Sivut kuvina
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King's Speech. Prosperous State of the Finances.-

Lottery opposed. Motion on the Slave Trade Abolition. - Police


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Parliament.- King's Speech. - Debates: Hessians in the Isle of

Wight. Augmentation of Army and Navy. Supplies.- Slave

Trade.-Lord Lansdowne's Motion against the War.- Militia

augmented. Volunteers.- Debates on the Legality of Subscriptions

to Government, and on the subsidiary Treaties. Differences with

America. Motions against the War. Political Alarms.

Motions respecting Muir and Palmer.

for Reform committed to the Tower.

pension of the Habeas Corpus.- Trials

and Thelwall.· Additional Subsidy to Prussia. -

Campaign in the Low Countries. Austrian Flanders and Brabant

entirely reduced by the French. Their Success on the German

Border. Dissatisfaction of the Emperor of Austria, and his In-

crease of Subsidy. - Conquests of Jourdan and Moreau on the

Lower Rhine. Duke of York retreats before the French, who ad-

vance into Holland.

Their rapid Series of Success in Spain.

Campaign in Piedmont. - Lord Howe's Naval Victory of June

1st. Corsica annexed to the British Crown. Martinico, St.

Lucie, and Guadaloupe taken by the English; the latter recovered

by the French. Internal Affairs of France. Chouans and Ven-

deans. Spirit of Liberty and Equality. - Deputies of Colour

from St. Domingo admitted in the Convention, and Slavery abolished.

Maximum of Provisions. — Reign of Terror: Triumvirate of

Robespierre, Danton, and Barrere. - Destruction of the Cordelier

Club.- Execution of the Princess Elizabeth.- Decree forbidding

Quarter to the English and Hanoverians. Fall of Robespierre and

Change of Measures.. Final Partition and Extinction of Poland.

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A. D. 1760.



Death of George II. and state of the war.

Accession and character

of George III.- Meeting of Parliament and speech.

On October 25th died suddenly at his palace of Kensington his Majesty King George II., in the 77th year of his age, and the 24th of his reign, in the midst of a war with France, carried on in the four quarters of the globe, with a success, on the part of Great Britain, to which its history affords no parallel. The commencements had been highly unfavourable to this country, and repeated losses and disgraces had produced general despondency and discontent; when the spirit of the nation being at length roused, and its energies being directed by the genius of one of the greatest ministers it had ever known, WILLIAM PITT, the last two or three years had been marked by an almost uninterrupted succession of victories by sea and land. The marine of France was nearly annihilated.

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