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tenances in Stratford wherein she dwelleth for her natural lief vnder the yearlie Rent of xiid Item I gyve & bequeath3 vnto her three sonns William Harte Hart & Michaell Harte Fyve Poundes A peece to be paied within one Yeare after my deceas her Item I gyve & bequeath unto the saied Elizabeth Hall' All my Plate (except my brod silver & gilt bole") that I now have att the Date of this my will Item I gyve & bequeath vnto the Poore of Stratford aforesaied tenn poundes to Mr Thomas Combe my Sword to Thomas Russell Esquier Fyve poundes & to Frauncis Collins of the Borough of warr in the countie of warr gentleman thirteene poundes Sixe shillinges & Eight pence to be paied within one Yeare after my Deceas Item I gyve & bequeath to Hamlett Sadler xxvis viijd to buy him A. Ringe to William Raynoldes gent xxvjs viijd to buy him A Ringe to my godson William Walker xx3 in gold to Anthonye Nashe gent xxvjs viijd & to Mr John Nashe xxvjs viijd9 & to my Fellowes John Hemynges Richard Burbage & Henry Cundell xxvjs viijd Apeece to buy them Ringes1 Item I Gyve will bequeath & devise vnto my daughter Susanna Hall for better enabling of her to performe this my will & towardes the performans thereof All that Capitall messuage or tenemente with thappurtenances in Stratford aforesaid Called the new place wherein I nowe Dwell & two Messuages or tenementes with thappurtenances scituat lyeing & being in Henley streete within the borough of Stratford aforesaied And all my barnes stables Orchardes gardens landes tenementes & hereditamentes whatsoeuer scituat lyeing and being or to be had Receyved perceyved or taken


3 The first sheet ends with the word "bequeath," and the testator's signature is in the margin opposite.

4 After "deceas" follow these words, struck through with the pen, "to be sett out for her within one yeare after my deceas by my executours with thadvise and direccions of my overseers for her best profitt vntill her mariage and then the same with the increase thereof to be paied vnto :" the erasure ought also to have included the word "her," which follows" vnto."

5 The words "the saied Elizabeth Hall" are interlined above her, which is struck through with the pen.

6 This parenthesis is an interlineation.

7 "Hamlett Sadler" is an interlineation above Mr. Richard Tyler thelder, which is erased.

8 The words "to William Raynoldes gent xxvjs viijd to buy him A Ringe are interlined.

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9 After "xxvjs viijd" in gold was originally written, but erased with the pen.

1 The words " & to my Fellowes John Hemynges Richard Burbage & Henry Cundell xxvjs viijd to buy them Ringes are interlined.

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2 The words "for better enabling of her to performe this my will & towardes the performans thereof" are interlined.

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3 The words "in Stratford aforesaid are interlined.

within the townes Hamletes Villages Fieldes & groundes of Stratford vpon Avon Oldstratford Bushopton & Welcombe or in anie of them in the said countie of warr And alsoe All that messuage or tenemente with thappurtenances wherein One John Robinson dwelleth scituat lyeng & being in the blackfriers in London nere the Wardrobe & all other my landes tenementes & hereditamentes whatsoeuer To have & to hold All & singular the saied premisses with their appurtenances vnto the saied Susanna Hall for & during the terme of her naturall lief & after her deceas to the first sonne of her bodie lawfullie yssueinge & to the heires Males of the bodie of the saied first Sonne lawfullie yssueinge & for defalt of such issue to the second Sonne of her bodie lawfullie issueinge & to the heires males of the bodie of the saied Second Sonne lawfullie yssueinge and for defalt of such heires to the third Sonne of the bodie of the saied Susanna Lawfullie yssueing & of the heires males of the bodie of the saied third sonne lawfullie yssueing And for defalt of such issue the same soe to be & Remaine to the Fourth Fyfth sixte & Seaventh sonnes of her bodie lawfullie issueing one after Another & to the heires3 Males of the bodies of the saied Fourth fifth Sixte and Seaventh sonnes lawfullie yssueing in such manner as yt ys before Lymitted to be & Remaine to the first second & third Sonns of her bodie & to their heires Males And for defalt of such issue the saied premisses to be & Remaine to my sayed Neece Hall and the heires Males of her bodie lawfullie yssueing & for defalt of such issue to my Daughter Judith & the heires Males of her bodie lawfullie issueinge And for defalt of such issue to the Right heires of me the saied William Shackspeare for ever Item I gyve vnto my wief my second best bed with the furniture Item I gyve & bequeath to my saied Daughter Judith my broad silver gilt bole All the rest of my goodes Chattel Leases plate Jewels & household stuffe whatsoeuer after my Dettes and Legasies paied & my funerall expences discharged I gyve devise & bequeath to my Sonne in Lawe John Hall gent & my Daughter Susanna his wief whom I ordaine & make executours of this my Last will & testament And I doe intreat & Appoint the saied' Thomas Russell Esquier & Frauncis Collins gent to be overseers hereof And doe Revoke All former wills & publishe this to be my last will and testament

