Sivut kuvina


Bonheur's "Horse Fair," 140; the vine
disease, 141; a thief stolen, 158;
Alice Grey, the impostor, 163; trophies
of Sebastopol, 167; fate of an ab-
sconder, murders in Van Diemen's Land,
167; the Emperor of Russia's visit to
the Crimea, 173; great fog in London,
175; launch of the Shannon, 50 guns,
177; visit of the King of Sardinia to
Her Majesty, 179; earthquake in Japan,
wreck of a Russian frigate, 195.


Summary of the Weekly
Tables of, in the Metropolis in 1855,

and attempted suicide in Foley Place,
4; murder at Rochester, 17; attempted
murder in Walworth of Mr. Leah, 33;
murder of Isaac Turner at Lamplugh,
34; wife-murder at Halstead, 51; mur-
der of Ann Collins at Lydiard Tregoz,
53; murder and suicide near Nantwich,
Mr. and Mrs. Sproston, 73; child-
murder and suicide in Old Pancras Road,
81; murders by insane persons; mur-
der of Mrs. Smith by her husband at
Rochester; and of Thomas Turton by
his wife at Bromley, 110; terrible
murders on board the brig Her Majesty
in the Greek waters, 110; murder of
Mary Ann Mason at Dudley, 113; of
John Davies in Brecon, 117; murder
of a boy by his companion at Liver-
pool, 138; in Ireland, of Smyth, 142;
mysterious murder of a child near
Bristol, 149; of Miss Hinds, in Cavan,
154; of Naomi Kingswell by Abraham
Baker at Southampton, 154; matricide
at Knightsbridge, 159; murders in
Van Diemen's Land, 168; at Burnop-
field of Mr. Robert Stirling, 168; in
Ireland, of Mr. Ramsbottom in the
King's County; of Murray, in Armagh ;
of Grant, at Silverbridge; of McCol-
lum, in Tyrone; of McHale, in Castle-
bar, 172; of Martha Jones at Rochdale,
182; terrible murders at Rugeley by
William Palmer, 186; the Cudham
murders, 198; murder in the Minories,
of Mrs. Corrigan by her husband, 204;
the Burdon slow poisoning case, alleged
murder of Mrs. Wooler by her husband,

PARLIAMENT--The Parliament re-assembles
on the 23rd of January-Condition of
the Crimean army-Notices of motion
by Earl of Ellenborough, Mr. Roebuck,
and Lord Lyndhurst, [2]; sudden re-
signation of Lord John Russell, [2];


his statement of his reasons, viz. the
impossibility of denying that the con-
dition of the army is horrible and heart-
rending, [3]; discussion in the Lords,
[5]; statement of Earl of Aberdeen,
[5]; Mr. Roebuck's motion for a Select
Committee, [6]; Sir G. Grey's defence
of Government; speeches of Mr. Wal-
pole and Mr. V. Smith, [8]; Mr. Staf-
ford's moving statement of his personal
experience, [8]; Mr. B. Osborne's sweep-
ing attack on the army departments,
[11]; Mr. Henley and Sir F. Baring,
[12]; Sir B. Lytton's speech, [13];
Mr. Gladstone's defence of the Ministry,
[15]; Mr. Disraeli supports the motion,
[16]; Lord J. Russell, [18]; Lord Pal-
merston, [19]; motion carried against
Ministers by 157. Lord Aberdeen's
Cabinet (the Coalition Ministry) resign
-Lord Aberdeen's explanation, [20];
the Duke of Newcastle's defence of his
administration of the War Department,
[21]; Earl of Derby's speech, [24];
further explanations of Lord J. Russell,
[25]; he states that he had received
Her Majesty's commands to form a Mi-
nistry, but had failed, [27]; Mr. Glad-
stone's remarks [28]. A Ministry
formed by Lord Palmerston, [29]; Earl
of Derby's statement; he had attempted
to form a Ministry, but had found it
impracticable, [29]; explanations of
Marquis of Lansdowne, Earl of Malmes-
bury, Lord Panmure, [34]; Lord Pal-
merston's statement of the basis of his
Administration, [35]; Mr. Disraeli's
explanation, [36]; Mr. Roebuck perse-
veres in his Motion, [37]; arrangements
for recruiting the army, the Limited
Service Bill, [39]; Mr. Layard's Mo-
tion on the State of the Nation-his
speech, [40]; speeches of Gen. Peel and
Lord Palmerston, [41]; sudden disrup-
tion of the Ministry-resignation of Mr.
Gladstone, Sir J. Graham, and Mr. S.
Herbert, [44]; explanations of the re-
tiring Ministers-by Sir J. Graham it is
chiefly attributed to the danger of pro-
ceeding with the Sebastopol Committee,
[44]; debate on proceeding to nominate
Committee-Mr. Bright, [47]; Mr. S.
Herbert, Mr. Gaskell, Mr. Drummond,
Lord Seymour, [48]; Mr. Laing, Sir J.
Pakington, [49]; Mr. Wortley, Mr.
Walpole; Mr. Gladstone's statement,
[50]; Lord Palmerston's statement,
[52]; Committee formed. Lord Palmer-
ston reconstructs his Ministry, including
Lord John Russell, [53]; intelligence of


