Sivut kuvina

iffued and applied the fum of 1,664,822 1. 4 s. 5 d. out of fuch monies as shall or may arife of the furpluffes, exceffes, or overplus monies, and other revenues compofing the fund commonly called The finking fund.

3. That fuch part of the duties which have been, or fhall be, paid upon iron imported in foreign-built fhips, navigated by foreigners, as exceeds the duties payable upon iron imported in British-built ships, navigated by British fubjects, be not drawn back upon re-exporta


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4. That the drawback, which was formerly payable upon the exportation of foreign rough hemp, and which was difcontinued by an act made in the fixth year of the reign of his present majefty, be reftored, upon condition that the preemption thereof be offered to the commiffioners of the navy. And that an act, made in the fourth year of his prefent majefty's reign, intitled, An act for granting, for a limited time, a liberty to carry rice from his majesty's provinces of South Carolina and Georgia, directly to any part of America to the fouthward of the faid provinces, fubject to the like duty as is now paid on the exportation of rice from the faid colonies to places in Europe fituate to the fouthward of cape Finisterre,' , which was to continue in force for five years, from the 24th day of June, 1764, and from thence to the end of the then next feffion of parliament, and alfo a claufe in an act paffed in the fifth year of his faid majefty's reign, intitled, An act for more effectually fecuring and encouraging the trade of his majcity's American dominions; for repealing the inland

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duty on coffee, impofed by an act made in the 32d year of his late majefty king George II, and for granting an inland duty on all coffee imported (except coffee of the growth. of the British dominions in America); for altering the bounties and drawbacks upon fugars exported; for repealing part of an act made in the 23d year of his faid late majefty, whereby bar iron made in the faid dominions was prohibited to be exported from Great Britain, or carried coaftwife; and for regulating the fees of the officers of the customs in the faid dominions,' which gives liberty to export rice from North Carolina, in the fame manner, and during the fame limited time, under the like entries, fẹcurities, reftrictions, regulations, limitations, duties, penalties, and forfeitures, as are enacted by the faid act made in the fourth year of his prefent majefty's reign with refpect to South Carolina and Georgia, are near expiring, and fit to be continued.

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in relation to the fending and receiving of letters and packets free from the duty of postage,' be charged upon, and made payable out of, the revenues arifing in the general letter-office, or port-office, or office of postmaster-general. APRIL IS

1. That a fum not exceeding 109,864 1. 19 s. 4 d. out of the money remaining unapplied, of the winter ftoppage of 6 d. per day, made on the non-commiffioned officers and private men of the regiments of cavalry, ferving in Germany in the last war, and of the balance of the stock purfe account of two regiments of cavalry; and alfo out of the monies due upon the final account, ended the 24th of December, 1755, of William earl of Chatham, formerly paymastergeneral of his majesty's forces; and of the final account of Thomas Calcraft, efq; late paymafter of the royal bounty to the widows of the officers of his majesty's land-forces and inarines, and the widows of half-pay officers, ended the 24th of December, 1762; and alfo out of the monies remaining in the office of the paymafler-general of his majefty's forces, fubject to the difpofition of parliament; be applied towards making good the fupply granted to his majefty, towards de fraying the extraordinary expences of his majesty's land forces, and other fervices, incurred to the 23d day of December, 1768, and not provided for by parliament. And

2. That, towards making good the fupply granted to his majesty, there be applied the fum of 59,8791.


Ss. 5 d. remaining in the receipt of the exchequer, on the 9th of April, 1769, for the difpofition of parliament over and above the furplus of the finking fund then remaining for the fame purpose.

3. That the further encouragement of the growth and culture of raw filk, in his majefty's colonies and plantations in America, will be a great advantage to the trade and manufactures of Great Britain.

4. That a bounty on the importation of raw filk, of the growth and produce of his majefty's colonies and plantations in America, will be a proper encouragement for promoting the growth and culture thereof in the faid colonies and plantations. And

5. That a bounty be granted upon raw filk, of the produce of his majefty's colonies or plantations in America, imported directly from America, under proper regulations, into the port of London, for the term of 21 years, in manner following; that is to fay, during the first feven years, the fum of 25 1. for every 100l. value of fuch raw filk; during the next feven years, the fum of 20 1. for every 100 l. value of fuch raw filk; and, during the laft feven years, the fum of 151. for every 100l. value of fuch raw filk; and that fuch bounty be paid out of his majesty's customs.

These were the only refolutions of the committee of ways and means agreed to by the houfe; and with refpect to the fums thereby provided for, that can at present be afcertained, they stand as follows:

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An address of both houses of parlialiament, on Monday the 13th of February, 1769.

Moft gracious fovereign,


E your majetty's mott dutiful and loyal fubjects, the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in parliament affembled, return your majesty our humble thanks, for the communication your majesty has been gracioufly pleafed to make to your parliament, of feveral papers relative to public tranf actions in your majefty's province of Maffachufets-bay.

We beg leave to exprefs to your majefty our fincere fatisfaction in the meatures which your majefty has purfued, for fupporting the conftitution, and for inducing a due obedience to the authority of the legislature; and to give your majesty the strongeft affurances, that we will effectually ftand by and fupport your majesty, in fuch further measures as may be found neceffary to maintain the civil magiftrates in a due execution of the laws, within. your majefty's province of Maflachufets-bay. And, as we conceivethat nothing can be more immediately necefiary, either for the maintenance of your majesty's authority in the faid province, or for guarding your majesty's fubjects therein from being further deluded by the arts of wicked and defigning men, ́than to proceed in the most speedy and effectual manner for bringing to condign punishment the chief authors and inftigators of the late diforders, we most humbly befeech

your majefty, that you will be gracioufly pleafed to direct your ma-· jefty's governor of Mailachufetsbay to take the most effectual methods, for procuring the fulleft information that can be obtained, touching all treafons, or mifprifions of treafon, committed within his December, 1767; and to tranfinit government, fince the 30th day of the fame, together with the names of the perfons who were moit active in the commiffion of such offences, to one of your majesty's principal fecretaries of ftate, in order that your majesty may iffue a fpecial commiflion, for inquiring of, hearing, and determining, the faid offences, within this realm, pursuant to the provifions of the ftatute of the 35th year of the reign of king Henry VIII, in cafe your majefty fhall, upon receiving the faid information, fee futficient ground for fuch a proceeding.

His majesty's most gracious answer.

My lords and gentlemen, The fincere fatisfaction you exprefs in the measures which I have already taken, and the strong affurances you give of fupporting me in thofe which may be ftill neceffary, to maintain the juft legiflative authority, and the due execution of the laws, in my province of Mafiachufets-bay, give me great pleafure.--I fhall not fail to give those orders which you recommend, as the most effectual method of bring、` ing the authors of the late unhappy 12 21



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