Sivut kuvina

with example, and moral with doctrinal instruction. The accompanying Chart and Geographical Exercises supersede, in private study, the use of the larger, more expensive, and less portable maps. The Notes, 1,300 in number, have been selected from the most approved sources, and contain a mass of biblical knowledge, explanatory of almost every word and phrase of difficult meaning in the text. The collecting and arrangement of these must have been a work of immense labour, and merits the gratitude of every student who may not have time or means to search for himself.

To the Sabbath School Teacher, for whom the work has been principally designed, it must be a most invaluable aid, as it furnishes copious matter to illustrate his lesson, and provides his class with pleasing inducements to attention. Altogether, it is one of those works which must be used to be fully appreciated, and whose value cannot fail to be acknowledged by the practical teacher. THE CHURCH OF CHRIST INDEPENDENT OF ALL SECULAR AUTHORITY. By the Rev. I. STOCK. Houlston & Stoneman.

A convincing, comprehensive, and cheap address delivered to Sunday School Teachers, and printed for general circulation.


In many Sunday Schools classes are held during the week for instruction in secular knowledge. To such classes, and to all persons needing a short, simple, lucid Grammar, we can confidently name this one. By a few principles, free from dry abstract details, it teaches how to speak and write the English language with propriety.


We are rather late in introducing this charming book to our readers. Suffice it now to say it gives all the transactions connected with the farewell services of Moffat in Edinburgh, Manchester, and London. It is compiled by the able author of The Martyr of Erromanga.' The name of the compiler, and the unutterable interest which the very word Moffat excites, must secure to this little book an immense sale. No one can regret its purchase.


We notice tracts only as exceptions. The one before us has claims on our notice, as it relates the marvellous course of a Sunday Scholar in the early days of Sunday Schools. Leadbetter, the subject of the tract, entered a Sunday School at Southport, supported by the late Mr. Doncaster, Banker, of Wigan. His life is full of incident, and the tract is really interesting and must be useful.


This is a pocket companion, consisting of a very pungent address to persons who approve of the Gospel but remain undecided hearers. In all congregations there are many such. It was not so in the first days of the gospel: then, all were either in the church or in the world. The perusal of this stirring letter must, we think, lead every one who admires the gospel to profess it in a most decided form. In order to perpetuate and direct this Christian obedience, we strongly advise 'Moase's Church Members Monitor,' also sold by Dinnis: a small work, but one which every member of a protestant christian church might read with great advantage once in every quarter.

THE PROVERB EXPLAINED. By REV. WM. JACKSON. Ward & Co. This title does not convey a right idea of the work. It is a very interesting account of a very charming Sunday Scholar, who died early in life. Such books are always popular with our young friends, and we can assure them that here is a treat in store for them. It is handsomely got up, and is sure to be a standard reward book in Sunday Schools. We hope our young friend, the author, will favour us with more productions of his pen.


A convention of the friends of peace from all parts of the world is to commence its sittings in London, on June 22nd. This able pamphlet from the pen of an American Judge, must, we think, convince every reader that war, under all circumstances, is a fearful evil and an enormous sin. As such it has our best wishes. We implore our Teachers to instil the principles of peace into the minds of all their pupils.


This little work is meant to be "a pattern for Sunday School Teachers.' It is one of the most touching and instructive pieces that ever proceeded from the able pen of its excellent author.

The Portion.



Ver.1. 'Through the corn' on their way to the Synagogue: 'pluck ears';' and this was allowed by Moses to those who were hungry, Deut. xxiii. 24, 25. Ver. 2. 'Not lawful,' according to a human command which forbade the rubbing of corn on the Sabbath. Ver.3, 'Have ye not read, &c.' see 1 Sam. xxi. 1-6. Ver. 4.' Shewbread,' bread offered to God every Sabbath day: see Lev. xxiv. 5, 6. Ex. xxix. 32, 33, and xl. 22. The Tabernacle was now at Nob, near Jerusalem. 1 Sam. xxi. 1. These pharisees did not condemn David for eating the bread, and it was inconsistent in them to condemn the disciples for eating the corn: necessity justified both. Ver. 5, Profane the Sabbath,' by killing the victims, burning the sacrifices, and serving the sanctuary. Ver. 6. Greater than the Temple.' Christ was the true Temple, and to fit the disciples for serving him it was right for them to take some corn food. Ver. 7. 'Mercy and not sacrifice,' a tender feeling for human woes is better than any ceremonial duties: the Jews express comparisons by negatives. Ver. 8. 'Son of man,' &c. Christ had authority to alter the Sabbath, and by his sanction did alter it.