the illness and death of the Emperor of
Russia, [54]; discussion whether the
Committee shall be open or secret, [55].

Discussions in Parliament respecting
the War-The charge at Balaklava—
eulogy of Earl of Ellenborough, [56];
the Treaty of Dec. 2; acceptance of
"the Four Points" by Russia, [57];
Earl Grey's Resolutions respecting the
War department, [57]; reply of the
Duke of Newcastle, [59]; discussion on
the state of the army, Earl of Ellen-
borough's comments, [61]; Lord Pan-
mure's reply, [62]; discussion in Com-
mons, [63]; motion of Lord Goderich
on promotion in the army, [64]; reply
of Mr. F. Peel, [65]; Lord Seymour
and Sir De L. Evans, [66]; Mr. S.
Herbert, Lord Palmerston, [67]; motion
negatived. Operations in the Baltic,
speech of Mr. Malins in defence of Sir
C. Napier, [68]; reply of Sir J. Gra-
ham, [69]; after long and angry discus-
sion, motion withdrawn, [72]; discus-
sion respecting the Black Sea fleet, [72];
sanitary condition of the army, the hos-
pitals [73].

The Negotiations at Vienna-Lord
Lyndhurst reviews the whole subject;
his remarkable speech, [74]; reply of
Earl of Clarendon, [80]; the Treaty
with Sardinia, [82]; failure of the ne-
gotiations at Vienna, announced by Lord
Palmerston, [82]; discussion thereon in
the Lords, [83]; in the House of Com-
mons, Lord J. Russell states the pro-
ceedings at Vienna, [84]; similar ex-
planation in the Lords by Earl of Cla-
rendon, [85]; the Conferences and the
position of Austria brought before the
Lords by Lord Lyndhurst, [87]; reply
of Earl of Clarendon, [90]; speech of
Earl of Ellenborough, [93]; Earl of
Ellenborough's motion respecting_the
conduct of the war, [94]; Lord Pan-
mure's defence, [97]; Earl of Hard-
wicke criticises the naval conduct of the
war, [97]; defence of the Government
by Earl Granville, [98]; speech of Earl
of Derby, [99]; of Marquis of Lans-
downe, [101]; resolutions negatived.
Subject again introduced by Earl Grey,
[101]; reply of Earl of Clarendon,
[102]; speeches of Earl of Malmesbury
and Duke of Argyll, [103]; of Duke
of Newcastle, and Earl of Derby, [104];
motion negatived.

