Sivut kuvina


THIS Work appears, as the title-page intimates, under the auspices of an Association which was formed in Edinburgh in 1845, for opposing prevalent errors in religion. The design of the Institution, which consists of ministers and laymen connected with various denominations holding evangelical sentiments, is to keep a vigilant eye on the efforts which may be made in this country to diffuse opinions at variance with scriptural christianity, whether these take the form of superstition or scepticism. There are not wanting facts to show, that if the current of opinion among a large portion of the population of this country has been of late tending towards infidelity, there is a reaction among another class-a powerful under-current, flowing towards superstition. The rapid spread of AngloCatholicism within the last few years, proves that the antiquated absurdities of a bygone age are not too gross to revive and grow beneath the shade of so-called protestant institutions, and amid the light and intelligence of the nineteenth century. The incessant and gigantic efforts of Rome to re-establish her ascendancy, together with the success which has, in too many instances, attended her ambitious schemes, call upon every friend of Bible truth and of liberty of conscience, to oppose the spread of popish influence: while the tendency of multitudes to seize with avidity every theory which may be broached by the votaries of infidelity, how crude soever the sophistries by which it is defended, points to the necessity that there is for Christians to bestir themselves in protecting the unstable against the sceptical views into which they are in danger of being beguiled. The above mentioned Association seeks, in reference to these diverse, yet connected forms of error, to adapt itself to the exigencies of the times.

The object of the following pages is not to oppose the principles of Phrenology, but to examine and refute certain doctrines ostensibly founded by Mr Combe on phrenology and the "natural laws." The philosophy taught in the "Constitution of Man," is, in certain of its leading prin

ciples, at irreconcileable variance with the word of God: and the following treatise is designed to show that some of these principles (which are selected for special consideration) are not legitimately deducible from the data on which Mr Combe founds his system: that they are opposed to true science: and are overthrown by the concessions which are made by Mr Combe himself.

The work to which these pages are designed to supply an antidote, is not the less fitted to be injurious, that it is characterised by great ability; that its deleterious principles are mixed up with a large body of sound, and valuable, and interesting instruction; that it wears the semblance of respect for the claims of revealed religion; and is marked by great caution in the statement of views which, were they seen in all their bearings, would at once startle the reader who holds the scriptures to be of divine authority, and put him into an attitude of defence.

The very wide circulation which has been given, by various means, to Mr Combe's work, renders it all the more necessary that an effort be made to counteract the mischief which it is to be feared it has been silently and extensively working, by instilling views of human nature, and of Divine Providence, which are antagonist to those of scripture. A fitting antidote to its principal errors, the Association feel persuaded, is supplied by the present work. May the God of truth, and the Giver of wisdom, crown with his own blessing this attempt to defend his cause and promote his honour!

**Ministers desirous of forming classes for instruction in the Evidences of Christianity, and of introducing Dr Bogue's Essay on the Divine Authority of the New Testament, as a text-book, will be supplied with quantities at 63d. per copy, by corresponding with the Rev. A. Thomson, at the Association's depository, Mr Padon's, bookseller, Dundas Street, Edinburgh.


Mr Combe's Hypothesis concerning the Progressive
Development of Elements of Improvement in the
Physical and Organic Departments of the world,


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