Capras. Session of in the year aforesaid until the seventh day of the same month in the same year, did languish, and languishing did live; on which said seventh day of March in the year aforesaid, the said Samuel Collins, at the parish of Lighthorne aforesaid, in the county aforesaid, of the said mortal wound did die: and so the jurors aforesaid, upon their oath aforesaid, do say, that the said Peter Hunt him the said Samuel Collins, in manner and form aforesaid, feloniously, wilfully, and of his malice aforethought, did kill and murder, against the peace of the said lord the now king, his crown, and dignity. WHEREUPON the sheriff of the county aforesaid is commanded, that he omit not for any liberty in his bailiwic, but that he take the said Peter Hunt, if he may be found in his bailiwic, and him safely keep, to answer to the felony and murder whereof he stands indicted. WHICH said indictgaol delivery. ment the said justices of the lord the king above named, afterwards, to wit, at the delivery of the gaol of the said lord the king, holden at Warwick in and for the county aforesaid, on Friday the sixth day of August, in the said second year of the reign of the said lord the king, before the right honourable William lord Mansfield, chief justice of the said lord the king, assigned to hold pleas before the king himself, sir Sidney Stafford Smythe, knight, one of the barons of the exchequer of the said lord the king, and others their fellows, justices of the said lord the king, assigned to deliver his said gaol of the county aforesaid of the prisoners therein being, by their proper hands do deliver here in court of Record in form of the law to be Arraignment. determined. AND Afterwards, to wit, at the same delivery of the gaol of the said lord the king of his county aforesaid, on the said Friday the sixth day of August, in the said second year of the reign of the said lord the king, before the said justices of the lord the king last above named and others their fellows aforesaid, here cometh the said Peter Hunt, under the custody of William Browne, esquire, sheriff of the county aforesaid, (in whose custody in the gaol of the county aforesaid, for the cause aforesaid, he had been before committed,) being brought to the bar here in his proper person by the said sheriff, to whom he is here also committed: AND forthwith being demanded concerning the premises in the said indictment above specified and charged upon him, how he will acquit himself thereof, he saith, that he is not guilty thereof; and thereof for good and evil he puts himself upon the country: AND John Blencowe, esquire, clerk of the assizes for the county aforesaid, who prosecutes for the said lord the king in this behalf, doth the like: THEREFORE let a jury thereupon here immediately come before the said justices of the lord the king last above mentioned, and others their fellows aforesaid, of free and lawful men of the neighbourhood of the said parish of Lighthorne in the county of Warwick aforesaid, by whom the truth of the matter may be the better known, and who are not of kin to the said Peter Hunt, to recognise upon their oath, whether the said Peter Hunt be guilty of the felony and murder in the indictment aforesaid above specified, or not guilty: because as well the said John Blencowe, who prosecutes for the said lord the king in this behalf, as the said Peter Hunt, have put themselves upon the said jury. And the jurors of the said jury by the said sheriff for this purpose impanelled and returned, to wit, David Williams, John Smith, Thomas Horne, Charles Nokes, Richard May, Walter Duke, Matthew Lion, James White, William Bates, Oliver Green, Bartholomew Nash, and Henry Long, being called, come; who being elected, tried, and sworn; to speak the truth of and concerning the premises, upon their oath say, THAT the said Peter Hunt is guilty of the felony and murder aforesaid, on him above charged in the form aforesaid, as by the indictment aforesaid is above supposed against him; and that the said Peter Hunt at the time of committing the said felony and murder, or at any time since to this time, had not nor hath any goods or chattels, lands or tenements, in the said county of Warwick, or elsewhere, to the knowledge of the said jurors (1). And upon this it is forthwith demanded of the said Peter Hunt, if he hath or knoweth any thing to say, wherefore the said justices here ought not upon the premises and verdict aforesaid to proceed to judgment and execution against him: who nothing further saith, unless as he before had said. Judgment of WHEREUPON, all and singular the premises being seen, and by the said jus death, tices here fully understood, IT IS CONSIDERED by the court here, that the said Peter Hunt be taken to the gaol of the said lord the king of the said Plea: not guilty. Issue. Venire. Verdict: guilty of murder. (1) This averment is now rendered unnecessary. See 7 and 8 Geo. IV. c. 28, 65; ante, p. 387, n. (7). county of Warwick from whence he came, and from thence to the place of execution on Monday now next ensuing, being the ninth day of this instant August, and there be hanged by the neck until he be dead; and that after- and dissection. wards his body be dissected and anatomized. SECT. 2. CONVICTION OF MANSLAUGHTER, upon their oath say, that the said Peter Hunt is not guilty Verdict: not of the murder aforesaid, above charged upon him; but that the said Peter guilty of murHunt is guilty of the