Sivut kuvina

principal object of dividing the History into periods is to aid the memory, by presenting certain marked eras, from which the whole subject of dates may be readily and distinctly viewed.

Two sizes of type are employed. The matter in larger type is designed to give a brief outline of the history of the United States, and may be read in connexion. The matter in smaller type is to be regarded rather in the light of notes, which, without studying exact regularity, are thrown in as they may subserve the purposes of illustration and completeness in the delineation of events; or, as they may contribute to support the interest, and establish the recollections of the reader.

[blocks in formation]

Sec. 1. Unsuccessful attempts to settle North America, 44.-Sec. 2. Set-

tlement of Jamestown, 45.-Sec. 3. Account of London and Plymouth

companies, 45.-Sec. 4. Expedition under Newport-adventures of Capt.

Smith, 46.-Sec. 5. Calamities of the colony at Jamestown, 53.-Sec. 6.

New charter granted to the London company, 54.-Sec. 7. Expedition un-

der Lord De la War, 54.-Sec. 8. Distress of the colony at Jamestown and

manner of relief, 55.-Sec. 9. Settlement at Albany and New-York by the

Dutch, 56.-Sec. 10. Voyage of Capt. John Smith to New-England, 57.-

Sec. 11. Establishment of a government in Virginia, 57.-Sec. 12. Settle-

ment of New-England by the Puritans, 58.-Sec. 13. Patent of the Duke

of Lenox and others, 64.-Sec. 14. Treaty of the Puritans with Masassoit,

64.-Sec. 15. Alteration of the Virginia government, 65.-Sec. 16. Distress-

ing calamity which befel the Virginia colony, 66.-Sec. 17. Distress of the

Plymouth colony, 67.-Sec. 18. First settlements in New Hampshire, 67.—

Sec. 19. Dissolution of the London company, 67.-Sec. 20. Patent to the

Plymouth colony, 68.-See. 21. Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 69.-Sec.

22. Massachusetts Bay Company incorporated, 69.-Sec. 23. Government

and patent of the plantation transferred to America, 70.-Sec. 24. Patent

to Lord Baltimore of Maryland, 71.-Sec. 25. First settlement in Mary-

land, 72.-Sec. 26. First house erected in Connecticut, 72.-Sec. 27. Set-

tlement of Windsor, Wethersfield, and Hartford, 73.-Sec. 28. Patent to

Lords Say, Seal, and Brooke, 75.-Sec. 29. Settlement of Rhode Island,

76-Sec. 30. Pequot war, 77.-Sec. 31. Settlement of New Haven, 30.-

Sec. 32. Adoption of a constitution by the colony of Connecticut, 81.-

Sec. 33. By New Haven, 81.-Sec. 34. Grant of the province of Maine to

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Sec. 1. Accession of William to the throne of England, and proceedings

of the colonies in consequence of it, 117.-Sec. 2. Disturbances in Caroli

na, 119.-Sec. 3. Salem witchcraft, 120.-Sec. 4. King William's war,

124.-Sec. 5. Expedition under Sir William Phipps, with an account of his

life, 125.-Sec. 6. Dissatisfaction of the Five Nations, 131.-Sec. 7. Medi-

tated blow against the colonies under Frontenac, 132-Treaty of Ryswick,

133-Story of Mrs. Dustan, 134.-Sec. 8. Queen Anne's War, 136.-Sec.

9. Severity of the war falls upon New England, 137-Capture of Mr.

Williams, 137.-Sec. 10. Expedition against Port Royal, 138.-Sec. 11.

Attempt upon Canada, 139.-Sec. 12. Reduction of Port Royal, 139.-Sec.

13. Distresses of the frontier settlements, 140.-Sec. 14. Effects of the war

in the south, 140.-Sec. 15. War with the Apalachian Indians, 141.-Sec.

