Sivut kuvina

[No. 20.] Joint Resolution providing for the necessary Surveys for a Ship Canal around March 29, 1867. the Falls of the Ohio River, for military, naval, and commercial Purposes.

and estimates to

of the Ohio

Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War Surveys, plans, be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause surveys, with plans be made for a and estimates of cost, to be made by an officer of engineers, for a ship ship canal canal around the falls of the Ohio river on the Indiana side thereof, of around the falls suitable location and dimensions for military, naval, and commercial pur- River. poses; and also to cause said officer to estimate the expense of complet- Expense of ing the Louisville and Portland canal, on the Kentucky side of said falls, Louisville and completing the according to the plan on which the said canal company is now progress- Portland canal ing with said work, and that the expenses of both be defrayed from the be estimated. sums appropriated in the acts of June twenty-three, eighteen hundred 1867, ch. 144. and sixty-six, and March two, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, for examination and surveys relating to the improvement of harbors and rivers 70, 418. on the northwestern lakes.

APPROVED, March 29, 1867.


1866, ch. 138.

Vol. xiv. pp

[No. 21.] Joint Resolution to authorize the Secretary of War to build Dredge Boats for March 29, 1867. Use at the Mouth of the Mississippi River.

channel of one

Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, Secretary of War to build and and is hereby, authorized, on the recommendation of the engineer depart- operate two ment, to build and operate two dredge boats for the purpose of deepen- dredge boats, to ing and keeping open the channel of one or more of the passes at the keep open the mouth of the Mississippi, and to expend for that purpose so much as or more of the may be necessary of the appropriation for the improvement of the passes at the mouth of the Mississippi river, provided for in the "Act making appro- mouth of the priations for the repair, preservation, and completion of certain public 1867, ch. 144. works heretofore commenced under the authority of law, and for other purposes," approved March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. APPROVED, March 29, 1867.

Vol. xiv. p. 418.

[No. 22.] Joint Resolution authorizing the Second Auditor to Settle the Accounts of Officers March 29, 1867. of the Army in certain Cases.

to audit and set

Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the second auditor be, Second auditor and is hereby, authorized and instructed to audit and settle the accounts tle the accounts of line officers of the army to the extent of their pay for their services as of line officers such, due them from the United States, in all cases where such au- all cases where, of the army in ditor shall be satisfied by affidavit of such line officer or otherwise, of &c. their inability to make their monthly report or returns by reason of their having been prisoners in the hands of the enemy, or any accident or casualty of war, they have been unable to account for property in their possession.

APPROVED, March 29, 1867.

[No. 23.] Joint Resolution relative to the Issue of Agricultural College Scrip to the States March 29, 1867. lately in Rebellion.


1862, ch. 130.

WHEREAS on the third day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, by the authority and direction of the President of the United States, agricul- Vol. xii. p. 503. tural college scrip, covering nearly two hundred and seventy thousand acres, was issued and delivered to the State of North Carolina, under the act of Congress of July fifth [second], eighteen hundred and sixty-two, providing for agricultural colleges; and whereas, by the same authority, the general land office is now preparing to issue scrip in like manner to the States of Virginia, Georgia, and Mississippi; and whereas said action of

the President takes for granted that said States are restored to their proper constitutional relation to the Union, and are to be recognized in all respects as entitled to the rights of the other States of the Union, which questions Congress alone can rightfully determine: Therefore,

Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Further issues States of America in Congress assembled, That the further issue or deor delivery of agricultural col- livery of such scrip to any of the States lately in rebellion against the lege scrip to any United States, except the State of Tennessee, or the acceptance of such State lately in scrip or of any heretofore issued by the registers or receivers of any of the land offices of said States be, and the same is hereby, prohibited until they shall be fully restored to their rights as States by Congress. APPROVED, March 29, 1867.

rebellion, except
Tennessee, pro-
hibited, until,

Commissioner of education to obtain certain educational statistics in the District of Columbia, and report the same to Congress, &c.

