Parliamentary Papers, Nide 14H.M. Stationery Office, 1929 |
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Sivu 5
... Bill business . Also owing to deaths , superannuation allow- ances were less than ... Departments Act , 1921. I have obtained all the information and explanations that I have required , and I certify , as the result of my audit ...
... Bill business . Also owing to deaths , superannuation allow- ances were less than ... Departments Act , 1921. I have obtained all the information and explanations that I have required , and I certify , as the result of my audit ...
Sivu 7
... Audit Departments Act , 1921. I have obtained all the information and explanations that I have required , and I certify , as the result of my audit , that in my opinion the above Account is correct . Malcolm G. Ramsay , Comptroller and ...
... Audit Departments Act , 1921. I have obtained all the information and explanations that I have required , and I certify , as the result of my audit , that in my opinion the above Account is correct . Malcolm G. Ramsay , Comptroller and ...
Sivu 8
... ACT . ACCOUNT of the Sum Expended , in the Year ended 31 March 1928 , compared with the Sum Granted , for Expenses ... Audit Departments Act , 1921. I have obtained all the information and explanations that I have required , and I ...
... ACT . ACCOUNT of the Sum Expended , in the Year ended 31 March 1928 , compared with the Sum Granted , for Expenses ... Audit Departments Act , 1921. I have obtained all the information and explanations that I have required , and I ...
Sivu 13
... Audit Departments Act , 1921. I have obtained all the information and explanations that I have required , and I certify , as the result of my audit , that in my opinion the above Account is correct . Malcolm G. Ramsay , Comptroller and ...
... Audit Departments Act , 1921. I have obtained all the information and explanations that I have required , and I certify , as the result of my audit , that in my opinion the above Account is correct . Malcolm G. Ramsay , Comptroller and ...
Sivu 14
... Audit Departments Act , 1921. I have obtained all the information and explanations that I have required , and I certify , as the result of my audit , that in my opinion the above Account is correct . Malcolm G. Ramsay , Comptroller and ...
... Audit Departments Act , 1921. I have obtained all the information and explanations that I have required , and I certify , as the result of my audit , that in my opinion the above Account is correct . Malcolm G. Ramsay , Comptroller and ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
A.-Salaries Account in accordance Account is correct Accounting Officer Adastral House addition Allowances amount Appropriations in Aid ARTHUR MICHAEL SAMUEL Audit Departments Act Balance Buildings Causes of Variation certify charges Class compared with Grant Comptroller and Auditor connexion Deduct DISTRESSED MINING AREAS Donegall Square Edinburgh ended 31 March Estimate revised excess Exchequer and Audit Expenditure and Grant Expenditure and Grant-contd Expenditure compared expenditure to 31 Fees Government Grant in Aid Gratuities GROSS TOTAL information and explanations Inland Revenue Inspectors Irish Free less than anticipated Less than Granted Loan London Lord Mayor's Fund Malcolm G Messengers Miscellaneous Northern Ireland payable to Exchequer payment Pensions Post Office provision Purchase Railway Ramsay rates Realized Receipts payable Repayment respect Salaries and Expenses saving scheme Scotland Service Shorthand Typists Stores Subhead Sum Expended Sum Granted SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATE Surplus surrendered Telegraph Telegraphists Telephone Exchange Treasury Unestablished Variation between Expenditure Wages week