At Coventry, upon saint Lambert's day; Lord Marshal, command our officers at arms, SCENE II. [Exeunt.] The same. A Room in the duke of Lancaster's Enter GAUNT, and dutchess of Gloster. spur? Hath love in thy ol old blood no living fire? faded, By envy's hand, and murder's bloody axe. 1 Ah, Gaunt! his blood was thine; that bed, that womb, That mettle, that self-mould, that fashion'd thee, Made him a man; and though thou liv'st, and breath'st, Yet art thou slain in him: thou dost consent Gaunt. Heaven's is the quarrel; for heaven's substitute, His deputy annointed in his sight, Dutch. Where then, alas! may I complain myself? Gaunt. To heaven, the widow's champion and defence. T Dutch. Why then, I will. Farewell, old Gaunt. Thou go'st to Coventry, there to behold Our cousin Hereford and fell Mowbray fight: O, sit my husband's wrongs on Hereford's spear, That it may enter butcher Mowbray's breast! Or, if misfortune miss the first career, Be Mowbray's sins so heavy in his bosom, That they may break his foaming courser's back, And throw the rider headlong in the lists, : A caitiff recreant to my cousin Hereford! Farewell, old Gaunt; thy sometimes brother's wife, With her companion grief must end her life. eth where it falls, Not with the empty hollowness, but weight: groans? Therefore commend me; let him not come there, To seek out sorrow that dwells every where; Desolate, desolate, will. I hence, and die; The last leave of thee takes my weeping eyel [Exeunt.] Gosford - Green near Coventry. Lists set out, and a throne. Heralds etc. attending. Enter the Lord Marshal and AUMERLE. Mar. My lord Aumerle, is Harry Hereford arm'd? Aum. Yea, at all points; and longs to enter in. bold, Stays but the summons of the appellant's trumpet. Aum. Why then, the champions are prepar'd, and stay For nothing but his majesty's approach Flourish of trumpets. Enter King RICHARD, who takes his seat on his throne; GAUNT, and several noblemen, who take their places. A trumpet is sounded, and answered by another trumpet within. Then enter NORFOLK in armour, preceded by a herald. K. Rich. Marshal, demand of yonder Cham pion The cause of his arrival here in arms: : Mar. In God's name, and the king's, say who thou art, And why thou com'st, thus knightly clad in arms: Against what man thou com'st, and what thy quarrel; Speak truly, on thy knighthood, and thy oath; And so defend thee heaven, and thy valour! Nor. My name is Thomas Mowbray, duke of Norfolk; Who hither come engaged by my oath, (Which, heaven defend, a knight should vio late!) Both to defend my loyalty and truth, : [He takes his seat.] Trumpet sounds. Enter BOLINOBROKE in armour; preceded by a herald. K. Rich. Marshal, ask yonder knight in arms, Both who he is, and why he cometh hither Thus p'ated in habiliments of war; And formally according to our law Depose him in the justice of his cause. Mar. What is thy name? and wherefore com'st thou hither, Before king Richard, in his royal lists? Against whom comest thou? and what's thy quarrel? Speak like a true knight, so defend thee heaven Boling. Harry of Hereford, Lancaster, and Derby, Am 1; who ready here do stand in arms, valour, In lists, on Thomas Mowbray duke of Norfolk, Mar. On pain of death, no person be so : bold, Boling. Lord Marshal, let me kiss my sove reign's hand, And bow my knee before his majesty: Mar. The appellant in all duty greets your highness, And craves to kiss your hand, and take his leave. K. Rich. |