Sivut kuvina
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they shall encounter such ridiculous subjects as you are. When you speak best unto the purpose, it is not worth the wagging of your beards; and your beards deserve not so honourable a grave, as to stuff a botcher's cushion, or to be entomb'd in an ass's to-pack-saddle. Yet you must be saying, Marcius is proad; who, in a cheap estimation, is worth all your predecessors, since Deucalion; though, peradventure, some of the best of them were hereditary hangmen. Good e'en to your worships; more of your conversation would infect my brain, being the herdsmen of the beastly plebeians: I will be bold to take my leave of you.

Men. Not according to the prayer of the people, for they love not Marcius.

Sic. Nature teaches beasts to know their friends.
Men. Pray you, who does the wolf love?
Sic. The lamb.

Men. Ay, to devour him; as the hungry plebeians would the noble Marcius.

Bru. He's a lamb, indeed, that baes like a bear. Men. He's a bear, indeed, that lives like a lamb. You two are old men; tell me one thing that I shall ask you.

Both Trib. Well, sir.

Men. In what enormity is Marcius poor, that you

two have not in abundance?

Bru. He's poor in no one fault, but stored with all.
Sic. Especially in pride.

Bru. And topping all others in boasting.

Men. This is strange now: Do you two know how you are censured here in the city, I mean of us o'the right hand file? Do you?

Both Trib. Why, how are we censured? Men. Because you talk of pride now,-Will you not be angry?

Both Trib. Well, well, sir, well.

[Bru. and Sic. retire to the Back of the Scene. Enter Volamnia, Virgilia, Valeria, &c. How now, my as fair as noble ladies (and the moon, were she earthy, no nobler), whither do you follow your eyes so fast!

Vol. Honourable Menenius, my boy Marcius approaches; for the love of Juno, let's go. Men. Ha! Marcius coming home? Vol. Ay, worthy Menenius; and with most prosperous approbation.

Men. Take my cap, Jupiter, and I thank thee :Hoo! Marcius coming home!

Two Ladies. Nay, 'tis true.

Vol. Look, here's a letter from him; the state hath another, his wife another; and, I think, there's one at home for you.

Men. I will make my very house reel to-night:A letter for me?

Vir. Yes, certain, there's a letter for you; I saw it. Men. A letter for me? It gives me an estate of lip at the physician: the most sovereign prescripservative, of no better report than a horse-drench. tion in Galen is but empiricutic, and to this pre

Men. Why 'tis no great matter; for a very little thief of occasion will rob you of a great deal of pa-seven years' health; in which time, I will make a tience: give your disposition the reins, and be angry at your pleasures; at the least, if you take it as a pleasure to you, in being so. You blame Marcius for being proud?

Bru. We do it not alone, sir.

Men. I know you can do very little alone; for your helps are many; or else your actions would grow wondrous single: your abilities are too infant-like, for doing much alone. You talk of pride: O, that you could turn your eyes towards the napes of your necks, and make but an interior survey of your good selves! O, that you could!

Bru. What then, sir?

Men. Why, then you should discover a brace of unmeriting, proud, violent, testy magistrates (alias, fools), as any in Rome.

Is he not wounded? he was wont to come home wounded.


Vir. O, no, no, no.

Vol. O, he is wounded, I thank the gods for't. victory in his pocket?-The wounds become him. Men. So do I too, if it be not too much :-Brings time home with the oaken garland. Vol. On's brows, Menenius: he comes the third

Men. Has he disciplined Aufidius soundly? Vol. Titus Lartius writes,-they fought together, but Autidius got off.

Men. And 'twas time for him too, I'll warrant him that an he had staid by him, I would not have been so fidiused for all the chests in Corioli, and the gold that's in them. Is the senate possessed of this?

action outdone his former deeds doubly.

I al. In troth, there's wondrous things spoke of him. Men. Wondrous ? ay, I warrant you, and not without his true purchasing.

Vir. The gods grant them true!
Vol. True? pow, wow.

