5 Let fin no more my foul enflave, S nor bleed, nor die in vain! HYMN IV. For EASTER-DAY. INCE Chrift our Pafsover is flain, Let all, with thankful hearts, agree 2 Not with the leaven, as of old, 4 For that he died, 'twas for our fins he once vouchsaf'd to die : But that he lives, he lives to God 5 So count yourselves as dead to fin, I CF HYMN V. For the fame. 2 HRIST from the dead is rais'd, and made the First Fruits of the tomb; For, as by man came death, by man did refurrection come. 2 For, as in Adam all mankind 3 If then ye risen are with Chrift, feek only how to get , : The things which are above, where Chrift at God's right-hand is fet. 1 HYMN VI. come, inspire the fouls of thine';{ 1 Till ev'ry heart which thou hast made 6 Teach us the Father to confefs, 7 1 C HYMN VII. NOME, Holy Spirit, Heav'nly Dove, with all thy quick'ning pow'rs; Kindle a flame of facred love, in these cold hearts of ours. 2 See how we grovel here below, fond of these earthly toys; Our fouls, how heavily they go, to reach eternal joys! 3 In vain we tune our lifeless songs, in vain we strive to rife! Hosannas languish on our tongues, and our devotion dies. 4 Come, Holy Spirit, Heav'nly Dove, with all thy quick'ning pow'rs, Come, shed abroad a Saviour's love, and that shall kindle ours! : : 1 HYMN VIII. TE's come! let ev'ry knee be bent, all hearts new joy refume; Sing, ye redeem'd, with one consent, "The Comforter is come." 2 What greater gift, what greater love, could God on man bestow? Angels for this rejoice above, let man rejoice below! 3 Hail, Blessed Spirit! may each foul thy facred influence feel; Do thou each finful thought controul, and fix our wav'ring zeal! 4 Thou to the confcience doft convey those checks which we should know; Thy motions point to us the way; thou giv'st us strength to go. HYMN IX. For the HOLY COMMUNION. Since all things by thy pow'r were made, 2† And worthy is the Lamb all pow'r, 3 All worthy thou, who haft redeem'd, and to the Lamb be giv'n. 'Y God, and is thy Table spread? HYMN X. For the fame. M and does thy Cup with love o'erflow? * Chap. iv. + Chap. v. 12. Chap. v. 9. Ver. 13. Thither be all thy children led, and let them thy sweet mercies know! 2 Hail facred Feast, which Jesus makes! rich banquet of his flesh and blood! Thrice happy he who here partakes that facred stream, that heav'nly food! 3 Why are its dainties all in vain before unwilling hearts display'd? Was not for you the victim flain? are you forbid the children's bread? 4 O let thy table honour'd be, and furnish'd well with joyful guests; And may each foul salvation fee, that here its holy pledges tastes ! 5 Drawn by thy quick'ning grace, O Lord! in countless numbers let them come, And gather from their Father's board, the bread that lives beyond the tomb! 6 Nor let thy spreading Gofpel reft, till through the world thy truth has run, Till with this bread all men be blest who fee the light, or feel the fun! 1 A " HYMN XI. For the fame. ND are we now brought near to God, And, to effect this glorious change, 2 O for a fong of ardent praise, 4 "Good will from heav'n to men is come; " and let it never cease!" 1 HYMN XII. On the NEW-YEAR. THE God of life, whose constant care T With bleffings crowns each op'ning year, My scanty span doth still prolong, 2 How many precious fouls are fled 4 That breath is thine, Eternal God; 5 To thee our fpirits we resign, 8 No more alarms from ghostly foes; 9 O, long expected year! begin; HYMN XIII. The CHRISTIAN'S HOPE. 1 W |