felonious slaying of the aforesaid Samuel Collins; and der; guilty of manslaughter. that he had not nor hath any goods or chattels, lands or tenements, at the time of the felony and manslaughter aforesaid, or ever afterwards to this time, to the knowledge of the said jurors (2). And immediately it is demanded of the said Peter Hunt, if he hath or knoweth any thing to say, wherefore the said justices here ought not upon the premises and verdict aforesaid to proceed to judgment and execution against him: WHO saith Clergy prayed. that he is a clerk, and prayeth the benefit of clergy to be allowed him in this behalf. WHEREUPON, all and singular the premises being seen, and by the Judgment to said justices here fully understood, IT IS CONSIDERED by the court here, that be burned in the said Peter Hunt be burned in his left hand, and delivered. And im- the hand, and mediately he is burned in his left hand, and is delivered, according to the form of the statute (3). SECT. 3. ENTRY OF A TRIAL INSTANTER IN THE COURT OF KING'S Bench, upon Michaelmas Term, in the Sixth Year of the Reign of } King George the Third. delivered. Kent; The King) THE PRISONER at the bar being brought into this court against in custody of the sheriff of the county of Sussex, by Thomas Rogers. virtue of his majesty's writ of habeas corpus, IT is Habeas corpus. ORDERED that the said writ and the return thereto be filed. AND it appear- Record of ating by a certain record of attainder, which hath been removed into this tainder read; court by his majesty's writ of certiorari, that the prisoner at the bar stands for felony and attainted, by the name of Thomas Rogers, of felony for a robbery on the robbery. highway, and the said prisoner at the bar having heard the record of the said attainder now read to him, is now asked by the court here, what he Prisoner asked hath to say for himself, why the court here should not proceed to award ex- what he can ecution against him upon the said attainder. He for plea saith, that he is say in bar of not the same Thomas Rogers in the said record of attainder, named, and Plea; not the against whom judgment was pronounced: and this he is ready to verify and same person. prove, &c. To which said plea the honourable Charles Yorke, esquire, attorney general of our present sovereign lord the king, who for our said lord Replication, the king in this behalf prosecuteth, being now present here in court, and having heard what the said prisoner at the bar hath now alleged, for our said lord the king by way of reply saith, that the said prisoner now here at execution. the bar is the same Thomas Rogers in the said record of attainder named, averring that and against whom judgment was pronounced as aforesaid; and this he he is. prayeth may be inquired into by the country; and the said prisoner at the Issue joined. bar doth the like: THEREFORE let a jury in this behalf immediately come Venire awardhere into court, by whom the truth of the matter will be the better known, ed instanter. and who have no affinity to the said prisoner, to try upon their oath, whether the said prisoner at the bar be the same Thomas Rogers in the said record of attainder named, and against whom judgment was so pronounced as aforesaid, or not: because as well the said Charles Yorke, esquire, attorney general of our said lord the king, who for our said lord the king in this behalf prosecutes, as the said prisoner at the bar, have put themselves in this behalf upon the said jury. AND immediately ereupon the said jury come Jury sworn. here into court: and being elected, tried, and sworn to speak the truth touching and concerning the premises aforesaid, and having heard the said record read to them, do say upon their oath, that the said prisoner at the bar Verdict: that is the same Thomas Rogers in the said record of attainder named, and he is the same. against whom judgment was so pronounced as aforesaid, in manner and form (2) See preceding note. (3) Benefit of clergy and burning in the hand being now abolished, see 6 Geo. IV. c. 25, 7 and 8 Geo. IV. c. 28, ante, p. cution. as the said attorney general hath by his said replication to the said plea of the said prisoner now here at the bar alleged. AND HEREUPON the said attorney general on behalf of our said lord the king now prayeth, that the court here would proceed to award execution against him the said Thomas Award of exe- Rogers upon the said attainder. WHEREUPON, all and singular the premises being now seen and fully understood by the court here, IT IS ORDERED by the court here, that execution be done upon the said prisoner at the bar for the said felony in pursuance of the said judgment, according to due form of law: AND it is lastly ordered, that he the said Thomas Rogers, the prisoner at the bar, be now committed to the custody of the sheriff of the county of Kent (now also present here in court) for the purpose aforesaid; and that the said sheriff of Kent do execution upon the said defendant the prisoner at the bar for the said felony, in pursuance of the said judgment, according to due form of law. On the motion of Mr. Attorney General. By the Court. SECT. 4. WARRANT OF EXECUTion on Judgment of Death, at tHE GENERAL GAOL DELIVERY IN LONDON AND MIDDLESEX. London and Middlesex. } To the sheriffs of the city of London; and to the sheriff of the county of Middlesex: and to the keeper of his majesty's gaol of Newgate. WHEREAS at the session of gaol delivery of