4 After "Fourth" the word sonne was written, but erased with the pen.

5 The second sheet ends with the word "heires," and the signature of the testator is at the bottom of it.

6 The words "Item I gyve vnto my wief my second best bed with the furniture are interlined.

[ocr errors]

7 The words "the saied" are interlined.

In Witness whereof I have herevnto put my hands the Daie & Yeare first aboue written.

[blocks in formation]

8 The word "hand " is interlined above seale, which is erased with the pen.




Aberdeen, the freedom of the city given

to Laurence Fletcher, 164
Act of Parliament against strolling
Players, 1 Jac. I. c. 7, 170
Actors, early, who had come from War-
wickshire, 76

Admiral, the Lord, his Players sum-

moned before the Lord Mayor of
London, 81; adopted by the Prince
of Wales, 170

Ætion, a name given by Spenser to

Shakespeare in 1594, 105
Alleyn, Edward, and William Kempe,

their challenge at the Globe, 149;
Alleyn's great profits at the Fortune
Theatre, 150; purchase by him of
property in the Blackfriars, 201
"All is True," the name of the play

acted when the Globe was burnt
down in 1613, 207
"Andromeda Liberata," defended by
George Chapman, 176

Apology for Actors, The, 1612, by

Thomas Heywood, 82

Arden, the name, and origin of that
family, 43

Arden, Agnes, widow of Robert Arden,
and mother of Mary Shakespeare, 47
Arden, Edward, execution of, and the
cause of it, 79

Arden, Mary, youngest daughter of
Robert Arden, 42; her marriage
with John Shakespeare, 44
Arden, Mrs. Mary, a Roman Catholic
recusant, 111

Arden, Robert, of Wilmecote, the

owner of Richard Shakespeare's

house in Snitterfield, 42; his seven
daughters, not four as stated by
Malone, 43; offices and lands con-
ferred upon the Arden family by
Henry VII., 52

Arden, Sir John, Esquire of the body
to Henry VII., 44

Arms, the fraudulent granting of, by
heralds, satirized, 53. 55

Armyn, Robert, and William Kempe,
complained of for personality on the
stage, 176

Asbyes, in Aston Cantlowe, mortgaged
by John Shakespeare for 401., 57
Ashby, his letter to Lord Burghley on

English Actors in Scotland, 163
Aubrey, John, his assertion that John
Shakespeare was a butcher, 41; his
statement why W. Shakespeare quit-
ted Stratford, 74; on W. Shake-
speare's inclination for the stage, 83;
on Shakespeare's personal appear-
ance, &c., 226

Authors, dramatic, who were also Ac-
tors, particularly early in Shake-
speare's career, 86

Ballad by Shakespeare against Sir Tho-
mas Lucy, 70.