Sic. Menenius, you are known well enough too. Men. I am known to be a humorous patrician, and one that loves a cup of hot wine with not a drop of Vol. Good ladies, let's go:-Yes, yes, yes: the allaying Tyber in't; said to be something imperfect, in favouring the first complaint; hasty, and tinder-senate has letters from the general, wherein he gives my son the whole name of the war: he hath in this like, upon too trivial motion; one that converses more with the buttock of the night, than with the forehead of the morning. What I think, I utter; and spend my malice in my breath: Meeting two such weals-men as you are (I cannot call you Lycurguses), if the drink you gave me, touch my palate adversely, I make a crooked face at it. I cannot say, your worships have delivered the matter well, when I find the ass in compound with the major part of your syllables: and though I must be content to bear with those that say you are reverend grave men; yet they lie deadly, that tell, you have good faces. If you see this in the map of my my crocosm, follows it, that I am known well enough What harm can your bisson conspectuities glean out of this character, if I be known well enough too!



he wounded?-God save your good worships! [To Men. True? I'll be sworn they are true-Where the Tribunes, who come forward] Marcius is coming home he has more cause to be proud.- Where is he wounded?

Vol. I'the shoulder, and i'the left arm: There will

be large cicatrices to show the people, when he shall stand for his place. He received in the repulse of Tarquin, seven hurts i'the body.

Men. One in the neck, and two in the thigh,there's nine that I know.

five wounds upon him.
Vol. He had, before this last expedition, twenty-


Men. You know neither me, yourselves, nor any Bru. Come, sir, come, we know you well enough. thing. You are ambitious for poor knaves' caps and Men. Now it's twenty-seven: every gash was an legs; you wear out a good wholesome forenoon, in hearing a cause between an orange-wife and a fosset-enemy's grave: [A Shout and Flourish] Hark! the seller; and then rejourn the controversy of threepence to a second day of audience.-When you are hearing a matter between party and party, if you chance to be pinched with the colic, you make faces like mummers; set up the bloody flag against all patience; and, in roaring for a chamber-pot, dismiss the controversy bleeding, the more entangled by your hearing all the peace you make in their cause, is, calling both the parties knaves: You are a pair of strange ones.

Bru. Come, come, you are well understood to be a perfecter giber for the table, than a necessary bencher in the Capitol.

Men. Our very priests must become mockers, if

Jol. These are the ushers of Marcius: before him He carries noise, and behind him he leaves tears; Death, that dark spirit, in's nervy arm doth lie; Which being advanc'd, declines; and then men die. A Sennet. Trumpets sound. Enter Cominius and

Titus Lartias; between them, Coriolanus, crowned
with an oaken Garland; with Captains, Soldiers,
and a Herald.

Her. Know, Rome, that all alone Marcius did fight
Within Corioli's gates: where he hath won,
With fame, a name to Caius Marcius; these
In honour follows, Coriolanus:
Welcome to Rome, renowned Coriolanos! [Flourish

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Nay, my good soldier, up; My gentle Marcius, worthy Caius, and By deed-achieving honour newly nam'd, What is it? Coriolanus, must I call thee? But O, thy wife,


My gracious silence, hail! Wouldst thou have laugh'd, had I come collin'd home, That weep'st to see me triumph? Ah, my dear, Such eyes the widows in Corioli wear, And mothers that lack sons. Men.

Now the gods crown thee! Cor. And live you yet?-O my sweet lady, pardon. [To Valeria. Vol. I know not where to turn:-O welcome home; And welcome, general: And you are welcome all. Men. A hundred thousand welcomes: I could weep, And I could laugh; I am light and heavy: Welcome: A curse begin at very root of his heart, That is not glad to see thee !-You are three, That Rome should dote on: yet, by the faith of men, We have some old crab-trees here at home, that will not

Be grafted to your relish. Yet welcome, warriors:
We call a nettle, but a nettle; and

The faults of fools, but folly.

Ever right.

Cor. Menenius, ever, ever.
Her. Give way there, and go on.

Your hand, and yours:
[To his Wife and Mother.
Ere in our own house I do shade my head,
The good patricians must be visited:
From whom I have receiv'd not only greetings,
But with them change of honours.

To see inherited my very wishes,

I have lived

And the buildings of my fancy: only there
Is one thing wanting, which I doubt not, but
Our Rome will cast upon thee.

Know, good mother,
I had rather be their servant in my way,
Than sway with them in theirs.


On, to the Capitol. [Flourish. Cornets. Exeunt in State, as before. The Tribunes remain.

Bru. All tongues speak of him, and the bleared sights

Are spectacled to see him: Your prattling nurse
Into a rapture lets her baby cry,

While she chats him the kitchen malkin pins.
Her richest lock ram 'bout her reechy neck, (dows,
Clambering the walls to eye him: stalls, bulks, win-
Are smother'd up, leads fill'd, and ridges hors'd
With variable complexions: all agreeing
In earnestness to see him: seld-shown flamens
Do press among the popular throngs, and puff
To win a vulgar station: our veil'd dames
Commit the war of white and damask, in
Their nicely-gawded cheeks, to the wanton spoil
Of Phoebus' burning kisses such a pother,
As if that whatsoever god, who leads him,
Were slily crept into his human powers,
And gave him graceful posture.


