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itfelf, and in whofe purposes there is no variableness, nor fhadow of turning!

WHERE the practice of the world does not interfere with God's commands, it is the part of a truly wife and good man to pay it due attention; but where it does, there can be no doubt whether we ought to obey God or man: and holy fcripture frongly cautions us against following a multitude to do evil. Unneceffary fingularity is no part of a chriftian's character; nay, he makes it a point of duty, to conform to other men as far as he innocently and fafely can, that he may, with a better grace, and confequently with greater influence of example, differ where he finds it neceffary.

As to the liberty of judging for ourselves, that is by no means defigned to be taken away or even reftrained by the gospel, ex


cept in cafes of which we are not compe tent to judge; nay, we are required to exercife our judgements and to prove all things; only we are to take all circumftances into confideration, with a fair intention of holding faft that which fhall appear to be good. But further it will be urged by fome, and it will be thought by many, that fuch circumfpection and care as all this requires, would take up a large share of their time, would lay them under confiderable reftraints, and interfere with the established courfe of the bufinefs and amufements of life. The proper anfwer for a minifter of Chrift to make to thefe objections is, to ask-are these things required by God or not? Search the fcriptures and fee: if they be, are you willing. to escape eternal misery and obtain eternal happiness upon the terms: which infinite wisdom and goodness hath thought fit to propofe? What can be more unreasonable


or inconfiftent, than for men to take fo much thought and pains, to encounter fo many and grievous discomforts, to subject their darling inclinations to the fevereft reftraints, forego all amusement, and neglect their most preffing concerns, as we frequently fee they do, in order to obtain fome favorite object, which (rate the things of this world at the highest,) must neceffarily be given up in a few years, perhaps to-morrow, or in guarding against the tranfitory evils of this life; and yet to grudge the small portion of time and pains which is neceffary to deliver us from eternal fuffering, and secure to us that perfect happiness which is to laft for ever?

Nor that in reality we take from our engagements here, what we lay out in the purchase of eternal happiness hereafter. This world and the next are parts of the fame constitution of things, and that temper


and conduct which qualify us for heaven, beft promote our true interests on earth; that reverential, yet chearful reliance upon the wisdom, goodness, and power of the Father of the universe, that unbounded benevolence and unwearied beneficence, that purity of foul, and that enjoyment of intellectual pleasure, which springs from exalted affections and an enlarged view of things; as they prevent a thousand fources of mifery, fo do they also constitute in themfelves the most delightful of human fatisfactions, they expand the heart and give an inexpreffible relish to every inferior gratification.

BUT it was never intended that men fhould retain their corrupt inclinations, and encourage thofe views of happiness, whether founded in pleasure or advancement, on which worldly men act, whilst they endeavor to conform outwardly to the commands

mands of the gofpel, acting under continual reftraint, and suffering perpetual difappointment: but that they fhould correct their evil propenfities by judicious felf-government, and embrace thofe views of happinefs, which the word of God proposes, in conformity with the real condition of things, and the whole conftitution of human nature; thus actually believing and even feeling that their interest and their happiness are to be found in those paths alone to which their duty leads; and that the Creator knows, and has ordered what is most for the good of his creatures.

TRUTH has nothing to fear from the feverest investigation; and therefore the advocates for the gofpel do not even wish to conceal that there may be fome feeming exceptions to this comfortable reprefentation of the effects of chriftianity; not to dwell on the cafe of the first professors of it,


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