Thinking to bar thee of succession, as Thou wast their nurse; they took thee for their mother, [Exit. SCENE IV. Near Milford Haven. Enter PISANIO and IMOGEN. Imo. Thou told'st me, when we came from horse, the place Was near at hand:-Ne'er long'd my mother so To see me first, as I have now:-Pisanio! Man! Where is Posthúmus1? What is in thy mind, That makes thee stare thus? Wherefore breaks that sigh From the inward of thee? One, but painted thus, Into a haviour of less fear, ere wildness father of heirs. The latter part of this soliloquy is very inartificial, there being no particular reason why Belarios should now tell to himself what he could not know better by telling it. JOHNSON 12 i. e. to the grave of Euriphile; or to the grave of their mother, as they supposed it to be. The grammatical construction requires that the poet should have written 'to thy grave;' but we have frequent instances of this change of persons not only in Shakspeare, but in all the writings of his age. The true pronunciation of Greek and Latin names was not much regarded by the writers of Shakspeare's age. The poet has, however, differed from himself, and given the true pronunciation when the name first occurs, and in one other place : To his protection; call him Posthumus." But keep that countenance still. My husband's hand! That drug-damn'd Italy hath out-craftied him, tongue May take off some extremity, which to read Pis. Please you, read; And you shall find me, wretched man, a thing The most disdain'd of fortune. Imo. [Reads.] Thy mistress, Pisanio, hath played the strumpet in my bed; the testimonies whereof lie bleeding in me. I speak not out of weak surmises; from proof as strong as my grief, and as certain as I expect my revenge. That part, thou, Pisanio, must act for me, if thy faith be not tainted with the breach of hers. Let thine own hands take away her life: I shall give thee opportunities at Milford Haven: she hath my letter for the purpose; Where, if thou fear to strike, and to make me certain it is done, thou art the pander to her dishonour, and equally to me disloyal. Pis. What shall I need to draw my sword? the paper Hath cut her throat already.- No, 'tis slander; All corners of the world: kings, queens, and states3, Imo. False to his bed! What is it, to be false? 2 It has already been observed that worm was the general name for all the serpent kind. See Antony and Cleopatra, Act v. Sc. 2, note 31. 3 i. e. persons of the highest rank. To break it with a fearful dream of him, And cry myself awake? that's false to his bed? Pis. Alas, good lady! Imo. I false? Thy conscience witness:-lachimo, Thou didst accuse him of incontinency; Thou then look'dst like a villain; now, methinks, Pis. Good madam, hear me. Imo. True honest men being heard, like false Æneas, Were, in his time, thought false: and Sinon's weeping. 4 Putta, in Italian, signifies both a jay and a whore. We have the word again in The Merry Wives of Windsor:-Teach him to know turtle from jays. See vol. i. p. 223. 'Some jay of Italy, whose mother was her painting, i. e. made by art; the creature not of nature but of painting. In this sense painting may be said to be her mother. Steevens met with a, similar phrase in some old play: A parcel of conceited feather-caps, whose fathers were their garments.' 5 That is to be hung up as useless among the neglected contents of a wardrobe. So in Measure for Measure: That have, like unscour'd armour, hung by the wall.' Clothes were not formerly, as at present, made of slight materials, were not kept in drawers, or given away as soon as lapse of time or change of fashion had impaired their value. On the contrary, they were hung up on wooden pegs, in a room appropriated to the sole purpose of receiving them; and though such cast off things as were composed of rich substances were occasionally ripped for domestic uses, articles of inferior quality were suffered to hang by the walls till age and moths had destroyed what pride would not permit to be worn by servants or poor relations : When Comitem horridulum trità donare lacerna, seems not to have been customary among our ancestors. Queen Elizabeth died, she was found to have left above three thousand dresses behind her. Steevens once saw one of these repositories at an ancient mansion in Suffolk, which (thanks to a sticcession of old maids!) had been preserved with superstitious rererence for almost a century and a half. Did scandal many a holy tear: took pity From most true wretchedness: So, thou, Posthumus, Wilt lay the leaven on all proper men6; Goodly, and gallant, shall be false and perjur'd, I draw the sword myself: take it; and hit Pis. Hence, vile instrument! Thou shalt not damn my hand. Imo. Why, I must die; And if I do not by thy hand, thou art No servant of thy master's: Against self-slaughter There is a prohibition so divine, That cravens my, weak hand'. Come, here's my heart; Something's afore't: --Soft, soft; we'll no defence; Corrupters of my faith! you shall no more 6 Wilt lay the leaven on all proper men.' The leaven is, in Scripture phraseology, the whole wickedness of our sinful nature.' See 1 Corinthians, v. 6, 7, 8. Thy failure, Posthumus, will lay falsehood to the charge of men without guile : make all suspected. That makes me afraid to put an end to my own life. Hamlet exclaims : O that the Everlasting had not fix'd His canon 'gainst self slaughter.' 8 Shakspeare here means Leonatus's letters, but there is an opposition intended between scripture, in its common siguification, and heresy. Do feel the treason sharply, yet the traitor And thou, Posthumus, thou that didst set up A strain of rareness: and I grieve myself, Pis. O gracious lady, Do't, and to bed then. Imo. Pis. I'll wake mine eyeballs blind first11. Imo. Wherefore then Didst undertake it? Why hast thou abus'd So many miles with a pretence? this place? Mine action, and thine own? our horses' labour? The time inviting thee? the perturb'd court, For my being absent; whereunto I never Purpose return? Why hast thou gone so far, To be unbent12, when thou hast ta'en thy stand, The elected deer before thee? 9 Fellows for equals; those of the same princely rank with myself. 10 --when thou shalt be disedg'd by her That now thou tir'st on. It is probable that the first, as well as the last, of these metaphorical expressions is from falconry. A bird of prey may be said to be disedged when the keenness of its appetite is taken away by tiring, or feeding, upon some object given to it for that purpose.. Thus in Hamlet: Oph. You are keen, my lord, you are keen. Ham. It would cost you a groaning to take off mine edge. So in one of 11 Blind, which is not in the old copy, was supplied by Hanmer. 12 To have thy bow unbent, alluding to a hunter. Shakspeare's poems in The Passionate Pilgrim, 1599:When as thine eye hath chose the dame And stall'd the deer that thou shouldst strike. |