I warrant him consul.


On the sudden,

Then our office may, During his power, go sleep.

Sic. He cannot temperately transport his honours From where he should begin, and end; but will Lose those that he hath won.


In that there's comfort.
Sic. Doubt not, the commoners, for whom we stand,
But they, upon their ancient malice, will
Forget, with the least cause, these his new honours;
Which that he'll give them, make as little question
As he is proud to do't.

I heard him swear,
Were he to stand for consul, never would he
Appear i'the market-place, nor on him pat
The napless vesture of humility;

Nor, showing (as the manner is) his wounds
To the people, beg their stinking breaths.


"Tis right. Bru. It was his word: O, he would miss it, rather

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Enter a Messenger.

Bru. What's the matter? Mess. You are sent for to the Capitol. 'Tis thought, That Marcius shall be consul: I have seen The dumb men throng to see him, and the blind To hear him speak: The matrons flung their gloves, Ladies and maids their scarf's and handkerchiefs, Upon him as he pass'd: the nobles bended, As to Jove's statue; and the commons made A shower, and thunder, with their caps, and shouts : I never saw the like. Bru. Let's to the Capitol; And carry with us ears and eyes for the time, But hearts for the event. Sic.

Have with you. [Exeunt. SCENE II. The same. The Capitol.

Enter two Officers, to lay Cushions.

1 Off. Come, come, they are almost here: How many stand for consulships?

2 Off. Three, they say: but 'tis thought of every one, Coriolanus will carry it.

I Off. That's a brave fellow; but he's vengeance proud, and loves not the common people.

2 Off. 'Faith, there have been many great men that have flatter'd the people, who ne'er loved them; and there be many that they have loved, they know not wherefore so that, if they love they know not why, they hate upon no better a ground: Therefore, for Coriolanus neither to care whether they love or hate him, manifests the true knowledge he has in their disposition; and, out of his noble carelessness, lets them plainly see't.

1 Off. If he did not care whether he had their love, or no, he waved indifferently 'twixt doing them neither good, nor harm; but he seeks their hate with greater devotion than they can render it him; and leaves nothing undone, that may fully discover him their opposite. Now to seem to affect the malice and displeasure of the people, is as bad as that which he dislikes, to flatter them for their love.

2 Off. He hath deserved worthily of his country: And his ascent is not by such easy degrees as those, who, having been supple and courteous to the people, bonuetted, without any further deed to heave them at all into their estimation and report: but he hath so planted his honours in their eyes, and his actions. in their hearts, that for their tongues to be silent, and not confess so much, were a kind of ingrateful injury; to report otherwise, were a malice, that, giving itself the lie, would pluck reproof and rebuke from every ear that heard it.

10f. No more of him; he is a worthy man : Make way, they are coming.

A Sennet. Enter, with Lictors before them, Cominius the Consul, Menenius, Coriolanus, many other Senators, Sicinius and Brutus. The Senators take their Places; the Tribunes take theirs also by themselves.

Men. Having determined of the Volces, and To send for Titus Lartins, it remains, As the main point of this our after-meeting, To gratify his noble service, that [you, Hath thus stood for his country: Therefore, please

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Sir, I hope,

My words disbench'd you not.
No sir: yet oft,
When blows have made me stay, I fled from words.
You sooth'd not, therefore hurt not: But, your people,
I love them as they weigh.

Pray now, sit down. Cor. I had rather have one scratch my head i'the When the alarum were struck, than idly sit [sun, To hear my nothings monster'd.

