Colon, 1st, 10th, and zoth of each month. From San Francisco, by Pacific Mail steamers, 3d, 13th, and 23d of each month. TO SAN JUAN DEL NORTE (GREYTOwn). From New York, by Pacific Mail steamers, via Colon, 1st, 10th, and 20th of each month. Honduras and Central American line, twice a month TO BLUEFIELDS. From New Orleans, by Morgan line, every week; by Bluefields Banana Company's steamers, twice a month. RATES OF POSTAGE TO AND FROM NICARAGUA. Letters. Five cents in United States and 10 centavos in Nicaragua for each half ounce or fraction thereof. Postal cards. Two cents in United States and 3 centavos in Nicaragua, each. Newspapers.-One cent in United States and 2 centavos in Nicaragua per 2 ounces. Registration fee.-Ten cents in either country, but Nicaragua charges 5 cents for returned receipt. Poste Restante letters.-The length of time for retaining in the offices of destination of unclaimed correspondence addressed "Poste restante months in the office of destination and six months longer in the dead letter office of the central administration. is sin ܂ The postal service in Nicaragua is in excellent condition and the business transacted is rapidly increasing. A money-order system is in operation in all the principal towns of the Republic. The postal receipts as stated in the latest official report, which is issued biennially, were: For year ending- June 30, 1890. $24, 275.74 35, 774.73 During the two years included in the biennial report referred to, 2,237,859 pieces of mail matter were handled. TELEGRAPH. The total length of telegraph lines in Nicaragua at date of the latest report was 1,549 miles, and of telephone 61 miles, as follows: During the two years embraced in the latest official report, thirteen new offices were opened and 250 miles of new lines constructed. The business done in the two years was as follows: Private messages, 215,413.. Official messages, 190,034. Value. $63, 773.30 70, 074. 80 At San Juan del Sur, on the Pacific coast, connection is made with the submarine cable, by which dispatches can be sent from any port of Nicaragua to any telegraph office in the world. The rates charged for messages from New York via Galveston are: To San Juan del Sur. To all other offices in Nicaragua.. .per word.. $0.97 ..do.... I. 02 Number of cable messages transmitted in the two years, 11,037. |