Newgate, for the city of London and county of Middlesex, holden at Justice Hall in the Old Bailey, on the nineteenth day of October last, Patrick Mahony, Roger Jones, Charles King, and Mary Smith, received sentence of death for the respective offences in their several indictments mentioned; Now IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that execution of the said sentence be made and done upon them the said Patrick Mahony and Roger Jones, on Wednesday the ninth day of this instant month of November at the usual place of execution. AND it is his majesty's command, that execution of the said sentence upon them the said Charles King and Mary Smith be respited, until his majesty's pleasure touching them be further known. GIVEN under my hand and seal this fourth day of November, one thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight. JAMES EYRE, Recorder, (L. S.) SECT. 5. WRIT OF EXECUTION UPON A JUDGMENT OF MURDER, BEFORE THE GEORGE the Second, by the grace of God of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, king, defender of the faith, and so forth; to the sheriffs of London and sheriff of Middlesex, greeting. WHEREAS Lawrence earl Ferrers, viscount Tamworth, hath been indicted of felony and murder by him done and committed, which said indictment hath been certified before us in our present parliament; and the said Lawrence earl Ferrers, viscount Tamworth, hath been thereupon arraigned, and upon such arraignment hath pleaded not guilty; and the said Lawrence earl Ferrers, viscount Tamworth, hath before us in our said parliament been tried, and in due form of law convicted thereof; and whereas judgment hath been given in our said parliament, that the said Lawrence earl Ferrers, viscount Tamworth, shall be hanged by the neck till he is dead, and that his body be dissected and anatomized, the execution of which judgment yet remaineth to be done : WE require, and by these presents strictly command you, that upon Monday the fifth day of May instant, between the hours of nine in the morning and one in the afternoon of the same day, him the said Lawrence earl Ferrers, viscount Tamworth, without the gate of our tower of London (to you then and there to be delivered, as by another writ to the lieutenant of our tower of London or to his deputy directed, we have commanded) into your custody you then and there receive: and him, in your custody so being, you forth with convey to the accustomed place of execution at Tyburn: and that you do cause execution to be done upon the said Lawrence earl Ferrers, viscount Tamworth, in your custody so being, in all things according to the said judgment. And this you are by no means to omit, at your peril. WITNESS ourself at Westminster the second day of May, in the thirty-third year of our reign. YORKE and YORKE. INDEX, The small numerals denote the Books; the ciphers the Pages of the Commentaries. ward, iii 141 wife, iii 139 and n women, i 443 and n or kidnapping, iv 219 and n when freehold cannot be put in, ii 107 n Abjuration, oath of, i 368 of the realm, iv 56 124 332 377 Absolute power of the crown, i 250 rights and duties, i 123 after the fact, iv 37 and n Account books, when evidence, iii 368 Accroaching royal power, iv 76 Act of bankruptcy, ii 477 and n disobedience to, iv 12 endeavouring to repeal, is treason, iv 82 n its ancient form, i 182 power, i 185 private, i 86 ii 344 and n 345 n when binding on the crown, i 261 Action at law, iii 116 chose in, ii 397 ex contractu, iii 117 delicto, iii 117 Action at law, feodal, iii 117 for debt below 40s. in superior court, iii 36 n Actual right of possession, ii 196 cum testamento annexo, ii 504 durante absentia, ii 503 durante minore aetate, ii 503 n limited or special, ii 506 granted to creditor when executor out of Administrator, ii 496 iv 428 when privileged from arrest, iii 289 n court of, iii 69 iv 268 no appeal from, to privy council, i 230 n letters of marque granted by, ib to copyholds, ii 370 Admittendum clericum, writ ad, iii 250 rights, &c. of wife guilty of, i 441 action, &c. for, iii 139 and n Advocate, iii 26, see Counsel canon law forbids clerks becoming, i 20 n Advowson, iv 426 in general, ii 21 cannot pass without deed, ii 22 n is saleable, ii 22 n tenant by curtesy of, ii 127 n purchase of, not simoniacal, ii 279 n Equitas sequitur legem, ii 330 Affectum, challenge propter, iii 363 iv 352 to hold to bail in action, iii 287 Affirmance of judgments, iii 411 i 428 n contracts by, i 429 n Aggregate corporation, i 469 Agistment, ii 452 Agnus Dei, &c. iv 115 Air, right to, ii 14 Alderney, island of, i 106 Alfred, his dome-book, i 64 iv 411 rights, &c. of, in general, i 366 371 nii 293 n petty custom, duty on, abolished, i 316 n as to descent, ii 249 alienation by, ii 274 may be grantee in a deed, but cannot hold, ii purchase by, ii 293 may hold house or shop by agreement, ii 293 n Allegiance, i 366 iv 74 local, i 370 natural, i 369 oath of, i 367 iv 274 refusing it, iv 116 withdrawing from, iv 87 Allowance of franchise, iii 263 pardons, iv 401, 402 selling unstamped, ii 420 n Ambassador, king's prerogative as to, i 253 Amercement, ii app 5 iii 376 app 25, 26 17 379 423 action for, iii 159 transportation to, iv 401 Ancestors, how numerous, ii 203 Anchors, injuries, &c. to, iv 245 n demesne, i 286 ii 99 Animals, see Cattle, Game property in, ii 5 monkey and parrot, property in, ii 391 n what protected by statutes, ib Annual parliaments, i 153 for lives, ii 461 |