Masters o'the people,
Your multiplying spawn how can he latter [see,
(That's thousand to one good one), when you now
He had rather venture all his limbs for honour,
Than one of his ears to hear it?-Proceed, Cominius.
Com. I shall lack voice: the deeds of Coriolanus
Should not be utter'd feebly.It is held,
That valour is the chiefest virtue, aud
Most dignifies the haver: if it be,

The man I speak of cannot in the world
Be singly counterpois'd. At sixteen years,
When Tarquin made a head for Rome, he fought
Beyond the mark of others: our then dictator,
Whom with all praise I point at, saw him fight,
When with his Amazonian chin he drove
The bristled lips before him he bestrid
An o'er-press'd Roman, and i'the consul's view
Slew three opposers Tarquin's self he met,
And struck him on his knee: in that day's feats,
When he might act the woman in the scene,
He prov'd best man i'the field, and for his meed
Was brow-bound with the oak. His pupil age
Man-enter'd thus, he waxed like a sea;
And, in the brunt of seventeen battles since,
He lurch'd all swords o'the garland. For this last,
Before and in Corioli, let me say,

I cannot speak him home: He stopp'd the fliers;
And, by his rare example, made the coward
Turn terror into sport as waves before
A vessel under sail, so men obey'd,

And fell below his stem: his sword (death's stamp)
Where it did mark, it took; from face to foot
He was a thing of blood, whose every motion
Was timed with dying cries: alone he enter'd
The mortal gate o'the city, which he painted
With shunless destiny, aidless came off,
And with a sudden reinforcement struck
Corioli, like a planet: Now all's his :
When by and by the din of war 'gan pierce
His ready sense; then straight his doubled spirit
Requicken'd what in flesh was fatigate,
And to the battle came he; where he did
Run reeking o'er the lives of men, as if
'Twere a perpetral spoil: and, till we call'd


My life, and services. Men.

I do owe them still

It then remains, That you do speak to the people.


I do beseech you,

Let me o'erleap that custom; for I cannot
Put on the gown, stand naked, and entreat them,
For my wounds' sake, to give their suffrage; please
That I may pass this doing.
Must have their voices; neither will they bate
Sir, the people
One jot of ceremony.


Pray you, go fit you to the custom; and
Put them not to't:-
Take to you, as your predecessors have,
Your honour with your form.
It is a part
That I shall blush in acting, and might well
Be taken from the people."



Mark you that?

Cor. To brag unto them,-Thus I did, and thus:-Show them the unaching scars which I should hide, As if I had receiv'd them for the hire Of their breath only :Men.

Do not stand upon't.We recommend to you, tribunes of the people, Our purpose to them; and to our noble consul Wish we all joy and honour.

Sen. To Coriolanus come all joy and honour !
[Flourish. Then exeunt Senators.
Bru. You see how he intends to use the people.
Sic. May they perceive his intent! He that will
require them,

As if he did contemn what he requested
Should be in them to give.

Come, we'll inform them
Of our proceedings here on the market-place,
I know, they do attend us.

SCENE III. The same. The Forum.

Enter several Citizens.

1 Cit. Once, if he do require our voices, we ought not to deny him.

2 Cit. We may, sir, if we will.

3 Cit. We have power in ourselves to do it, but it is a power that we have no power to do: for if he show us his wounds, and tell us his deeds, we are to put our tongues into those wounds, and speak for them; so, if he tell us his noble deeds, we must also tell him our noble acceptance of them. Ingratitude is monstrous and for the multitude to be ingrateful, were to make a monster of the multitude; of the which, we being members, should bring ourselves to be monstrous members.

1 Cit. And to make us no better thought of, a little help will serve: for once, when we stood up about. the corn, he himself stuck not to call us the manyheaded multitude.

3 Cit. We have been called so of many; not that our heads are some brown, some black, some auburn, some bald, but that our wits are so diversely coloured and truly, I think, if all our wits were to issue out of one scull, they would fly east, west, north, south; and their consent of one direct way should be at once to all points o'the compass.

2 Cit. Think you so? Which way, do you judge, my wit would fly?

3 Cit. Nay, your wit will not so soon out as another man's will, 'tis strongly wedged up in a block-head: but if it were at liberty, 'twould, sure, southward. 2 Cit. Why that way?

3 Cit. To lose itself in a fog; where being three

parts melted away with rotten dews, the fourth would return for conscience' sake, to help to get thee a wife. 2 Cit. You are never without your tricks :-You may, you may.

3 Cit. Are you all resolved to give your voices? But that's no matter, the greater part carries it. I say, if he would incline to the people, there was never a worthier man.

Enter Coriolanus and Menenius. Here he comes, and in the gown of humility; mark bis behaviour. We are not to stay altogether, but to come by him where he stands, by ones, by twos, and by threes. He's to make his requests by particulars; wherein every one of us has a single honour, in giving him our own voices with our own tongues: therefore follow me, and I'll direct you how you shall go by him. [Exeunt.

All. Content, content.

Men. O sir, you are not right: have you not known The worthiest men have done it?


What must I say?