Notices of motion by Mr. M. Gibson
and Mr. Layard withdrawn after debate,
[106]; Mr. Disraeli's motion deprecat-


ing the "ambiguous language and un-
certain conduct" of Ministers, [108]; the
important debate thereon; his speech,
[109]; amendment moved by Sir Francis
Baring, [112]; speeches of Sir W.
Heathcote, Mr. K. Seymer, Mr. Wilkin-
son, [112]; Marquis of Granby, Mr. R.
Phillimore, Mr. Gladstone, [113]; of
Lord John Russell, [114]; debate ad-
journed and resumed by Mr. Whiteside,
[115]; Mr. Lowe, Mr. Cayley, Mr. R.
Palmer, [116]; Lord Stanley, [117];
Mr. Layard, Lord Palmerston, [118];
Mr. Disraeli's reply; resolutions nega-
tived, [120]; Sir F. Baring's amend-
ment, debate of four nights; speeches of
Mr. M. Gibson, [120]; Sir W. Moles-
worth, [121]; Sir E. B. Lytton, [124];
Mr. Cobden, [126]; Sir J. Graham,
[128]; Mr. Roebuck, [130]; Mr. S.
Herbert, [131]; Mr. Bright, [132];
the Attorney-General, [134]; Mr. Wal-
pole, Mr. Disraeli, [135]; Lord Palmer-
ston's animated appeal, [136]; motion

Trade with Russia, the blockade;
motion of Mr. Collier, [138]; reply of
Mr. Cardwell, [140]; debate on same
subject in Lords, [141]. The Hango
massacre; statement of Sir C. Wood,
[142]; discussions in the Lords, [142];
Administrative Reform agitation; Mr.
Layard's resolutions, Mr. Gladstone's
views, [144]; Sir E. B. Lytton's amend-
ment, [145]; Sir G. C. Lewis, Lord
Goderich, Mr. Peel, [146]; Mr. Drum-
mond, [147]; Mr. Disraeli explains the
intentions of Earl of Derby's Ministry,
[148]; Lord Palmerston's reply, [149];
resolutions negatived, [150]; subject re-
newed by Mr. V. Scully, [150]; Mr.
Gladstone advocates public competition,
on competitive examination, [151]; mo-
tion negatived.

Negotiations at Vienna-Singular re-
velations respecting Lord J. Russell's
conduct; his explanations, [152]; se-
verely condemned by Mr. Cobden-con-
tinued debate, [153]; notice of vote of
censure by Sir E. B. Lytton, [154];
Lord J. Russell resigns; his explana-
tions, [155]; debate; Sir E. B. Lytton,
[157]; Mr. Bouverie, Lord Palmerston,
[158]; Mr. Disraeli, [159]; Sir G.
Grey, Mr. Gladstone, [160].

Conduct of the War-Report of the
Crimean Committee; Mr. Roebuck's
resolution, [161]; important debate;
speeches of Lord J. Russell, [164]; Mr.
Bright, [165]; of Mr. Sidney Herbert,


[166]; Sir G. Grey, Lord Palmerston,
[167]; Mr. Disraeli, [168]; motion ne-
gatived. Further debate raised by Mr.
Laing, Mr. Gladstone's speech, [169];
Lord J. Russell reviews the prospects of
the war and condition of the country,
[170]; replied to by Lord Palmerston,
[171]; subject renewed by Sir De L.
Evans, [172].

Financial Affairs-Estimates for the
Navy, Army, Ordnance, and Commis-
sariat, [174]; the Budget, [176]; de-
bate on the loan, [179]; debate on the
additional sugar duties and income tax,
[180]; debate on the Sardinian loan,
[181]; Turkish loan of 5,000,000l.,
with joint guarantee of England and
France, [182]; unexpected and formida-
ble opposition; narrow majority for Go-
vernment, [184]. The Indian Budget,
[184]; Mr. Bright alleges the use of
torture by the Indian Government for
collecting the revenue, [185]; debate
thereon, [186]; Parliament prorogued
by Commission, on the 14th of August;
speech of the Lords' Commissioners,

PATENTS, LIST of, 478.
POETRY, 494.

PROMOTIONS-Civil Service Appointments,
Promotions, &c., 334; Army Promo-
tions and Appointments, 341; Navy
Promotions and Appointments, 352;
Ecclesiastical Preferments and Appoint-
ments, 356; Collegiate and Scholastic
Appointments, 358.

PUBLIC DOCUMENTS-Table of Statutes,
18° & 19° Vict., 437.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Racing Meetings-Epsom, 91; Ascot, 96;
Goodwood, 117.

