Sivut kuvina


On a Contented Mind.


2 KINGS, iv. 13.

Say now unto her, "Behold thou hast been


careful for us with all this care ; "what is to be done for thee? Wouldft "thou be spoken for to the King, or to "the Captain of the Hoft?" And he answered, "I dwell among mine own people."

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PIOUS and respectable woman of Shunem had exercised great hofpitality to the prophet Elisha, In order to accommodate him in his various journeyings, he had caused a chamber to be built for him, adjacent to her houfe, where he might be furnished


with all that, according to the fimpli- SER M. city of those times, was wanted for his entertainment. In the text, the prophet, by his fervant Gehazi, acknowledges the obligations he lay under to this good woman for her care and attention; and being at that time in favour with the king of Ifrael, defires to know, whether, in return for her kindness, he should apply to the king, or the captain of the hoft, in her behalf, and procure advancement to her in rank and fortune. Her answer bespeaks all the modefty of one who was fatisfied and contented with her present lot. Without any affectation of uncommon virtue, or any haughty contempt of the prophet's offers, the mildly replies, "I dwell among mine own people." "dition to which I was born; ་་ my native land; among my original "connections, and perfons of my own "rank; and living there in peace, I " have no defires of afpiring to a higher


"I dwell in the con


The temper of this worthy Shunamite, who could fo properly fet bounds



SER M. to her defires, and enjoy her present condition with contentment, is what I now propose to your imitation. It ftands in oppofition to that restless and difcontented fpirit which so often sets men at variance with their condition in the world, makes them look with contempt on that state of life and sphere of action which Providence has allotted them; and encouraging every real or fuppofed difcouragement to prey upon their minds, makes them pine for fome change of fortune.

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It is proper, however, to obferve, that this moderation of fpirit which I am now recommending, is not incon-fiftent with our having a fenfe of what is uneafy or diftreffing in our lot, and endeavouring, by fair means, to render our condition more agreeable. Entire apathy, or paffive indifference to all the circumftances of our external ftate, is required by no precept of religion. What a virtuous degree of contentment requires and fuppofes, is, that with a mind free from repining anxiety, we make the best of our condition, whatever


whatever it is; enjoying fuch good'S ERM. things as God is pleased to bestow upon us, with a thankful and cheerful heart; without envy at those who appear more profperous than us; without any attempt to alter our condition by unfair means; and without any murmuring against the Providence of Heaven."In that state in which it pleafed God "to place me at my birth, I am ready` "to remain, as long as it fhall be his


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pleasure to continue me there. He "has placed me among my equals. "Such comforts as he faw meet for "me to poffefs, he has bestowed. "These I shall study to improve, and by his kind Providence favouring my industry and application, I may hope they will be increased. In the mean time, I reft fatisfied; and complain I dwell among mine own people.".

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But if this acquiefcence in our condition is to be confidered as belonging to that contentment which religion requires, what becomes, it will be said, of that laudable ambition, which has prompted many boldly to afpire with honour and fuccefs far beyond their original



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SER Maoriginal state of life?—I readily admit, that on fome among the fons of men, fuch high talents are bestowed, as mark them out by the hand of God for superiour elevation; by rifing to which, many, both in ancient and modern times, have had the opportunity of diftinguishing themselves as benefactors to their country and to mankind, But thefe are only a few scattered stars that fhine in a wide hemifphere; fuch rare examples afford no model for general conduct. It is not to perfons of this defcription that I now speak. I address myself to the multitude; to the great body of men in all the various walks of ordinary life, Them I warn of the danger of being mifled, by vanity and felf-conceit, to think themselves de. ferving of a much higher station than they poffefs, I warn them, not to nourish aspiring defires for objects beyond their power of attaining, or capacity of enjoying; and thereby to render themfelves unhappy in their prefent condition, and diffatisfied with all that belongs to it. By this reftlefs "difcontented temper, I fhall proceed to


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