March 29, 1867. [No. 24.] A Resolution in Relation to the educational Interests of the District of Columbia. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the commissioner of education be directed to ascertain the number of children resident in the District of Columbia over the age of six years and under the age of eighteen years: the number of said children that are blind, and the number that are deaf and dumb; the number and character of public school-houses, number of teachers, and the number of pupils in attendance, number and character of school libraries, character of text-books used, average period per annum each pupil is taught, and cost of tuition, with incidental expenses of said schools, and report the same to Congress at its next regular session, together with his opinion of the relative efficiency of the system now in force in said District, and whether any additional legislation is necessary in order to secure the advantages of said system to all of said children. APPROVED, March 29, 1867.

March 39, 1867. [No. 25.] A Resolution in Reference to the Collection and Payment of Moneys due Colored Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, or their Heirs.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Checks, &c. States of America in Congress assembled, That all checks and treasury issued to settle claims for pay, certificates to be issued in the settlement of claims for pay, bounty, prizebounty, &c. due money, or other moneys due to colored soldiers, sailors, or marines, or colored soldiers, their legal representatives now residing, or who may have resided, in any prosecuted by an agent or at- State in which slavery existed in the year eighteen hundred and sixty, torney, to be the claim for which has been or may be prosecuted by an agent or attorinade payable to the commission-ney, shall be made payable to the commissioner of the freedmen's buer of the freed-reau, who shall pay the said agent or attorney his lawful fees and expenses, men's bureau, and shall hold the balance subject to the order of the claimants on satisDuty of com- factory identification; but no money shall be paid to any person except the claimant or his or her legal representatives, if deceased; nor shall any power of attorney, transfer, or assignment of the amount of said claims, or any part thereof, be recognized or allowed by the commissioner, or by No power of any officer or agent acting under him; and it shall be the duty of the said attorney, &c. to be recognized. commissioner, the officers and agents of the freedmen's bureau, to faciliThe payment, tate as far as possible the discovery, identification, and payment of the &c. of the claim- claimants. ants to be facilitated.



No money to be paid, except, &c.

SEC 2. And be it further resolved, That the commissioner of the Commissioner freedmen's bureau shall be held responsible for the safe custody and responsible for the custody and faithful disbursement of the funds hereby entrusted to him. In settling disbursement of with the attorney or agent of the claimant strict compliance with the scale these funds; of fees prescribed by the second section of a joint resolution approved to adhere to scale of fees. June twenty-six, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, entitled "Joint resoluVol. xiv. p. 868. tion amendatory of a joint resolution respecting bounties to colored soldiers and the pensions, bounties, and allowances to their heirs," approved June fifteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, will in every case be required

mands repay

and enforced; and if any attorney or agent shall, in addition to notarial If agent defees and expenses of collecting such claim, demand repayment for money ment of money loaned or advanced to any claimant, he shall be required to make oath to advanced. the date and amount of such loan or advance, or payment of the fees and expenses shall be withheld; and when the claimant shall have been Balance due properly identified, and his account is ready for settlement, the balance paid in current due shall be paid in current funds, and not in checks or drafts.

claimants to be


SEC. 3. And be it further resolved, That all money held or disbursed Disbursements under the provisions of this resolution shall be held and disbursed under the to be made under rules governsame rules and regulations governing other disbursing officers of the army. ing disbursing APPROVED, March 29, 1867.

officers of the


[No. 26.] A Resolution relative to the Payment of Expenses incurred by the Judges of March 29, 1867. Election for the Cities of Washington and Georgetown, District of Columbia.

1867, ch. 81.