RAILWAY ACCIDENTS-at the central sta-
tion at Leeds, 3; boiler explosion on the
North-Eastern Railway, 12; at Glou-
cester, 12; accidents on the Aberdeen
Railway, 117; at the railway bridge,
Rochester, 126; dreadful accident on
the New York and Philadelphia Rail-
way, United States, 21 persons killed,
140; at Reading, five persons killed,
148; on the Manchester, Sheffield, and
Lincolnshire line, 149; on the Paris
and Versailles Railway, nine persons

Railway Accidents-continued.
killed; on the Lyons Railway, 16 per-
sons killed, 151; numerous accidents in
October, 152; suicide on the South
Devon line, 152; dreadful accident on
the St. Louis Railway, United States,
22 persons killed, 170; collision on the
Great Western line, 178; on the North
Kent line, 182; return of the number
of persons killed or injured by railway
accidents in the year 1855, 206.
Riots-Bread riots in London and Liver-
pool in February, 32; Sunday Riots in
Hyde Park, 106; bread riots in Hyde
Park, 157.
Robberies-Great bank robbery at Balla-
rat, 44; great robbery of gold during
transmission to Paris, 86; extensive
robbery of jewellery in Cheapside, 105;
robbery by a Dutchman at Amsterdam,
suicide of the thief at Liverpool, 112;
a thief stolen, 158; daring robbery of a
jeweller's shop at Portsmouth, 198.
RUSSIA-Sudden illness and death of the
Emperor Nicholas; he is succeeded by
his eldest son, Alexander II.; the young
Emperor's Manifesto, [199]; rumoured

insurrections in the interior of the Rus-
sian empire, [201]. See WAK WITH

SARDINIA-Treaty of Alliance with Sar-
dinia for a contingent army and a loan,
391; debate in Parliament on the Sar-
dinian loan, [181]; despatch, gallant
conduct of the Sardinians at the battle
on the Tchernaya, 404; melancholy
events in the Royal Family, 13; the
King's visit to England, 179.
Sebastopol for the events of the Siege,
see WAR WITH RUSSIA-Telegraphic

SHERIFFS for the year 1855, 210.

wreck of the George Canning, 96 lives
lost, 2; of the steamship Mercury, by
collision, 10; of the Janet Boyd, 28
lives lost, 13; the Prince of Wales, 14;
of the Will-o'-the- Wisp, 18 lives lost,
26; the steamship Mauritius destroyed
by fire, 30; loss of the steamship Morna,
21 persons drowned, 40; the steam-
transport, Cræsus, burnt off Corsica,
72; of the John, on the Manacles rocks,
200 lives lost, 77; the Etna, floating-
battery, destroyed at Millwall, 79;
massacre of the crew of the brig Her
Majesty, 110; collision of the Vivid
and the Henry, off Dover, three lives
lost, 126; of the Enterprise, dreadful
sufferings of the crew; of the Catherine



Sharer, the St. Abbs, and the Abbotts
Reading, 166; gales and losses at sea
in November, 310 vessels wrecked, 169,
180; loss of the steamship Faith, 203;
return of wrecks in the year 1855,
sion of the King of Sardinia to the con-
vention of April 10, 391; Military
Convention between England, France,
and Sardinia, 393; supplementary con-
vention between England and Sardinia,
394; convention between England,
France, and Turkey, for the guarantee
of a loan, 395.

Despatches-Relative to the promo-
tion of Serjeants in the Crimean regi-
ments, 397; attack on Eupatoria, 398;
siege of Sebastopol,' 399; battle of the
Tchernaya, 404; fall of Sebastopol, 406;
expedition into the Sea of Azoff, 409;
capture of Kinburn, 422; operations in
the Baltic, 424; bombardment of Swea-
borg, 425; battle of Kars, 432.
STATUTES, TABLE OF, 18 & 19 Vict.-i.

Public General Acts, 437; ii. Local and
Personal Acts, declared public and to be
judicially noticed, 442'; iii. Private Acts,
printed, 450; iv. Private Acts, not
printed, 451.