1. What did the disciples do on this occasion?-2. How do you explain the Jewish law on this practice?-3. By what circumstances did Jesus justify his disciples?-4. What was the use and the typical meaning of this shew bread ?-5. From what motive did the High Priest give a part of it to David?-6. Why were the priests who served in the Temple on the Sabbath blameless?-7. In what ways was Christ greater than the Temple ?-8. Are there any resemblances between the Temple and Christ?-9. Why was it right in the disci

ples to take the corn? give at least two reasons.-10. The Pharisees found fault, what does that disposition show of human nature?-11. Is external ceremony or internal piety the more difficult and the more pleasing to God?-12. What does verse 7 show to be the cause of all religious mistakes?-13. What does this portion teach us in reference to the Sabbath?-14. Can you name various ways in which it is sinfully abused?-15. If Christ be the Lord of the Sabbath, what does it shew as to his character and as to our duty?-16. Is there any similarity between the Sabbath of earth and that of heaven?-17. What general rule ought to guide Sabbath scholars as to spending the Lord's day? 1 Cor. x. 31.-18. How does a neglect of the Sabbath lead to all sins?

JUNE 18.-THE DEATH OF AARON AND MOSES.-Numbers xx. 22-29.

Deut. xxxii. 49-52.

Ver. 24. Waters of Meribah;' see ver. 8. This transaction must not be confounded with the one at Horeb, as given in Ex. xvii, that was at the commencement of the journey, this near the close: then Moses was to strike the rock now he was only to speak to it. Ver. 26. 'Strip Aaron, &c.' a very painful act, yet it would be a comfort to see that the Priesthood was to continue, though the Priest died: it would also prevent any competition for the High Priesthood among the rebellious Israelites. Ex. xxix. 29, 30. Ver. 28. 'Aaron died there;' here we see judgment mixed with mercy; he died for his sin, yet he was not cut off from his people by a sudden visitation. The high station of Moses and Aaron made their sin the more glaring, and their punishment the more instructive. Ver. 52. (Deut. 32.) 'See the land, &c.' this was to console him; it shewed the truth of God's promises of Canaan, and would be a type of that heavenly Canaan to which Moses was going.


1. Can you describe the sin which Moses and Aaron committed? -2. How would Moses feel in stripping his brother of his priestly robes?-3. In what is the Priesthood of Christ superior to that of Aaron? Heb. vii. 23-25: name two or three particulars.-4. What encouragement would the Israelites derive from the transfer of the Priesthood to Eleazer?-5. Does being 'gathered to their people,' refer to the grave or to heaven ?-6. What 'people' may we suppose is here meant ?-7. How should we now feel toward the general assembly of God's people, which we hope to join at death ?-8. If we belong to Christ, is death a separating or a uniting event?-9. When Aaron died, there was a mourning for him, how had the children of Israel frequently treated him? Num. xvi. 11. Ex. xvi. 2.-10. How may we prevent our hearts from reproaching us, after the loss of dear friends?-11. Moses was to die as safely and peacefully as Aaron did, how do the happy deaths of our friends give us consolation?12. Why was Moses favoured with a sight of Canaan before his death?-13. Have you known any persons who were remarkably happy in death?-14. May we hope that God will grant us special grace in our departure? Deut. xxxiii. 25., 2 Cor. xii. 9., 1 Cor. xv. 55-57.-15. How may we secure a glorious prospect of heaven in our last hours? 2 Peter i. 10, 11.-16. Why should every christian wish to die happily ?-17. Can you prove that God hates sin even when it is committed by good people? 2 Saml, xii. 9, 10: 1 Saml. ii. 32, 33: Deut. iii. 25, 26: Ps. lxxxix. 30-33.

JUNE 25. THE TRANSFIGURATION.-Matt. xvii. 1-9.


Ver. 1. Six days' after Peter's confession in Chap. xvi. 16: Luke says 'eight days,' because he included the two Sabbaths; apart,' retiring to spend a night in prayer, Luke ix. 28, 37. Ver. 2. Transfigured,' changed in his appearance: so was Moses, Ex. xxxiv. 29, his glory was from without, and Christ's from within: 'Raiment white, &c.' the lustre of his body shining through it. Ver. 3. 'Moses,' the lawgiver of Israel: 'Elijah,' the chief of the prophetical race: the departure from earth of both was remarkable, Deut. xxxiv. 6. 2 Kings ii. 11. 'Talking with him,' on the decease or exodus which he should accomplish, not merely suffer but achieve, Luke ix. 31. Ver. 4. 'Tabernacles,' or booths composed of the branches of trees which are often erected in pleasant spots: Good for us to be here,' most likely supposing the kingdom of Jesus was at hand. Ver. 5. 'Bright cloud,' the excellent glory, 2 Pet. i. 17, which conducted the Jews in the wilderness, and was seen in the most holy place, out of which God spake : 'Hear him,' as superior to Moses and Elijah: the cloud softened the effulgence of the divine glory. Ver. 8. 'Jesus only,' all had disappeared, that Jesus might remain the sole object of worship. Ver. 9. 'Tell the vision, &c.' because none would believe the report until they were convinced by his resurrection.