I pray, sir,-Plague upon't! I cannot bring
My tongue to such a pace:-Look,sir;-my wounds ;-
I got them in my country's service, when
Some certain of your brethren roar'd, and ran
From the noise of our own drums.
O me, the gods!
You must not speak of that; you must desire them
To think upon you.
Think upon me? Hang 'em!
I would they would forget me, like the virtues
Which our divines lose by them.
You'll mar all;
I'll leave you: Pray you, speak to them, I pray you,
In wholesome manner.

[blocks in formation]

'Twas never my desire yet,

To trouble the poor with begging;

1 Cit. You must think, if we give you. any thing, We hope to gain by you.

Cor. Well then, I pray, your price o'the consulship? 1 Cit. The price is, sir, to ask it kindly. Cor.

Kindly? Sir, I pray, let me ha't: I have wounds to show you, Which shall be yours in private.-Your good voice, What say you? [sir;

2 Cit. You shall have it, worthy sir. Cor. A match, sir:

There is in all two worthy voices begg'd:

I have your alms; adiea."

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Cor. Your enigma?

3 Cit. You have been a scourge to her enemies, you have been a rod to her friends; you have not, indeed, loved the common people..

Cor. You should account me the more virtuous, that I have not been common in my love. I will, sir, flatter my sworn brother, the people, to earn a dearer estimation of them; 'tis a condition they account gentle and since the wisdom of their choice is rather to have my hat than my heart, I will prac tise the insinuating nod, and be off to them most counterfeitly; that is, sir, I will counterfeit the bewitchment of some popular man, and give it bountifully to the desirers. Therefore, beseech you, I may be consul.

4 Cit. We hope to find you our friend; and therefore give you our voices heartily.

3 Cit. You have received many wounds for your country.

Cor. I will not seal your knowledge with showing

them. I will make much of your voices, and so trouble you no further.

Both Cit. The gods give you joy, sir, heartily!

Cor. Most sweet voices !-
Better it is to die, better to starve,
Thau crave the hire, which first we do deserve.
Why in this woolvish gown should I stand here,
To beg of Hob and Dick, that do appear,
Their needless vouches? Custom calls me to't :-
What custom wills, in all things should we do't,
The dust on antique time would lie unswept,
And mountainous error be too highly heap'd
For truth to over-peer.-Rather than fool it so,
Let the high office and the honour go
To one that would do thus.-I am half through;
The one part suffer'd, the other will I do.
Enter three other Citizens.

Here come more voices,
Your voices for your voices I have fought;
Watch'd for your voices; for your voices, bear
Of wounds two dozen odd; battles thrice six
I have seen and heard of; for your voices, have
Done many things, some less, some more: your voices:
Indeed, I would be consul.

5 Cit. He has done nobly, and cannot go without any honest man's voice.

6 Cit. Therefore let him be consul: The gods give him joy, and make him good friend to the people! All. Amen, amen.

God save thee, noble consul!

[Exeunt Citizens. Worthy voices!

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You may, sir. Cor. That I'll straight do; and, knowing myself Repair to the senate-house. [again, Men. I'll keep you company.-Will you along! Bru. We stay here for the people. Sic.

Fare you well. [Exeunt Cor. and Men.

He has it now; and by his looks, methinks,
'Tis warm at his heart.

With a proud heart he wore His humble weeds: Will you dismiss the people? Re-enter Citizens.

Sic. How now, my masters? have you chose this 1 Cit. He has our voices, sir. [man? Bru. We pray the gods, he may deserve your loves. 2 Cit. Amen, sir: To my poor unworthy notice, He mock'd us, when he begg'd our voices. 3 Cit.

He flouted us downright.


1 Cit. No, 'tis his kind of speech, he did not moek


2 Cit. Not one amongst us, save yourself, but says, He us'd us scornfully: he should have show'd us His marks of merit, wounds receiv'd for his country. Sic. Why, so he did, I am sure. Cit.

No; no man saw 'em. [Several speak. 3 Cit. He said, he had wounds, which he could. show in private;

And with his hat, thes waving it in scorn,
I would be consul, says he aged custom,
But by your voices, will not so permit me;
Your voices therefore: When we granted that,
Here was, I thank you for your voices, thank you,-
Your most sweet voices:-now you have left your voices,
I have no further with you:Was not this mockery?
Sic. Why, either, you were ignorant to see't;
Or, seeing it, of such childish friendliness
To yield your voices.