STOCKS-Prices of, highest and lowest, 469.
SWEDEN AND NORWAY-Important Treaty
of Sweden with the Western Powers, by
which the latter guarantee the integrity
of the Swedish territories, [482].

Strahan, Paul, and Bates, the bankers-
their examination at the Police Court
and Bankruptcy Court, 98; their trial
at the Central Criminal Court, 359; the
Burdon slow-poisoning case-trial of
Joseph Snaith Wooler, for the murder of
his wife, 375; trial of Baranelli for the
murder of Mr. Lambert, in Foley Place,
and execution, 4; singular trial of Dr.
George Smith and Robert Campbell for
arson, at Edinburgh, 10; execution of
Barthelemy for the double murder in
Warren Street, 14; trial of Elizabeth
Laws for the murder of Mrs. Bacon, at
Rochester, 17; of Mddle. Doudet, a
French governess, for cruelty, at Paris,
26; of Joseph Cleary for the attempted
murder of Mr. Leah, 33; of Thomas Mun-
roe for the murder of Isaac Turner at
Lamplugh, 34; of Sarah Newton for
poisoning her husband and son, at Bar-
net, 45; of Lazarus Hempstead for the
murder of his wife, at Halstead, 51;

Trials and Law Cases-continued.

of William Wright, for the murder of
Ann Collins, at Lydiard Tregoz, 53;
of Æneas Prendergast for the murder of
Maurice Prendergast, at Claremorris, 53;
of Charles King, the thief-trainer, 61;
murders by insane persons; trial of G.
H. Smith for the murder of his wife,
and of Rebecca Turton for the murder
of her husband, 110; of Joseph Mea-
dows for murder of Mary Ann Mason,
at Dudley, 113; of Joseph Richards
for murder of John Davies, at Brecon,
117; of Lieutenant Austin for cruel-
ties in Birmingham Gaol, 120; of
Fleming Coward for attempted murder of
James McNeill, at Maryport, 124; of
two boys for murder of a companion at
Liverpool, 138; of Abraham Baker for
murder of Naomi Kingswell, at South-
ampton, 154; of Isabella Jolley, for
murder of her mother, at Knightsbridge,
159; of Sutton for poisoning his
father, at Taunton, 181; of Jonathan
Heywood for murder of Martha Jones,
at Rochdale, 182; of the Rev. Vladimir
Petcherine for Bible-burning, at Dublin,
184; of William and Mary Aspinall for
starving their child, 193; the Cudham
murder trial of R. T. Palin for murder
of Jane Beagley, 198; of Thomas Cor-
rigan for the murder of his wife in the
Minories, 204.


Civil Causes.-The Marriage Act-
The Queen v. Giles-charge of false entry,
50; great will case-Sefton v. Hopwood,
60; the Law of crossed Cheques-Car-
lon v. Ireland, 192; trial at Paris of
Mdlle. Doudet, a French governess, for
cruelty to an English family, 26.

UNITED STATES- Misunderstanding be-
tween the English and American Govern-
ments on the recruiting question, [283],
and on the Central American question,
[284]; strange difficulty in electing the
Speaker of the House of Representatives,
[284]; the President, nevertheless,
delivers his Message to Congress-its
topics-foreign relations-Central Ame-
rica, [285]; the Sound dues, [291];
Treasury, [292]; Army, [293]; Navy,
[293]; Interior, [293]; Constitutional
theory of Government, [294]; Constitu-
tional relations of Slavery, [296]; Dis-
cussion on the Message, [301]; Dreadful
railway accident near St. Louis, 22
persons killed, 170.
Cambridge, 475.


Oxford, 472.

