Sivut kuvina

sence of the sacred college and infallible Pope, such heathenish devotions, absurd adorations and foolish religious acts, should be tolerated, of which we have no example in the history of heathen Rome. Encouraged by the monks and friars, tolerated by the sacred college, in order to draw the last pence from the pockets of the poor into the treasury of the Camera Apostolica, by a false hope, that the Virgin Mary will tell them the numbers which will be drawn in the next lottery! The spectacle is too shocking; the principle too bad to dwell longer upon. We shall turn our steps towards the sanctum sanctorum, in the place where no profane foot can enter, no profane eye penetrate; it is the manufactory of ignorance and superstition; it is the machinery of popery, to draw the wealth of the faithful dispersed in the world, into the pocket of the Pope. You are anxious to know what it is? It is the place where the relics of saints are manufactured. As I cannot introduce you into the secret walls of that unhallowed place, and show you the bones of dogs and cats, heads of old Roman soldiers, which have been excavated in the different parts of Rome, and rags of all sorts and colors, which are sold for relics of saints.

I will give some specimens of Papal deceitfulmess, which are known to every Roman inhabitant. You must know, that a tooth of the holy Agatha, if carried about the body, or adored upon the altar, is a preventive of tooth-ache.Pius VII. ordered by a special decree, (I do not know if it was because some abuses were made of it, or to make the article more valuable, that all the relics of St. Agatha, in every part of the world should return to Rome, and in the space of eight months, two bushels of teeth, all of the holy Agatha were restored to the Relic Chambers in Rome.

The relics of the cross and spears, with which our Saviour was pierced, are so numerously scattered throughout the world, that if all were gathered and joined together, a house might be built with them; and if the heads of John the Baptist, the nails and hammers, scattered upon the globe, which the priests give out as genuine,were gathered upon a vessel to bring them to Rome, it would have a very good cargo, and would need no ballast.

If I were to lead my readers to the confessionals, where the confessors are surrounded by innoent youths of both sexes, who think not of fly

ing from sin, but how to commit it, they would be astonished. If the confessor were only a judge of that which the penitent accuses himself, I would say nothing, but the confessors are like lawyers before the bar of justice, who cross examine and confound the witnesses in order that they might commit themselves. Such is the conduct of the confessors in the wooden tribunal.

To give an authentic proof of what is taught to students of divinity, who are obliged to lead a life of chastity and perpetual celibacy. I will quote from the standard work of Dens' Theology, taught in Emmittsburg, a seminary in Maryland. in the United States.1

I. "Quinta species luxuriæ contra naturam committitur quando quidem copula masculi fit in vase feminæ naturali, sed indebito modo, v. g. stando, aut dum vir succumbit, vel a retro feminam cognoscit, sicut equi congrediuntur, quamvis in vase femineo.”

II. "Possunt autem he modi inducere peccatum mortale juxta periculum perdendi semen, eo quod scilicet semen viri communiter non possit effundi usque in matricem feminæ."

'Peter Dens. De modo contra nataram No. 295.

III. Et quamvis forte conjuges dicant, quod periculum diligenter præcaveant, illi interim lascivi modi a gravi veniali excusari non debent, nisi forte propter impotentiam, v. g. ob curvitatem uxoris, nequeat servari naturalis situs, et modus, qui est ut mulier succumbat viro."

Queritur. "Quid agere debet is qui sub pol lutione in somno inchoata evigelat?"

R. " Evigilans non potest ei ullum consensum præbere, sed potius dissensum, seu displicentiam voluntatis formare debet."

Q. "An tenetur illam pollutionem in somno inceptam, mox it vigilat, vi cohibere suumque corpus comprimere, ne continuatur in vigilia?"

R. Cum Antoin: tenetur, saltem ut pollutio non continuetur per effusionem seminis nec dum e lumbis, vel ex testiculis extravasati. Sanchez, Billuart, alliique videntur permittere continuationem ob periculum infirmitatis; sed omnino puto, eos dicere solummodo de semine jam extravassato, nimirum ut exterius effluat: alioquin non licet promovere formalem, nequidem ad evadendam mortem.'

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'Ibid. De pollutione, No. 296.

"Confessarius prudens omnem evaded invidiam hac methodo: dum puella confitetur se esse fornicatam, confessarius petat, an prima vice, qua simile peccatum comisit, exposuerit circumstantiam amissæ virginitatis."

"Si respondeat categorice, ita, vel non, cessat difficultas; et quidem si jam sint primæ vices statim reponet, jam fuisse primas vices, adeoque solum ei dici debet, ut conteratur de illa circumstantia, et eam confiteatur ; si taceat, instruatur illam circumstantiam totius semel exprimendam, adeoque si it nunquam fecerit jam desuper doleat,

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My female readers will excuse me for inserting the authorities in Latin, I hope they will attribute it to the esteem which I have for their virtue, and also to self respect, that I do not discuss in my pages such principles, which will and must injure the morality of my young readers.

Every honest Roman Catholic, who has frequented the confessional, must have experienced its immoral tendency for youth, especially females, and I am astonished, that in this free country, husbands can see their wives and daughters frequent the confessional, without trembling for 'Ibidem, No. 287.

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