The Double-dealer: A ComedyT. Johnson, 1711 - 119 sivua |
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Tulokset 1 - 5 kokonaismäärästä 13
Sivu 4
... confess I de- sign'd ( whatever Vanity or Ambition occa- fion'd that defign ) to have written a true and regular Comedy : but I found it an Un- dertaking which put me in mind of- Sudet multum , frustraque laboret aufus idem . And now to ...
... confess I de- sign'd ( whatever Vanity or Ambition occa- fion'd that defign ) to have written a true and regular Comedy : but I found it an Un- dertaking which put me in mind of- Sudet multum , frustraque laboret aufus idem . And now to ...
Sivu 20
... confess a very fair Foundation , for a Lover to build upon . Mel . For my Lord Froth , he and his wife will be sufficiently taken up , with admiting one another , and Brisks Gallantry , as they call it . I'll observe my Uncle my self ...
... confess a very fair Foundation , for a Lover to build upon . Mel . For my Lord Froth , he and his wife will be sufficiently taken up , with admiting one another , and Brisks Gallantry , as they call it . I'll observe my Uncle my self ...
Sivu 21
... confessed , is grounded upon his Intereft ; that you have tranf- planted ; and should it take Root in my Lady , I don't see what you can expect from the Fruit . Mel . I confess the Consequence is visible , were your Sufpicions just ...
... confessed , is grounded upon his Intereft ; that you have tranf- planted ; and should it take Root in my Lady , I don't see what you can expect from the Fruit . Mel . I confess the Consequence is visible , were your Sufpicions just ...
Sivu 23
... confess I did my self some Violence at first ; but now , I think I have conquer'd it . Brisk . Let me perish , my Lord , but there is some- thing very particular in the Humour : ' tis true , it makes against Wit , and I'm forry for fome ...
... confess I did my self some Violence at first ; but now , I think I have conquer'd it . Brisk . Let me perish , my Lord , but there is some- thing very particular in the Humour : ' tis true , it makes against Wit , and I'm forry for fome ...
Sivu 25
... confess , Madam , for your Ladyships Service . L. Touch . That I should trust a Man , whom I had known betray his Friend ! Mask . What Friend have I betray'd Or to whom ? L. Touch . Your fond Friend Mellefont , and to B5 L. DEALER . 25 ...
... confess , Madam , for your Ladyships Service . L. Touch . That I should trust a Man , whom I had known betray his Friend ! Mask . What Friend have I betray'd Or to whom ? L. Touch . Your fond Friend Mellefont , and to B5 L. DEALER . 25 ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
Afide Anſwer Aunt becauſe beſeech better Bleſs Brisk Careless cauſe confeſs Conſent Cynt Cynthia d'ye dear Deſign Deſpair Deuce take Devil Diſcovery diſſemble duce take elſe ev'ry excuſe falſe felf fince firſt fome Fool Fortune Friendſhip fure Gads Gads-bud give hear Heart Heav'n Honour hope I'gad Igad Jeſt Lady Froth Lady PLYANT Lady Touchwood Ladyſhip laſt laugh let me periſh look Lord FROTH Lord TOUCHWOOD Lordſhip loſe lov'd Love Madam Mask Maskwell Mellefont moſt muſt never Paffion Paſſion Perſon pleaſe Pleaſure Plot Pray preſently prithee purpoſe Reaſon Reſpect ſame ſay Saygrace SCENE ſee ſeen ſelf Senſe ſhall ſhan't ſhe ſhe's ſhould Sir PAUL PLYANT ſome ſpeak ſtay ſtill Succeſs ſuch ſuppoſe ſure ſuſpect ſwear tell thee there's theſe thing thoſe thou thought told Touch tranſported Treachery turn'd Villain what's Wife Woman World