Certificate of

account to make

false statement to be perjury.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the corporations of the Compensation cities of Washington and Georgetown, District of Columbia, be, and the the judges of and expenses of same are hereby, required to pay, or cause to be paid, all necessary ex- election in penses, including printing, clerk hire, room rent, stationery, and a per Washington and Georgetown in diem compensation to each of the judges of election in the respective the District of cities, appointed under the act of Congress entitled "An act to punish Columbia, to be illegal voting in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes," ap- paid. proved February fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, of five dollars Vol. xiv. p. 390. per day for every day they shall be actually employed in the discharge of their duties, and the certificate of the judges of election of either city, the judges or of or a majority thereof, of the correctness of any account arising out of the either as to the action of said judges, shall be deemed sufficient to constitute the same a correctness of an legal debt against the city to which the judges so certifying shall belong. it a legal debt And it shall be lawful for any of the said judges of election to administer against the city. oaths in all cases relating to the duties assigned them by law, and any Any judge of election may adperson wilfully making a false statement under oath, before any of said minister oaths judges, shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and on conviction thereof shall Any wilful be subject to imprisonment for the term of not less than one nor more than five years. SEC. 2. And be it further resolved, That the judges of the supreme of election in court of the District of Columbia shall appoint three commissioners of each voting preelection in each voting precinct in said cities of Washington and George- cinct in Washtown, who shall hold their offices for two years and until their successors ington and Georgetown. are appointed and qualified, whose duty it shall be to take charge of the Term of office, ballot-boxes at the polls at each election, to receive and deposit in said duties, powers, boxes the ballots of legalized voters in their respective precincts, to compensation. count the votes after the polls are closed, and declare the result, and make returns thereof as now provided by law. And the said commissioners of election shall receive the votes of all persons whose names are on the list of voters in said precinct, prepared by the judges of election aforesaid, and none others; they shall have power to administer oaths, and to examine persons offering to vote, and other witnesses as to the identity of voters, and shall receive from their respective cities the same compensation for their services as is now paid to the commissioners of election in said cities; and any person swearing falsely relative to the Perjury in same shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and shall, on conviction thereof, be subject to imprisonment for the term of not less than one nor more than five years. All acts and parts of acts in onsistent herewith are hereby repealed.

APPROVED, March 29, 1867.


oaths before




March 29, 1867. [No. 27.] A Resolution in Relation to the Execution of Surveys of Rivers ordered by Congress.

neers may em

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Chief of engi-States of America in Congress assembled, That the chief of engineers may, with the approval of the Secretary of War, employ such civil engineers, not exceeding five in number, for the purpose of executing the surveys and improvements of western and northwestern rivers, ordered by Congress, as may be necessary to the proper and diligent prosecution of the same, and the persons so employed may be allowed a reasonable compensation for their services, not to exceed the sum of three thousand dollars Compensation. per annum.

ploy not exceed ing five civil engineers to make the surveys, &c. of western and north western rivers.

APPROVED, March 29, 1867.

March 30, 1867. [No. 28.] A Resolution for the Relief of the Destitute in the Southern and Southwestern States.

Secretary of War to issue, through the freedmen's bureau, supplies of food to prevent starvation and

extreme want to any class of des

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be and hereby is empowered and directed to issue supplies of food sufficient to prevent starvation and extreme want to any and all classes of destitute or helpless persons of the people in those southern and southwestern States where a failure of the crops and other causes have occasioned wide-spread destitution; that the issues be made through the freedmen's bureau, under such regulations as the Secretary of War shall prescribe. And to that end the Secretary of War is hereby authorized and directed, the southern and through the commissioner of the freedmen's bureau, to apply so much as he may deem necessary for the purposes aforesaid of the unexpended Appropriation moneys heretofore appropriated to supply freedmen and refugees with of unexpended provisions or rations: Provided, That the expenditure shall not extend Expenditure beyond the present appropriations already made for the freedmen's bu

titute and help less people in




not to exceed appropriations.

March 30, 1867.


APPROVED, March 30, 1867.

