1 K. Rich. We will descend, and fold him in 4 Cousin of Hereford, as thy cause is right, wh of you; Of you, my noble cousin, lord Aumerle; [to Gaunt.] Whose youthful spirit, in me regenerate, Gaunt. Heaven in thy good cause make thee prosperous! Be swift like lightning in the execution; thrive! [Hetakes his seat.] Nor. [rising.] However heaven, or fortune, cast my lot, Vol. IV. B There lives, or dies, true to king Richard's throne, K. Rich. Farewel, my lord: securely I espy Virtue with valour couched in thine eye. Order the trial, marshal, and begin. [The king and the lords return to their seats.] Mar. Harry of Hereford, Lancaster, and Derby, Receive thy lance; and God defend the right! Boling. [rising) Strong as a tower in hope, I cry amen. Mar. Go bear this lance [to an officer.] to Thomas duke of Norfolk. 1. Her. Harry of Hereford, Lancaster, and Derby, Stands here for God, his sovereign, and himself, 2. Her. Here standeth Thomas Mowbray, duke of Norfolk, On pain to be found false and recreant, Both to defend himself, and to approve Henry of Hereford, Lancastet, and Derby, To God, his sovereign, and to him, disloyal; Courageously, and with a free desire, Attending but the signal to begin. Mar. Sound, trumpets; and set forward, com batants. [Acharge sounded.? ۱ Stay, the king hath thrown his warder down. their spears, And both return back to their chairs again: Withdraw with us: and let the trumpets sound, While we return these dukes what we decree. Draw near, [A long flourish.] [to the Combatants.] And list, what with our council we have done. For that our kingdom's earth should not be soil'd With that dear blood which it hath fostered; And for our eyes do hate the dire aspect Of cruel wounds plough'd up with neighbours' swords; [And for we think the eagle-winged pride Of sky-aspiring and ambitious thoughts, With rival-hating envy, set you on To wake our peace, which in our country's cradle Draws the sweet infant breath of gentle sleep;1 Which so rouz'd up with boisterous untun'd drums, With harsh-resounding trumpets' dreadful bray, Boling. Your will be done: This must my comfort be, That sun, that warms you here, shall shine on me; And those his golden beams, to you here lent, Shall point on me, and gild my banishment. K. Rich. Norfolk, for thee remains a heavier : doom, Which I with some unwillingness pronounce: The sly slow hours shall not determinate The dateless limit of thy dear exile; The hopeless word of never to return Breathe I against thee, upon pain of life. Nor. A heavy sentence, my most sovereign liege, And all unlook'd for from your highness' mouth: breath? K. Rich. It boots thee not to be compassion ate; After our sentence plaining comes too late. Nor. Then thus I turn me from my country's light, To dwell in solemn shades of endless night. [retiring.] K. Rich. Return again, and take an oath with thee. Lay on our royal sword your banish'd hands; Boling. I swear... Nor. And I, to keep all this. Boling. Norfolk, so far as to mine enemy; By this time, had the king permitted us, One of our souls had wander'd in the air, Banish'd this frail sepulcher of our flesh, As now our flesh is banish'd from this land: Confefs thy treasons, ere thou fly the realm; Since thou hast far to go, bear not along The clogging burthen of a guilty soul. Not. No, Bolingbroke; if ever I were traitor, My name be blotted from the book of life, And I from heaven banish'd, as from hence! But what thou art, heaven, thou, and I do know; And all too soon, I fear, the king shall rue. Farewell, my liege: - Now no way can I stray; Save back to England, all the world's my way. C [Exit.] K. Rich. Uncle, even in the glasses of thine eyes I see thy grieved heart: thy sad aspecto ment. HAU |