For Rates of Duties on all articles imported, and for Articles APPRAISEMENT- Continued. PAGE, allowance in for goods deficient-"short shipments".. 49 collector may require class, etc., of goods for... 50, 197 24 of bulky articles on wharf.. 44 of drugs and medicines, requirements as to.. 52, 53 of opium... 53 of wrecked goods. 51 of liquors, hydrometers for.... 48 of vinegar, standard for.... 48, 250 of sugar, standard for...... 47 of grain, standard for. 48 of wool of different qualities in same invoice. 47 of gloves. 47 of goods invoiced at average prices, rules for 46 of merchandise of different qualities in same package. 47 at New York, special provisions for..... 53, 54 remedy where importer dissatisfied with (see Reappraisement). APPRAISERS (see also Appraisements). at ports where none, who to act. to notify importers of damage to goods. General-appointment of. decisions of Board to be published. lease of buildings for use of. at New York, special provisions relating to...... ARRIVAL. ATTORNEY (see Powers of Attorney). AVERAGE PRICES, goods invoiced at, how appraised. B 178 55, 181, 197 55 55 204 180 180 195 178, 180, 181, 197 182 182, 183 183-193 193-197 198 57 53, 54 173 2, 202 BAGGAGE AND PERSONAL EFFECTS (see also Effects in Schedule). not forfeitable because packed with forfeitable goods. BALLAST-when not considered merchandise. 46 12, 13 12, 13 13, 207 144 93, 94 13 13, 191 1,2 For Rates of Duties on all articles imported, and for Articles stamped "not negotiable" for entry 161 for goods between ports of U. S. over foreign territory. 75 BOARD OF GENERAL APPRAISERS (see Appraisers). BOND. transportation of merchandise in... judgment upon, cannot be remitted.. execution of, by corporations. by partnerships, binds all partners by one member of firm, binds all partnership. relating to entry and apprisal- 72 128 136, 166, 225 136 135, 304 135, 304 for entry without consular invoice.. 25, 26, 165 for entry without owner's declaration.. 12, 25 for exportation of goods retained on board.. BOND AND Warehouse SystЕМ. (See Bonded Warehouses. Transportation in Bond.) BONDED WAREHOUSES. Secretary of the Treasury to make regulations for..... merchandise in, at expense and risk of owner..... when goods considered as abandoned in... collector's report of goods in... perishable or explosive articles excluded from lien for freight on goods in (see Lien for freight). charges on goods in.. private-lease of. custodians of... liability of proprietors of........ bond of proprietors of... merchandise in, at risk of owner... limit of government's interest in merchandise in.... for specific purposes. for storing wines, spirits' coal, wood, etc... for storing grain..... 71, 129 57 59, 60, 69 61, 62, 63 71 59 51 58 58 58 58 58 58 57, 58 58 For Rates of Duties on all articles imported, and for Articles 293, 294 BONDED WAREHOUSES-Continued. PAGE. for manufacturing goods for exportation. 120 storage in. limitations on...... of any dutiable merchandise. for goods destined to Jeffersonville, via Louisville, and Albany, 61 of not less than entire package. of not less than one ton bulk. of any portion of invoice. 59, 61, 63, 202 59 59 59 59 of goods after payment of duties. 65 of unclaimed goods.. 60, 65 of goods for immediate delivery. 60 goods of goods not unladen in time.... 61 of goods not duly entered... 59, 60 of goods damaged before arrival. 50 of goods not completely entered. 50 of goods from vessels in distress. 40 of goods of American production re-imported subject to tax.. 59 For Rates of Duties on all articles imported, and for Articles BONDED WAREHOUSES-Continned. of goods for consumption of goods for exportation.... of goods for shipment to Pacific ports... PAGE. 63 61, 62, 63 61 of goods for exportation to Mexico and British Provinces.... 73, 74 BRANDING of imported goods (see Marking). BREAKAGE (see Damage). BRIBERY.... 206, 207 BRITISH PROVINCES, trade with (see Commerce with contiguous countries). BROKERAGE....... 201 BROKERS. custom house, license to...... 302 necessary qualifications for..... 302 license to, extends only to port where issued. CANADA, trade with (see Commerce with Contiguous Countries). CARDS, Internal Revenue tax on imported playing...... CARTAGE of goods for Government, to be open to bidders.. CASUALTY. defined 303 130 ..... to goods(see Damage Allowances. Bonded Warehouses-damage in). CERTIFICATES to invoices (see Invoices). CHARGES. for weighing and gauging.. on goods in warehouses (see Bonded Warehouses). in market value.... CIGARS, Cigarettes, CheROOTS. provisions relating to.... imported, stamping and weighing of. reimported, duty on... for immediate transportation, stamping of. overweight must be stamped. how to be packed. restrictions upon importations of what constitutes legal package of, for importation. 69 49 200-202 13, 14 14 14 14 14 106, 215, 303 13, 14 13, 14 14 14 For Rates of Duties on all articles imported, and for Articles CIRCUIT COURTS AND CIRCUIT COURTS OF APPEALS (see Courts). PAGE. 14 11, 14 14 14 152 may be retained on board steam vessels, free....... 11, 272 11 dutiable if regularly consigned... COASTING TRADE. on frontiers (see Commerce with Contiguous Countries). COLLECTORS. not liable in matters open to appeal. may add to invoice values.... may examine parties as to value or classification. 162, 163, 302 108 108 206 185 197 |