You do not meet a man but frowns: our bloods 2 Gent. But what's the matter? 1 Gent. His daughter, and the heir of his king- He purpos'd to his wife's sole són (a widow Is outward sorrow; though, I think, the king 2 Gent. None but the king? 1 Gent. He, that hath lost her, too: so is the queen, That most desir'd the match: But not a courtier, Although they wear their faces to the bent Of the king's looks, hatli a heart that is not Glad at the thing they scowl at. 2 Gent. And why so? 1 Gent. He that hath miss'd the princess, is a thing Too bad for bad report: and he that hath her, (I mean, that married her,-alack, good man!And therefore banish'd) is a creature such As, to seek through the regions of the earth For one his like, there would be something failing In him that should compare. I do not think, So fair an outward, and such stuff within Endows a man but he. 2 Gent. You speak him far2. 1 Gent. I do extend him, sir, within himself; Crush him together, rather than unfold His measure duly3. 2 Gent. What's his name, and birth? 1 Gent. I cannot delve him to the root: His father Was call'd Sicilius, who did join his honour4 Against the Romans, with Cassibelan; But had his titles by Tenantius5, whom He serv'd with glory and admir'd success: 2 i. e. you praise him extensively. 3 My eulogium, however extended it may seem, is short of his real excellence; it is rather abbreviated than expanded. Perhaps this passage will be best illustrated by the following lines in Troilus and Cressida, Act iii. Sc. 3: —no man is the lord of any thing, Till he communicate his parts to others: Where they are extended. [i. e. displayed at length.] 4 I do not (says Steevens) understand what can be meant by joining his honour against, &c. with, &c. perhaps Shakspeare wrote: did join his banner. In the last scene of the play Cymbeline proposes that 'a Roman and a British ensign should wave together. The father of Cymbeline, And had, besides this gentleman in question, Breeds him, and makes him of his bedchamber: What kind of man he is. I honour him 2 Gent. Even out of your report. But, 'pray you, tell me, Is she sole child to the king? 1 Gent. His only child. He had two sons (if this be worth your hearing, Mark it), the eldest of them at three years old, I'the swathing clothes the other, from their nursery Were stolen: and to this hour, no guess in knowledge Which way they went. 2 Gent. 1 Gent. Some twenty years. 6 This encomium (says Johnson) is highly artful. To be at once in any great degree loved and praised is truly rare.' see Feate is well-fashioned, proper, trim, handsome, well compact. Concinnus. Thus in Horman's Vulgaria, 1519 He would himself in a glasse, that all thinge were feet. Feature was also used for fashion or proportion. The verb to feat was probably formed by Shakspeare himself. 8 To his mistress' means as to his mistress 2 Gent. That a king's children should be so convey'd! So slackly guarded! And the search so slow, 1 Gent. Howsoe'er 'tis strange, Or that the negligence may well be laugh'd at, 2 Gent. I do well believe you. 1 Gent. We must forbear: Here comes the queen and princess. SCENE II. The same. [Exeunt. Enter the Queen, POSTHUMUs, and IMOGEN. Queen. No, be assur'd, you shall not find me, daughter, After the slander of most step-mothers, Evil-eyed unto you: you are my prisoner, but That lock up your restraint. For you, Posthumus, I will be known your advocate: marry, yet Post. I will from hence to-day. Queen. Please your highness, You know the peril: I'll fetch a turn about the garden, pitying Imo." [Exit Queen. 0 Dissembling courtesy! How fine this tyrant 1 I say I do not fear my father, so far as I may say it without breach of duty.' His rage can do on me: You must be gone; Post. My queen! my mistress! O, lady, weep no more; lest I give cause To be suspected of more tenderness Than doth become a man! I will remain The loyal'st husband that did e'er plight troth. Queen. Re-enter Queen. Be brief, I pray you: If the king come, I shall incur I know not To walk this way: I never do him wrong, Post. [Aside. [Exit. Should we be taking leave As long a term as yet we have to live, The loathness to depart would grow: Adieu ! Were you but riding forth to air yourself, When Imogen is dead. Post. How! how! another?. You gentle gods, give me but this I have, 2 He gives me a valuable consideration in new kindness (purchasing, as it were, the wrong I have done him), in order to renew our amity, and make us friends again. |