[No. 29.] A Resolution authorizing the Transfer of certain Funds, and providing for the Purchase of Seeds and their Distribution in the Southern States.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of fifty thousand dollars is hereby transferred from the funds in charge of the commissioner of the bureau of freedmen, refugees, and abandoned lands, and placed to the credit of the department of agriculture; and that said sum shall be used, under the direction of the commissioner of agriculture, for the purchase of seeds of improved varieties of vegetables and cereals, southern States. and their distribution in the southern States.

Transfer of certain funds to the department of agriculture, for the purchase

and distribution

of seeds in the

March 30, 1867.

Secretary of War to furnish

certain arms and equipments to the State of Tennessee.

APPROVED, March 30, 1867.

[No. 30.] A Resolution directing the Secretary of War to furnish certain Arms and Equipments to the State of Tennessee.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, directed to furnish arms and equipments to the State of Tennessee, sufficient for ten thousand militia, to be accounted for by the State of Tennessee to the government of the United States.

APPROVED, March 30, 1867.

[No. 31.] Joint Resolution suspending all Proceedings in Relation to Payment for Slaves March 30, 1867. drafted or received as Volunteers in the military Service of the United States.

received as vol

1864, ch. 24.

Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all further proceedings in relation to Proceedings under the twenty-fourth section of the act of Congress approved Febru- payment for ary twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, "to award compen- slaves drafted or sation to the masters of slaves drafted into the military service of the unteers to be United States, and award compensation to persons to whom colored vol- suspended. unteers may owe service," and under the second section of the act ap- v1.3.1. proved July twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, "making 1866, ch. 296, § 2. appropriation for payment to persons claiming service or labor from 1867, ch. 7. colored volunteers or drafted men," be, and the same are hereby suspend-821, 376. ed. And the Secretary of War is directed to dissolve the commissions Commissions appointed under the said sections, and make payment to the commissioners to be dissolved, and clerks for the services rendered, upon their making report of their sioners and proceedings to the War Department. APPROVED, March 30, 1867.

Vol. xiv. pp.

and the commisclerks paid.

March 80, 1867. 1867, ch. 163. Vol. xiv. p. 428. Post, p. 30. Appropriation for expenses of carrying into effect the act for the government of the rebel

[No. 32.] Joint Resolution providing for the Expenses of carrying into full Effect an Act
entitled "An Act to provide for the more efficient Government of the Rebel "States."
Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United
States of America in Congress assembled, That sufficient money is hereby
appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropri-
ated, to defray the expenses of carrying into full effect in all its parts an
act entitled "An act to provide for the more efficient government of the
rebel States," passed March two, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, with States.
all its supplementary acts: Provided, That the amount shall not exceed
five hundred thousand dollars.

APPROVED, March 30, 1867.


[No. 33.] A Resolution to authorize the commanding General of the Army to permit March 30, 1867. Traders to remain at certain military Posts.

Traders may be permitted to tain military posts, and be deemed as camp followers.

remain at cer

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the commanding general of the army shall be authorized to permit a trading establishment to be maintained after the first day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, at any military post on the frontier, not in the vicinity of any city or town, and situated at any point between the one-hundredth meridian of longitude, west from Greenwich, and the eastern boundary of the State of California, when, in his judgment, such establishment is needed for the accommodation of emigrants, freighters, and other citizens: Provided, That after the commissary department shall be prepared to supply stores to soldiers, as required by law, no trader, permitted to remain at such not to sell certain goods to enpost, shall sell any goods kept by the commissary department to any en- listed men, after, listed men: And provided further, That such traders shall be under pro- &c. tection and military control as camp followers. APPROVED, March 30, 1867.

Such traders

[No. 34.] A Resolution for the Purchase of Lands adjoining the Navy Yard at March 30, 1867. Brooklyn.

ing the New

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United The Ruggles States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the property adjoinNavy be authorized to complete the purchase of the property adjoining York navy-yard the New York navy-yard, known as the Ruggles property, without the may be purprevious assent of the State of New York: Provided, The title is other wise approved by the Attorney-General. APPROVED, March 30, 1867.

chased without

the previous as

sent of the State of New York. Title to be approved.

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