16. Expedition of the French and Spaniards, against Carolina, 142.-Sec.

17. Settlements in North Carolina, 143.-Sec. 18. Treaty of Utrecht, 144.-

Sec. 19. Continued distress of the Carolinians, 144.-Sec. 20. Change of

the government of Carolina, 145.-Scc. 21. Eastern Indian war, 146.-Sec.

22. Settlement of Georgia, 146-Story of Queen Mary Bosomworth, 147.-

Sec. 23. Expedition of Oglethorpe against St. Augustine, 150.-Sec. 24. In-

vasion of Georgia by the Spaniards, 151.-Sec. 26. War of George II. 152,-

Capture of Louisburg, 152.-Sec. 27. Design upon Cape Breton by the

French, 155.-Sec. 28. Treaty of Aix la Chapelle, 156.-NOTES. Sec. 29,

Manners of the Colonists, 156.-Sec. 30. Religion, 157.-Sec. 31. Trade and

commerce, 158. Sec. 32. Agriculture, 159.-Sec. 33. Arts and manufac-

tures, 160.-Sec. 34. Population, 160.-Sec. 35. Education, 161.-Sec. 36.

Reflections, 162.

Sec. 1. First blood shed in the war of the Revolution, 196.-Sec. 2.

Causes of the Revolution, 196.-Sec. 3. Oppressions of the colonies and

their attachment to the mother country, 197.-Sec. 4. Taxation for the

purpose of revenue, 198.-Sec. 5. Opposition to this measure, 198.-Sec. 6.

Stamp Act, 199.-Sec. 7. Indignation in America on account of it, 200.-

Sec. 8. First general meeting of the colonies, 202.-Sec. 9. Proceedings

on the day the stamp act came into operation, 203.-Sec. 10. Sons of Liber-

ty, an account of, 204.-Sec. 11. Repeal of the stamp act, 205.-Sec. 12.

Satisfaction of the colonies, 203.-Sec. 13. A second plan for taxing Ame

rica, 208.-Sec. 14. Other acts, 209.-Sec. 15. Alarm of the colonies, 209.-

Sec. 16. Arrival of English troops, 210.-Sec. 17. Petition of parliament to

have persons guilty of treason in America brought to England and tried

there, 211.-Sec. 18. Abolition of all duties excepting on tea, 212.-Sec. 19.

Affray on the evening of the fifth of March, 212.-Sec. 20. Destruction of

the British armed schooner Gaspee, 213.-Sec. 21. Committees of corres-

pondence and inquiry, 213.-Sec. 22. Destruction of tea, 214.-Sec. 23.

Boston Port-Bill, 216.-Sec. 24. Non-importation act, 216.-Sec. 25. Con-

gress of 1774, 217.-Sec. 26. Assembly of Massachusetts, 220.-Sec. 27.

Conciliatory bill of Lord Chatham, 220.-Sec. 28. Battle of Lexington,

221.-Sec. 29. Effects of this battle, 222.-Sec. 30. Reduction of Ticonde

roga and Crown Point, 222.-Sec. 31. Battle of Bunker's Hill, 223.-Sec.

32. Appointment of Washington as commander in chief, 224.-Sec. 33.

Arrival of Washington at Cambridge, 228.-Sec. 34. Expedition against

Canada, 228.-Sec. 35. Siege of Quebec, 229-Death of Montgomery,

230.-Sec. 36. Affairs in Virginia, 230.-Sec. 37. Evacuation of Boston by

the British, 231.-Sec. 38. Attack of the fort on Sullivan's Island, 232-

Story of Sergeant Jasper, 233.-Sec. 39. Motion for independence, 235.-

Sec. 40. Appointment of a committee to draft a declaration of indepen-

dence, 237.-Sec. 41. Fourth of July, 1776, 238.-Sec, 42. Removal of the

army from Boston to New York, 241.-Sec. 43. Arrival of Admiral Lord

Howe from England with reinforcements near New York, 241.-Sec. 44.