1. Can you tell why Jesus took Peter, James, and John to witness his transfiguration?-2. How was Jesus engaged at the time?-3. What effect has fervent prayer on our souls?-4. How did Christ appear when transfigured?-5. Was this glory his own, or was it reflected on him? John i. 14.-6. What do you learn from that truth? John V. 23.-7. Who appeared to Jesus?-8. What do you know about these persons?-9. Why did they appear in glory? give two or three reasons.-10. One of these saints was raised, the other was changed; does that fact teach us anything as to the end of the world? 1 Thes. iv. 15.-17, 2 Peter i. 16.-11. What was the subject of conversation on the Mount?-12. In what light may we suppose they would represent his decease to Jesus?-13. Why as in the margin is the death of Jesus compared to the exodus from Egypt?-14. What effect would this conversation have on the mind of Christ?-15 Moses and Elijah came to minister to Jesus, what does that shew us as to the Jewish dispensation?-16. Who spoke out of the bright cloud?-17. How do you understand the injunction given by that voice?-18, May we learn any duty from the readiness of Moses and Elijah to come here and serve Jesus ?-19. On what should Christians converse when they meet? Col. iv. 6.

JULY 2.-THE WEDDING GARMENT.-Matt. xxii. 1-14.


Ver. 2. 'Certain King,' representing God: 'Marriage,' the feast lasted several days: Judges xiv. 10-12: 'Kingdom of heaven,' the spiritual reign of Christ upon earth; the publishing of the Gospel is the joy meant by the feast. Ver. 3. 'Sent forth his servants,' the first invitation was given to the Jews by the prophets, the second by the apostles, but they did not relish the Gospel. Ver. 4. This verse shews the love of God is so oft inviting us to Christ, and the wilful depravity of man in preferring earthly pursuits. Ver. 6. 'The remnant, &c.' the Jews who persecuted and killed Christ and his servants. Ver. 7. 'Sent forth his armies,' allowed the Romans to destroy Jerusalem for despising the Gospel. Ver. 9.

'Highways, &c.' this is quite in accordance with eastern manners: no food prepared is ever saved. Ver. 10. 'Bad and good,' all descriptions of persons. Ver. 11. 'A wedding garment,' one was provided for every guest: it is customary to make presents of clothing, especially to guests: Gen. xlv. 22: Judg. xiv. 12, 13. To appear without one was the highest insult to him who had prepared the garments: they were chiefly long white robes. Ver. 13. 'Outer darkness,' a dungeon was attached to the houses of most eastern despots.


1. Who is meant by the King and by the Son in this parable?-2. Why is the Gospel like a marriage feast ?-3. What do you understand by sending forth the servants in v. 3?-4. How was the invitation regarded?-5. Is man to be pitied or blamed for disobeying the call of the Gospel?-6. Did the King shut the doors when the first invitation was refused?-7. In the variety of calls which we have, what do we learn of God and of ourselves ?-8. The feast of the Gospel has been prepared by God, what have we to do in reference to it?-9. Why is man so reluctant to accept the offered grace? Rom. viii. 7-10. When we obey the gracious call, is there any merit in doing it?—11. How do you explain verses 6 and 7 of this portion? -12. When the Jews rejected the Gospel, to whom was it sent?13. Under the preaching and teaching of the Gospel, may we expect all kinds of persons to be drawn together?-14. What did the King sce in ver. 11?-15. What does that mean?-16. What made the destitute guest speechless?-17. Does the self-righteous man refuse to put on the Lord Jesus ?-18. Is the righteousness of Christ anywhere compared to a robe? Is. Ixi. x.-19. Why will every impenitent sinner be without excuse at the last day ?-20. As many are called but only few chosen, what should be our anxiety?-21. Can you name several important lessons we should all learn from this subject?


Blackburn.-On Easter Monday, during a very happy tea party in the Thunder Alley Sunday School, the teachers and monitors presented to their beloved pastor, the Rev. R. T. Wheeler, incumbent of St. John's church, a very chaste and elegant ink-stand.

Burgh, Lincolnshire.-On Saturday, April 15th, the Church Sunday Scholars of this parish, headed by a band of music, and followed by many of the inhabitants, went two miles in order to meet and welcome their excellent Vicar, the Rev. Sir G. W. Crawford, on his return from his wedding. This demonstration of attachment was purely spontaneous. On the following day this devoted clergyman preached three times, and after the morning service placed himself at the door of the church to shake hands with each of his hearers, and thus introduce his bride to the people among whom she will hereafter live and labour.

Chorley-A deeply interesting Sunday School tea-party was held on GoodFriday, in the spacious room belonging to Hollingshead street Independent Chapel. Between three and four hundred friends, all with smiling faces and cheerful hearts, sat down to the feast provided by the ladies. Mr. James Wallwork was called to the chair, and he opened the meeting with an admirable address. Several recitations were then given by the scholars, the room becoming crowded to suffocation. Mr. H. Berry, the assistant superintendent, then came

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