ommerce of Southern American countries, value of.... Imports into and exports from Southern American countries during latest available year compared with like transactions in 1870 Productions and exports of Southern American countries.. Imports and exports of domestic and foreign merchandise in the trade of the Southern American countries with leading European nations and the United States, calendar year 1889.. merchandise in the trade of the Southern American countries, Values of the principal articles of merchandise imported into, and of domestic mer- chandise exported from the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Spain, and Italy, calendar year 1889; Belgium 1888, and Germany, year ending March 31, 1889, from and to Mexico, Central America, Spanish West Indies, and South America.. Commerce of the United States with Southern American countries, 1890 Quantities and values of imports of merchandise into the United States from the sev. Quantities and values of sugar and molasses imported from each foreign country, 1890. Quantities and values of merchandise imported from Brazil, 1873-1890 Quantities and values of India rubber, hides and skins, and coffee imported from LXIII 17. Merchandise imported into and exported from Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America, quantities and values of, and estimated amounts of 18. Total values of imports into and exports from Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America, with the estimated amounts of duty collected on the 19. Merchandise imported from the Dominion of Canada, quantities and values of, and estimated amounts of duty collected thereon, 1890.... 20. Merchandise imported from the United States into each province of the Dominion of Canada, quantities and values of, 1890 21. Merchandise imported from Newfoundland and Labrador, quantities and values of, 22. Merchandise exported from the United States to Newfoundland and Labrador, COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER FOREIGN COUNTRIES WITH MEXICO, CENTRAL AMERICA, THE WEST INDIES, SOUTH AMERICA, AND BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF STATISTICS, Washington, D. C., June 22, 1891. SIR: At this time, when our own and other prominent nations are making earnest and laudable efforts to extend and enlarge their commercial relations with the other nations of the earth, much interest is manifested in the growth, productions, and commerce of American countries, as these countries afford valuable markets for many of the exports of the leading commercial nations. Not only is much attention directed to the general trade relations of these countries, but, in view of the very friendly relations existing between the American republics and the United States, special inquiries are frequently made in relation to the trade of the United States with these countries, and their commerce with other nations. ་ Hence a brief review of the commerce of the United States with these countries may be of interest, and furnish the information at this time so much desired. VALUE OF THE COMMERCE OF SOUTHERN AMERICAN COUNTRIES. The aggregate commerce of this group of countries, which includes Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America, with all countries during the year 1889 was $1,208,377,414. This aggregate includes imports and exports of merchandise and of coin and bullion. Compared with their aggregate commerce in 1870, there was an increase of $494,422,918, or 69.25 per cent. To be more specific, Mexico shows an increase in her commerce during the period indicated of $23,335,531, or 38.16 per cent.; Central America, $9,411,202, or 39.05 per cent.; the West Indies, $65,270,530, or 34.53 per cent., of which the increase in the commerce of the British West Indies was $13,486,215, or 28 per cent., and of the other West Indies, which include Haiti, the Danish, Dutch, and French West Indies, San Domingo, Cuba, and Puerto Rico, $51,784,315, or 36.78 per cent. The South American countries show an aggregate increase in their commerce of $396,405,645,or 90.16 per cent. V |