Attempt to settle difficulties, 241.-Sec. 45. Battle on Long Island, 242.-

Sec. 46. Evacuation of New York, 242.-Sec. 47. Proposal of Lord Howe

to settle difficulties, 243.-Sec. 48. General Washington and army at Har-

lem, &c. 244.-Sec. 49. Battle at White Plains, 245.-Sec. 50. Reduction of

Forts Washington and Lee, 245.-Sec. 51. Retreat of Washington through

New Jersey, 246.-Sec. 51. Articles of confederation between the states,

247.-Sec. 52. Battle of Trenton, 249.-Sec. 53. Victory of Princeton, 249.-

Sec. 54. Winter quarters at Morristown, 250.-Sec. 55. Opening of the

campaign of 1777, 250.-Sec. 56. Battle of Brandywine, 251.-Sec. 57. O

cupation of Philadelphia by the British, 252.-Sec. 58. Battle of German-

town, 252.-Sec. 59. Invasion of the states by Burgoyne, 254.-Sec. 60.

Investment and capture of Ticonderoga, 254.-Sec. 61. Battle of Benning-

ton, 255.-Sec. 62. Surrender of Burgoyne, 255-adventures of the Baroness

de Reidesel, 257.-Sec. 63. Treaty with France, 267.-Sec. 64. Winter of

1777, 268.-Sec. 65. Evacuation of Philadelphia by the British, 269.--Sec.

66. Arrival of a French fleet, 269.-Sec. 67. Siege and capture of Savan-

nah, 270-Colonel White, 271.-Sec. 68. Campaign of 1779, 272-Infamous

conduct of Governor Tryon, 273.-Sec. 69. Reduction of Stony Point,

274.-Sec. 70. War with the Six Nations, 275.-Sec. 71. Depreciation of

bills of credit, 276.-Sec. 72. Reduction of Charleston, 278.--Sec. 73. Af

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Sec. 1. Inauguration of Washington, 337.-Sec. 2. Organization of the

government, 338.-Sec. 3. Amendment of the Constitution, 340.-Sec. 4.

Establishment of the Judiciary, 340.--Sec. 5. Salaries, 340. -Sec. 6. Public

thanksgiving, 341.--Sec. 8. Washington's tour through New England,

341.Sec. 9. Meeting of Congress-Report of Hamilton on maintaining

public credit, 342.-Sec. 10. Foreign and domestic debt, 342.-Sec. 11. Seat

of government, 344.-Sec. 12. Vermont admitted into the union, 314.-

Sec. 13. Tax on domestic spirits, 345.-Sec. 14. National bank, 346.-Sec.

15. Northwestern Indian war, 317.-Sec. 17. Representatives apportioned,

348.-Sec. 18. Defeat of St. Clair, 349.-Sec. 19. Army increased, 349.-

Sec. 20. Increase of party spirit, 350.-Sec. 21. Kentucky admitted into the

union, 350.-Sec. 22. Indian war prosecuted with vigour, 351.-Sec. 23.

Attack upon Hamilton, 352.-Sec. 24. Washington re-elected, 353.-Sec.

25. Attempt to terminate the Indian war, 353.-Sec. 26. War declared by

France against England and Holland-Proclamation of neutrality by the

president, 353.-Sec. 27. New French minister, Genet, &c. 355.-Sec. 29.

Proposed expedition against Algiers, 357.-Sec. 30. Prohibition of the slave

trade, 357.-Sec. 31. Jay's treaty, 358.-Sec. 32. Victory over the Indians

by General Wayne, 359.-Sec. 33. Insurrection in Pennsylvania, 360.-Sec.

35. Ratification of Jay's treaty, 360.-Sec. 36. Treaties with Algiers-with

the Miamis -with Spain, 361.-Sec. 37. Tennessee admitted into the union,

361.-Sec. 39, Washington retires to private life, 363.-Sec. 40. Mr. Adams

elected president, 364.-NOTES, &c. 364.

Sec. 1. Inauguration of Adams-condition of the country, 369.-Sec. 2.

Hostilities meditated by France, 370.-Sec. 3. Failure of the American

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