Alexander the GreatAllen Lane, 1973 - 568 sivua Series follows well-known personalities back to the ancient times in which they lived. |
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Achilles Aegean Alex Alex.'s Alexander Alexander's death Alexandria allies already Ammon Antipater Aristob Aristotle army Asia Athenian Athens Babylon Bactria battle Berve s.v. Bessus Callisthenes camp cavalry chariot Cleit coins command court Craterus Darius Darius's desert Dionysus east Egypt Egyptian elephants empire enemy exiles father favour fleet Foot Companions friends Gaugamela gods Greece Greek Greek cities Hamadan Hephaistion Heracles hero Hindu Kush historians Homeric honour horsemen horses hundred Indian Indus infantry Iran Iranian king's known land later Lyncestian Macedonian Makran mercenaries miles mountains murder native Nearchus never nomads numbers officers Olympias once ordered oriental Oxus palace Parmenion past Perdiccas perhaps Persepolis Persian king Pharaoh Philip Philotas plans probably proskynesis Ptol Ptolemy river road Roman route royal sarissas satrap sent Shield Bearers ships Siwah Sogdian story Susa temple tribes troops Tyre victory wrote Zeus