Ballad on the death of Queen Eliza-

beth, mentioning Shakespeare, 159
Baptism of infants soon after birth, 48
Barlichway, the Hundred of, return of
soldiers in, in 1605, 181

Barnfield, Richard, his "Encomion of

Lady Pecunia," 1598, and "The
Passionate Pilgrim," 1599, 143; his
Praises of Spenser, Daniel, Dray-

ton, and Shakespeare, 144
Beaumont, Francis, not the author of
"Salmacis and Hermaphroditus,"
1602, 89; his account of wit-
combats at the Mermaid, 227
Beaumont, M., the French Ambassa-
dor, his complaint against the English
actors at the Globe in 1606, 177
Betterton, Thomas, his visit to Strat-
ford, 41; when he went there to
make inquiries respecting Shake-
speare, 69; his possession of the
Chandos Portrait, 225
"Biron's Conspiracy and Tragedy "
complained of by the French Ambas-
sador, in 1606, 177
Blackfriars Theatre, the original con-
struction of, 80; certificate of good
conduct from in 1589, 81; the
repair and enlargement of in 1596,
122; inhabitants of, their representa-
tion against it, 123; the sharers in,
and the value of their property, 189;
the total estimated value of it about
1608, 191; entirely pulled down in
1655, 208

Bond for the marriage between Wil-
liam Shakespeare and Anne Hatha-
way, 28 Nov. 1582, 62
Brooke, Christopher, his poem of "The
Ghost of Richard the Third," and
tribute to Shakespeare, 1614, 212
Brown, Mr. C. Armitage, his work upon

Shakespeare's Sonnets, 99
Buckingham, Sheffield, Duke of, his
authority for the letter of King James
to Shakespeare, 183
Burbadge, Francis, Bailiff of Stratford-
upon-Avon in 1558, 46
Burbadge, James, and his fifteen part-

ners in the Blackfriars Theatre, 81
Burbadge, Richard, list of the principal
characters he sustained, 85. 191; his
death in Holywell Street, Shore-
ditch, 119; epitaph upon him, 158.
202; owner of the freehold of the
Blackfriars Theatre, 189; Letter of
H. S. in favour of, 194

Burghley, Lord, his obstruction of the

Queen's bounty to Spenser, 96;

Ashby's letter to, 163


Camden Society's publication,
Egerton Papers," in 1840, 73
Cecill, Sir Robert, Ben Jonson's letter
to, on the Gunpowder Plot, 180
Chamberlain, the Lord, his Servants,
or Players, 84; at the Globe in
1595, 116; at the Curtain and
Newington Theatres in 1594, 119;
adopted by James I., 167
Chamberlaine, John, his letter respect-
ing "Gowry's Conspiracy," 175;
his letter on the death and property
of Richard Burbadge in 1619, 191
Chandos Portrait of Shakespeare, and
its authenticity, 225
Chapman, George, his "Humorous
Day's Mirth," 1599, 134; complaint
regarding his "Biron's Conspiracy,"
and " Tragedy," 176; his Defence
of his "Andromeda Liberata," ib.;
his translation of Petrarch's Seven
Penitential Psalms, 177
Chettle, Henry, his publication of

Greene's "Groatsworth of Wit" in
1592, 101; his apology to Shake-
speare in "Kind-heart's Dream,"
103; his tribute to Shakespeare,
104; his applause of Shakespeare
under the name of Melicert in 1603,
105; his "England's Mourning Gar-
ment," and praises of many poets of
the time in it, 161

Child, Mr. F. J., his edition of Spenser,
printed at Boston, 95

Children, companies of, their success

about the year 1600, 196

Children of the Queen's Revels pa-
tronized by Queen Anne, 173
Churchyard, Thomas, alluded to by
Spenser in 1594, 105

Cokayne, Sir Aston, his tribute to

Shakespeare and Drayton as natives
of Warwickshire, 217
Coleridge, S. T., his opinion of Shake-
speare as an actor, 85; his Lectures
on Shakespeare and Milton, ib.
"Colin Clout's come home again," by

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