VIENNA, the Conferences at-Failure of
the negotiations for peace; history of
the proceedings; the Four Points,
[201]; extracts from the letter of in-
struction to the British plenipotentiary,
Lord John Russell, [202]; opening of
the Conferences, [208]; the two first
points, the Principalities and navigation
of the Danube, settled without difficulty,
[205]; the third point, the limitation
of the power of Russia in the Black
Sea, gives rise to dissensions; the Rus-
sian plenipotentiaries refuse to initiate
a proposal, and declare that Russia will
not consent to any limitation by treaty,
[287]; Turkey formally received into
the European system, [208]; proposal
of the allies respecting the Black Sea,
[209]; declined by the Russian pleni-
potentiaries, [212]; who make a propo-
sition for the opening of the Dardanelles
to ships of war of all nations, [213];
which is rejected by the allies, [214];
conferences virtually at an end; but
Count Buol suggests a further plan on
the principle of counterpoise, [215];
it is rejected by the other allied Govern-
ments, who insist on the principle of
limitation, and the conferences are
closed, [216]; views of M. Drouyn de
Lluys and Lord John Russell opposed
to their Governments on this subject,
[217]. (See PARLIAMENT [74, 84,
152]) Circular of Count Nesselrode
respecting the negotiations, [218];
speech of the Emperor of the French
to the Legislative Assembly in reference
to the conferences, [220].

WAR WITH RUSSIA-Gloomy prospects of
the Crimean army; dreadful privations
and sufferings of the troops, [189];
complete break-down of our military
system; report of Sir John McNeill and
Colonel Tulloch; heart-rending details,
[190]; painful narratives of eye-wit-
nesses, [193]; benefits of the "Times
Fund," [193]; manifestoes of the Em-
peror of Russia; their resolute tone,
[194]; treaty with the King of Sar-
dinia for his participation in the war,
[196]; circular of the Emperor of Rus-
sia, [196].

Operations in the Baltic-Numbers
of the allied fleets, [223]; massacre of
a boat's crew of the Cossack at Hango,
[223]; explanation of General de Berg,
[224]; of Prince Dolgoroucki, [225];
the passages into the Gulf of Finland
set with "infernal machines," one of
which explodes and injures several offi-

War with Russia-continued.

cers, [227]; bombardment of Sweaborg;
the fire entirely destroys the intérior of
the fort, [228]; dissatisfaction at the
small effect of the naval operations,

Events in the Crimea-The Russians
attack Eupatoria, and are repulsed with
loss, [230]; the Russians advance the
defensive works of Sebastopol into the
allied lines by fortifying the Mamelon,
[231]; desperate contests for the rifle-
pits, [231]; sortie of the Russians;
opening of a bombardment on 9th April,
which is ineffectual, [232]; general
description of the place by an eye-wit-
ness, [232]; General Canrobert resigns
the chief command to General Pelissier,
[233]; active operations of the new
commander; the French, after a severe
conflict, carry a place d'armes, [234];
expedition to Kertch, which is com-
pletely successful; Kertch and Yenikale
taken, [235]; the light squadron twice
sweep the Sea of Azoff, destroying im-
mense quantities of stores, [286]; the
Russians blow up and abandon the
fortress of Anapa on the Circassian
coast, [237]; the French capture the
Mamelon, the English the Quarries,
[237]; bloody repulse of the allies on
the 18th June from the Malakhoff and
Redan, [238]; gallant capture of the
cemetery by Brigadier Eyre, [241];
Prince Gortschakoff's narrative, [242];
Death of Lord Raglan; General Simp-
son appointed to the command, [246];
desperate attempt of the Russians to
raise the siege; battle of the Tchernaya;
bloody defeat of the Russians by the
French and Sardinians, [246]; general
assault on Sebastopol on the 8th Sep-
tember; the English are repulsed with
great loss from the Redan, and the
French on other points; but the latter
take and hold the Malakhoff, [248]; nar-
rative of the subsequent events, [248];
Gen. Simpson's despatch, [254]; descrip.
tion of the interior of the Malakhoff by
an eye-witness, [256]; Prince Gortscha-
koff's narrative; his enormous losses,
[256]; the Russians, in consequence,
abandon the south city, [257]; general
order of Prince Gortschakoff, [258];
horrors of the interior of the city;
narratives of eye-witnesses, [260, 264];
successful cavalry engagement near
Eupatoria, [265]; General Simpson re-
signs the command; General Codrington
succeeds, [265]; dreadful explosion of
the French siege-train, [265]; the Em-

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