Could you not have told him,
As you were lesson'd, -When he had no power,
But was a petty servant to the state,
He was your enemy; ever spake against
Your liberties, and the charters that you bear

I'the body of the weal and now, arriving
A place of potency, and sway o'the state,
If he should still malignantly remain
Fast foe to the plebeii, your voices might

Be curses to yourselves: You should have said,
That, as his worthy deeds did claim no less
Than what he stood for so his gracious nature
Would think upon you for your voices, and
Translate his malice towards you into love,
Standing you friendly lord.

Thus to have said,
As you were fore-advis'd, had touch'd his spirit,
And try'd his inclination; from him pluck'd
Either his gracious promise, which you might,
As cause had call'd you up, have held him to;
Or else it would have gall'd his surly nature,
Which easily endures not article

Tying him to aught; so, putting him to rage,
You should have ta'en the advantage of his choler,
And pass'd him unelected.


Did you perceive, He did solicit you in free contempt, When he did need your loves; and do you think, That his contempt shall not be bruising to you, When he bath power to crush? Why, had your bodies No heart among you? Or had you tongues, to cry Against the rectorship of judgment?


Have you,

Ere now, denied the asker? and, now again, On him, that did not ask, but mock, bestow Your sued-for tongues?

[blocks in formation]

How? what? Lart. How often he had met you, sword to sword: That, of all things upon the earth, he hated

3 Cit. He's not confirm'd; we may deny him yet. Your person most: that he would pawn his fortunes 2 Cit. And will deny him:

I'll have five hundred voices of that sound.

1 Cit. I twice five hundred, and their friends to piece 'em.


Bru. Get you hence instantly; and tell those They have chose a consul, that will from them take Their liberties; make them of no more voice Than dogs, that are as often beat for barking, As therefore kept to do so.


Let them assemble; And, on a safer judgment, all revoke Your ignorant election: Enforce his pride, And his old hate unto you: besides, forget not With what contempt he wore the humble weed; How in his suit he scorn'd you but your loves, Thinking upon his services, took from you The apprehension of his present portance, Which gibingly, ungravely, he did fashion After the inveterate hate he bears you.


A fault on us, your tribunes; that we labour'd
(No impediment between), but that you must
Cast your election on him.

Say, you chose him
More after our commandment, than as guided
By your own true affections: and that, your minds
Pre-occupied with what you rather must do
Than what you should, made you against the grain
To voice him consul: Lay the fault on us.

Bru. Ay, spare us not. Say, we read lectures to you,

How youngly he began to serve his country,
How long continued: and what stock he springs of,
The noble house o'the Marcians; from whence came
That Ancus Marcius, Numa's daughter's son,
Who, after great Hostilins, here was king:
Of the same house Publius and Quintus were,
That our best water brought by conduits hither;
And Censorinus, darling of the people,
And nobly nam'd so, being censor twice,
Was his great ancestor.
One thus descended,


That hath beside well in his person wrought
To be set high in place, we did commend
To your remembrances; but you have found,
Scaling his present bearing with his past,
That he's your fixed enemy, and revoke
Your sudden approbation.

Say, you ne'er had done't
(Harp on that still), but by our putting on :
And presently, when you have drawn your number,
Repair to the Capitol.
We will so almost all
[Several speak.
Repent in their election.
[Exeunt Citizens.
Let them go on;
This mutiny were better put in hazard,
Than stay, past doubt, for greater:
If, as his nature is, he fall in rage

To hopeless restitution, so he might
Be call'd your vanquisher.

Lart. At Antium.

At Antium lives he?

[blocks in formation]


Pass no further.

It will be dangerous to

What makes this change

The matter?

Com. Hath he not pass'd the nobles, and the com-
Bru. Cominius, no.
Have I had children's voices?
1 Sen. Tribunes, give way; he shall to the market-
Bru. The people are incensed against him. [place.

Or all will fall in broil.
Are these your herd ?-
Must these have voices, that can yield them now,
And straight disclaim their tongues? What are your

You being their mouths, why rule you not their teeth?
Have you not set them on t


Be calm, be calm. Cor. It is a purpos'd thing, and grows by plot, To curb the will of the nobility :Suffer it, and live with such as cannot rule, Nor ever will be rul'd.

Bru. Call't not a plot : The people cry, you mock'd them; and, of late, When corn was given them gratis, you repin'd; Scandal'd the suppliants for the people; call'd them Time-pleasers, flatterers, foes to nobleness. Cor. Why, this was known before. Bru.

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